Chapter Seventy-Two.

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~*~*{{Harry Styles}}*~*~

After grabbing a quick meal from McDonalds to stop Niall's sulking. We headed down to the studio. We hadn't been there for two weeks now.

"Boys! You're back! I thought you forgot about me." Jamie greeted us.

"How can we? You've scarred us." Louis grinned at him.

We all sat down in the swirly chairs discussing lyrics and music. After half an hour, my mind began to wonder.. I had a perfect song.. but, I needed to record it privately.

I whispered to Jamie while the others were joking around, and he told me to come back later and we'll discuss. The song will be perfect.

We recorded another new song that was upbeat and I automatically loved it actually.. but, I realised Zayn loved it a bit more... It was called, 'Still The One.'

"Okay boys! That was brilliant!!! So we'll call it a day?" Jamie smiled at us, broadly.

We nodded, standing up.. he caught my eye and then grinned, "Guys do you mind if I keep Harry behind? I'll drop him back later."

The lads looked at us in confusion but agreed reluctantly, apart from Zayn who said yes almost immediately... I'm still on his bad side. After the next song, I'll seriously be pushing his limits.. Yes, it's that bad. I hope the others will like it though..

~*~*{{Liam Payne}}*~*~

"What shall we do now? Home or?" Skyla questioned us. Niall and I were sitting in the passenger seats while Zayn and Louis were at the back.

"Home... we have much to talk about." I informed her. She looked at me confused, I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she cursed under her breath, realising what I was talking about.

She drove slowly probably dreading getting home but, we eventually got there.. I jumped out the car happily.

"WHY DID YOU DRIVE SO SLOW, ALEX? I NEEDED A WAZZ!!" Louis exclaimed, running inside.

Niall slung his arm around Skyla's shoulder as we entered the house.

I noticed Skyla try and escape upstairs but Niall steered her to the sofas, pulling her to sit on his lap on their armchair. We all have our fixed seats; it's grown on us, we're so used to it.

I scooted to the end of the sofa, closest to Niall and Skyla. Zayn sat furthest away from us, on his phone... anti-social much?

"Soooo... that interview this morning. That was definitely something, eh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"Don't do that.. its' freaky." Skyla smirked at me.

"PRINCESS, DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT." Niall exclaimed, squeezing her causing her to giggle... adorable.

"But I don't know what you're talking about, Liam!"

"The interview! On the radio! Nathan?!" Her eyes widened... YES, YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY FROM THIS SITUATION.

"Erm... I need a wee..." She attempted to get up but Niall had his arms firmly around her waist. She frowned and pouted like a cute baby.

"So, Nathan Sykes.. Your idol, fancies you!!!" Niall grinned. She continued to frown.

"That's huge! You could be going out with your idol, Skyla!" I smiled at her happily.

"Nathan... fancies you? He doesn't even know you though?" Zayn looked up from his phone in confusion.

"Erm, Harry arranged for me to meet The WANTED when we were at Ed Sheeran's party.." Skyla informed him.

He shot up from the sofa, "HE DID WHAT?! THAT WAS MY IDEA!"

"But, you didn't make it work.. He actually went forth and arranged it... ANYWAYS. Now, we have to arrange for you both to meet up!" Louis spoke, excitedly, sliding down the banister.

"NO!! I'M NOT GOING TO MEET HIM AGAIN!" Skyla gasped, her brown eyes wide with shock.

"But, you like him and he likes you!!" What is not to get? They're perfect..

"But.. But.. I don't fancy him like that! He's my idol! As in a fantasy world, crush! One that will never happen!" Skyla exclaimed.

"With One Direction, anything can happen." Louis winked at her.

"I don't want to meet him." She mumbled.

"Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't call him now?" I quizzed her.

"Because-Because... I LOVE YOU." She screamed, rushing up the stairs.

Wait, who was she talking to?

waheyyyyyyyyyyy guess who's back, back, back again! meeee:)) I'm home!

I didn't get much questions.. I was expecting like a list...? :p Oh.. I see how it is:/

Each chapter, we're getting closer to the end... 8 chapters to go! WOHO. PLEASE ASK ME LOTS OF QUESTIONS BECAUSE HONESTLY I DON'T FEEL LOVED AHAHAHAHA.

Love you all though, Goal; 2 votes -Tanisha .x

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