Chapter 29~I start going insane?

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It's only a few hours later when I wake up, and I feel like I've had not sleep at all. Jayson isn't next toe on the couch, so I get up quickly and head upstairs.

I find him in his room. The door is open a crack, and his shirt is off. He is sitting on his bed looking pretty tired. I knock quickly, looking away from him as he spins around and notices I'm present.

"Good morning." I say, looking Jayson over.

"Sorry about last night." He says.

"It's fine, but are you okay? You were pretty out of it last night. How much did you drink?

"God Aubrey, I don't know. A lot obviously." He says, throwing another dirty shirt out of his drawer into the ground.

He's angry at me for some reason, and I don't understand why.

"Did you throw up at all? If you did you did then you should stay home.

"I'm fine. I'm going." he says stubbornly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You're really hungover. Just stay home." I say gently.

"No Aubrey, you don't get to decide what I do anymore. You don't get a opinion that sways what I do. You gave that away when you broke up with me. I don't have to listen to you."

I can tell he's trying to hurt me, but he isn't fully in it. He's to wobbly and off from being his normal self.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I don't get to care. I still care that you are okay, and right now, you aren't. Just stay home." I say back, feeling like I need to be blunt not gentle anymore.

Jayson, heads out of the room and I grab his arm as he steps out.

"I mean it. Stay home." I repeat.

"Honestly Aubrey. Let go. I don't want your opinion."

"Please. You are way to hungover and tired to even function properly. What if there is a surprise test. You won't even be able to remember anything." I say.

Jayson says nothing.

"And we have that formal presentation today in first class. It's worth a lot." I continue.

Jayson goes quiet as he starts grabbing breakfast items. Seeing that he will be staying put for now, I head upstairs to get in a fancier outfit.

I need to look formal for the presentation first class since they have some important people from the head of the school coming. Any new scholarships could be really good for me. I am working two jobs now, and still am worried about if I will have enough for the rent and university courses.

When I come back down, Jayson has just finished eating.

"Fine. I'm staying home." Jayson says, not even glancing at me as I come down the stairs.

"Fine." I respond, grabbing my shoes and walking to the counter to grab some money.

Jayson says nothing, but when I turn around he is looking at me slowly.

I'm wearing a dark red knee length dress with black heels. My hair is up. I am hoping that makes me look more professional.

"We are supposed to dress formal." I say, feeling like I should give a explaination.

Jayson nods, still looking at me.

"I'll see you after school then."I say, slipping out the door. As I turn around to close it I see that Jayson is still looking at me.

It's so weird how he's acting. It's not just that he is completely tired and hung over, he seems...dazed? I'm not sure if that's exactly the right word, but what ever you call the way he's looking at me, I like it. A lot.

I slam the door, heading out to the street and throwing up my hand. As always it takes 5 minutes before a taxi pulls up, but I still make it to class on time.

My presentation is a success and lunch time comes quickly. I don't see Carson anywhere which is great. I don't want to run into him again. He is insane.

Stephanie and Piper are at the table when I get there and I plop into the seat with a groan.

"What's up?" Piper asks, noticing how tired I look.

"Jaysons going through something and I'm getting worried. He's so bummed out, and I don't know exactly why, but it's bumming me out too." I sigh.

"Have you talked to him? You know, asked him what's up?" Steph asks.

"Yeah, sort of. Maybe not directly, but Jayson isn't up front about anything." I say, taking out my lunch and biting into my apple.

"I think you should just ask him. You seem like good friends, so hopefully you will easily clear it up." Stephanie continues.

"Yeah, I don't know if it's that simple." I answer.

"Well you will have no idea unless you ask right?" Piper chimes in.

"Yeah I guess. Thanks guys." I respond.

I finish my lunch just thinking about how I'm going to ask Jayson what's wrong. Neither Stephanie or Piper know the fill story of us dating, so it's hard for them to give advice. What they said still makes sense though. I do have to ask if I want to find out the full story.

When I'm done eating I hug the girls goodbye and head to my next class feeling a bit better. Hopefully when I get back to the apartment Jayson will be in a more normal state.

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