Chapter Fifty-Two. {she's taken}

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I woke up normal time in the same bed but, with Zayn next to me. I smiled and wriggled out of his grip. He looked adorable sleeping! He won't be waking up till much later..

It's weird because I'm used to waking up with Harry, getting up both at the same time.. Er, shut up Skyla! God man.

I kissed Zayn's forehead slowly and his strong arms wrapped around me suddenly, causing me to let out a gasp.

"Good Morning Babe." He mumbled, his eyes still shut.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

He snuggled up to me, burying his head into my chest.

"I need to get up, Zayn.."

"Why? What's the rush?

Suddenly his phone began to ring from the bedside table, behind me. He groaned in frustration when I passed him the phone.

"Hello?" He answered groggily, sitting up now.

His expression dropped and then stood up, walking around the bed. He gave me a apologetic smile and walked out the room.

What's going on?!

~*~*~*{Zayn Malik}*~*~*~

"Are you serious?! What happened to my nine months off?!"

"Yes, but it's urgent. We need you down at the studio, a soon as possible. It's just for the day." Kevin told me.

"No! I have to spend it with my girlfriend! It's vital for our relationship!"

"I'm sure one day wouldn't kill her." Kevin chuckled half-heartedly.

"I promised I'd spend the day with her! You won't understand!!" I argued.

"It's just one day. I'm expecting you down here in ten minutes." Then he hung up.

I cursed loudly; they can't do this?! I was down at the studio yesterday AND the day before! Yet why is it just me and not the others? Urgh..

"You alright, hun?" Skyla asked me, getting to her feet. She was wearing black shorts, red and white checked shirt which was tied into a bow, showing off some of her tanned stomach. Why is she insecure?

I wrapped my arms around her bare waist, burying my face into the crook of her neck, like Niall does.

"I have to go to the studio-"

"That's okay.. We can-"

"-For the whole day.."

She back away from me, creating space between us. I instantly felt cold without her in my arms, bare in mind I was still half-naked.

"But, you said... what about that shopping we planned for Ed Sheeran's party??" She questioned me.

I sighed, "I know, take Niall or someone. I really am sorry."

"Whatever." She mumbled, running her hand through her wavy brown hair.. God, she's mad at me.

She walked out the room and I groaned; I've ruined everything now.

~*~*~*{Harry Styles}*~*~*~

She sat by herself on the sofa, crossed-legged watching Big Bang Theory. Where's Zayn? Hmm... I sneaked behind her and placed my hands over her eyes.

"Go away Harry." She spoke, dully.

I removed my hands and sat down next to her on the sofa, "How did you know it was me?"

"You have huge hands." She stated, still watching the TV and not bothering to look my way once.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked, curiously.

"Studio. He's gonna be there all day.." She sighed.

"You alright?"

Her brown eyes glared at me; I guess not then..

"What do you think?! We were supposed to spend the god damn day together like he PROMISED. Now I don't have an outfit for-"

"-Hey, Hey, Stop! Let's go right now.." I got to my feet and looked down at her.

"What?" She looked at me confused.

"Let's go shopping."

She scoffed, "Never in your wildest dreams." (a/n sorry I had too!:p)

That's true... "C'mon, it'll be fun.. I'll get you a milkshake?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

A smile was tugging on the corner of her lips, "What flavour?"

"Vanilla of course!"

She grinned, "Okay."

"Great! C'mon then baby.." Oh holy crap.

She looked at me in shock but then pretended she didn't hear it, thank the lord!

~*~*~*{Liam Payne}*~*~*~

"So then left and she looked really upset but, I didn't say anything because, then she'll realise I was eavesdropping." Louis told me and Niall.

We were all sitting on mines and Niall's bed, Louis explaining the situation he'd seen about ten minutes ago.

So Zayn had to go to the studio.. alone? Weird... And slightly fishy to be honest.. Hmm.

"Then what happened?" Niall questioned.

"She just sat there staring aimlessly at the TV. Just a few minutes ago, Harry went down though."

"Ahhh. Let's go see them." I announced.

Harry was putting on his conversers when we came down; he looked up at us and nodded.

"Hey. Where you going, Haz?" Louis asked him.

"Shopping with Lexi." Harry smiled.

I frowned, "Is that really the best thing to do right now Harry? She has a boyfriend, remember..."

Harry rolled his green eyes at me, "Yeah. And where the hell is he now?!"

"Yes but-"

"-but nothing Liam! I just going to get her a outfit okay? I won't try anything!"

"LIEEEES!" Louis exclaimed.

"She's taken, Harry." I reminded him, again.

"And I couldn't care less." He replied coldly before walking out the door.

Well them, this can't end well..

He's going to do something..

Also, Zayn having to go to the studio suddenly.. that's so strange.. Hmm.. Better do some investigating!

Actually, STOP MEDDLING LIAM! Listen to what Eleanor said..

Let it go..


hiii cupcakes!:) thanks for baring with me while I finally typed it up! Ok, Skarry shippers.. Harry and Skyla day in the next chapter YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Who ships who? and WHY? thanks! - Tanisha .xx

 edited: 30/12/13.

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