Chapter 5~I go on a date?

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I continue to watch Jayson as we walk along the side of the road. After a few minutes I look away.

Its getting cold out, and I shiver as I walk, burying my neck into my coat.

"Here." Jayson says, and he wraps his red scarf around my neck.

I grab the scarf, not looking at him, as I continue forward. I'm still not forgiving Jayson.

Finally, we get to my apartment.

Its a small red and black brick building with a black door. It sits between two taller buildings that have 2 apartments in each. They make my apartment look tiny and alone. I still like my apartment though. Its cozy, although I do sometimes get lonely.

"Well bye." He says as I start up the steps.

I turn to face him. I almost forgot he was there.

"Bye." I say quickly, as I slip through the door.

The last thing I see before I slam the door is him watching me, and I swear I see him smile.

He is so annoying.

As soon as I get inside, I throw my coat on the banister of the stairs, and untie my shoes. Then I head to the t.v. I sit down on couch, pull one if the pillows into my lap and the grab a blanket.

Then I slip on my glasses and grab the remote, switching on the t.v. I flip to my favorite channel and sit back with a sigh.

This is the life.

I have been watching t.v for a few minutes when I get a text. I pull my phone out if my pocket.

I check my texts, and find one from a unknown number.

-Hey, its Carson. When can I pick you up?-

I check my clock. Its about 5:30. I send a text back.

-How about in a hour?-

He responds almost instantly.

-Sounds great. See you then :) -

I rush up to my room to change. I switch my sweater to a chiffon blouse and take my hair down. Then I reapply my makeup and head down stairs.

My doorbell rings right as my foot hits the tile floor of the foyer.

Who could that be? Its only 5:50.

I open the door, only to find Jayson standing there.He stares at me when I open the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Oh. Just out with someone." I reply.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He says.

That's probably because I don't.

I decide to just play along though. What harm could it do? Maybe it will get rid of him.

It probably will if he just wants me as a girlfriend. I'm guessing that is what is going on. He seems like a player.

"Well you don't really know me so it isn't that surprising." I say.

He just stands in the doorway. Once again his hair is flecked with snow, and his blue eyes are watching me carefully.

"What are you doing here?" I ask suddenly.

"Oh. I forgot to get my scarf back earlier." He explains.

I grab the scarf from off the banister and shove it towards him.

"Well here you go. Now bye." I say, closing the door practically in his face.

I feel sort of bad for that, but I need to get ready.

I rush around the house looking for my purse, and finally find it 10 minutes later at the front door right where I left it.

At exactly 6:27 the doorbell rings again. I pray that this time is is Carson, not Jayson.

My prayers are answered, and this time when I open the door, Carson is the one standing on my front steps.

"Hey. You look great." He says.

"Thanks" I say, blushing a bit.

I put on my coat and shoes and grab my purse as I leave the house.

Carson leads me over to his car and my eyes open in shock. It is a red convertible that looks like it cost a fortune. He opens the passenger door for me as I get in.

"Nice ride." I say as he gets into the car beside me.

"Thanks. My step dad got it for me." He says.

We keep light conversation as he drives down the road and makes a left.

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Not to be cliché or anything, but I want it to be a surprise." He says.

"Ok." I say with a smile. I actually find it cute that he wants to surprise me.

As we continue to drive, we pass the frat house where I guess Jayson lives. Carson stops the car for a second.

"Is it ok if I leave you here for a second? My step brother lives here and I have to drop something off to him." He says.

"Ok with me." I say as he opens the door.

"Thanks. I'll be back in a second." He says smiling at me.

Then he closes the door and walks towards the house.

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