Chapter 8~I drink the best coffee ever?

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I wake up with a slight headache. Last night I couldn't get to sleep forever and now I'm super tired.

I jump out of bed as I read the clock, rushing, as usual to get ready. I grab a pair of skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and a flannel. How much more Canadian can I get eh?

Then I run down the hall to the bathroom, and rush into the shower. When I finish showering, I pull my clothes on, and brush my hair. I have no time to use my hairdryer, so I will just have to leave it to air dry.

I put some concealer and mascara on, and then head downstairs. When I get to the front door, I unlock it to get the mail, and then come back in.

Placing the mail on the counter, I grab a bowl from the cupboard, scrambling to make a breakfast and coffee, almost tripping over my cat, Samuel in the process.

"Hello there sir." I coo, bending down to pick him up. "I haven't seen you for a while."

Samuel lets out a meow in respose as I place him on the ground. I shake my head at him as ge walks away. Then I pour myself a bowl of frosted flakes and start go eat. I am so hungry!

Once I finish, I turn to put the bowl into the dish washer, but end up slipping on some water from my coffee that I split earlier. I groan in anger as I start to pick myself up.

Then I hear a faint chuckle. I turn around quickly in surprise, and end up slipping again. From the floor I can see Jayson taking off his shoes at the front door and walking through the house towards me.

"What the heck?!" I say, glaring at him. "What are you doing here? In my apartment?"

He just smiles as I glare. "I came to get you for school. Thought it would be easier to get you at your house then chase you down the street. Also, I let myself in because I knocked twice and you didn't answer, and your door was unlocked. I'm hoping you don't sleep with it unlocked too." He says.

"I could have met you just fine on the street, and no, I don't sleep with the door unlocked, I had to get the mail." I say with a roll of my eyes, gesturing to the mail.

Jayson is standing over me by now, and reaches out a hand to help me up. I take it hesitantly, and he pulls me up easily. I then place my bowl and spoon in the sink and start to grab some milk for my coffee.

Jayson takes the the jug with the half full milk bag from me, and gestures towards the stairs.

"Go and finish getting ready, I'll finish your coffee. What do you like in it?" He asks.

I can tell that he isn't going to take no for a answer, so I sigh and agree.

"Just a bit of milk, and sugar. The sugars above in the cupboard beside the microwave." I say, turning to go upstairs.

"Your welcome." He says as I trudge upstairs.

When I get upstairs, I change my partially wet jeans to another light wash pair, then I start to dry my hair.

When I finish with the hair, I brush my teeth, even though I know I will get coffe breath, and head downstairs.

Jayson is sitting on my couch, watching the weather network. I throw my hands up, and walk past him to the kitchen, grabbing my coffee, which has been put in a thermos.

I realize how much more smart that is then my usual mug idea. I pick up the thermos and head to the door. Then, placing the thermos on the stairs, I grab my phone, and put it in my bag.

I throw on my coat, shoes, and tuque and then head back into the living room to get Jayson.

"Come on! Let's go." I say, grabbing the remote, and turning off the TV.

Jayson gets up, glaring at me, and comes to the door to put on his shoes. I tap my foot impatiently the entire time I am waiting.

Once Jayson gets his shoes on, I grab the coffee off the stairs and open the door. Jayson follows me out and I look the door behind us.

Jayson leads the way to the road and then hails a taxi within 3 minutes. This would be a personal record if I had gotten it.

When the taxi pulls up, Jayson opens the door for me and slides in afterwards. I groan at how easy him makes it look. It's not fair.

He doesn't talk to me the entire ride until we start to pull up to the curb. He passes some money to the driver and the starts to climb out.

"Ok, well if I don't see you today, I will be by to pick you up tonight at 7:30." He says.

I groan as I remember that we are going out tonight. I totally forgot. How am I supposed to get out of this. I nod anyways, and then scurry off to class.

As I rush up the steps to the building I need to be in, I take a gulp of coffee.

Damn it! Are you kidding? He payed for the cab again, and the coffee he made me tastes like heaven. This is crazy.

I run into class and sit down right before class starts. The teacher begins to explain the lesson, and then the door opens. Jayson hurries in and starts up to his spot. Instantly the prof calls out.

"Mr.Griffith, I would like to speak to you directly after class." He says, and the turns to the class and continues the lesson.

I look over at Jayson, who doesn't really seem fazed by the teachers request, and sigh. He really needs to get better at being rushed. It has taken many years for me to perfect it but its definitely been worth it.

The rest of the class passes quickly, and I actually learn some new things, which is weird, because I usually learn nothing new in this class. I am doing really well in it and find it repetitive

When class is over I walk out of the class. However, instead of leaving I wait at the door for Jayson to emerge.

Being naturally nosy, I peek through the window on the door, and see the teacher talking to Jayson. Jayson's back is to me, so I can't see his expression.

The prof says something, and then they both turn to look at me. I shrink away, and a few minutes later the door opens and Jayson steps out.

"What are you doing here? Come to gloat?" He asks scowling.

"No. What is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Oh come on! You knew he was going to get me in trouble, and you came to talk about your 'top in class marks'" he says.

"What are you talking about? I came to see why he was talking to you. I thought it was about you being late all the time." I say in shock.

"It was basically just a big comparison of how great you are to how crappy I am. Now I need a tutor, or I'm screwed." He says, then he pushed past me go leave.

"Well your welcome for waiting for you!" I say sarcastically after him.

Honestly screw him. I didn't even do anything wrong, and he's acting like a jerk.

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