Chapter 17~I witness a fight?

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I wake up to cursing and pounding noises. I jump out of my bed and peek around my doorway. I see nothing, and everything is silent again before a huge crashing noise echo's through the apartment.

"Sh*t!" Someone curses, and my eyes widen.

Who is in my house at this hour. I didn't invite anyone.... Wait.

I step to the top of the stairs and spot the culprit of the yelling almost instantly. He is just getting through my front door.

"Jayson Griffith!" I yell, stomping down the stairs with my hands on my hips. "Who the hell told you that you could come into my apartment at 7:30 in the morning?"

"The girl who gave me these." He says, dangling my keys in front of my face. "And technically it's our apartment now."

I groan, and then walk over to him. He has a huge dresser next to him, and I guess that it might have something to do with his anger.

"We have to get that up the stairs." I tell him, and he groans.


"Yes. Sorry."

I grab one side of the dresser, and start to back up towards the stairs.

"Can we take a break. My arms are killing." Jayson comments.

"No. We will bring this up to your room, and then we will move everything else too. I don't want all your stuff spread out. I want it organized." I say, reaching the first stair, and starting upwards.

I struggle to stay upright as we reach the top. I turn the corner and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Oh god." I groan, staring at my reflection.

"What?" He asks.

"It's so bad."

"No it isn't. Hair goes like that when you sleep on it. Its kind of funny." He comments.

"Shut up. I know that. It just looks like It's going to suck to brush out." I say, turning into Jayson's new room.

"I'm serious, it looks like you just woke up." He laughs.

"That's because you woke me up. I complain.

Jayson comes closer to me, and pulls me in to hug me to his side.

"Thanks Aubrey. I appreciate this." He smiles.

I smile back.

He pulls me tighter to his side, shaking me a bit.

"This will be fun. You'll see." He whispers.

"Whatever you say." I laugh, pushing him away and heading back towards the stairs.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Jayson calls after me.

"To close the front door. My cat Samuel will get out otherwise. Then I'm going back to sleep."

"No! Then I'll be alone moving all my stuff in. I have to drive back to the frat house again too. Also, I don't remember seeing your cat around." He complains.

"Oh well, you will figure it out and my cat is shy so that's why you haven't seen him." I say, but I feel a bit bad about making him move his stuff all alone.

"Come on! Please come?"


"I'll buy you lunch on Monday."

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