Chapter 2~I have a stalker?

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The cab driver brings me to the school, and I pay him. Then I brush some hair out of my eyes, and step out. The thin layer of snow makes my feet cold.

At least my converse will be warm enough inside.

I race up the stairs to the building and through the large double doors. My computer and design class is a secound year course, but I got moved to it when I first got here. I was ahead of the other students in the 1st year course.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the class can tell that I'm not really in my secound year, but I don't really care. They are only a year or two older than me, and I don't talk to many people in class.

When I reach my classroom, I rush in and smile awkwardly as everyone turns to me. I am almost 15 minutes late.

I sit down in a empty seat next to my 2nd year friend Jen, and take out my computer. Then I take my black rimmed glasses out and slip them on.

"Where were you?" Jen asks next to me.

"I couldn't get a cab. Then some annoying guy got one for me, and humiliated me in front of everyone." I explain.

Jen nods.

"That's annoying." Jen says. Was he at least good looking?" She asks.

"No." I grumble.

That's a bit if a lie. He was attractive, but that won't make up for how rude he is.

The professer starts to explain some basic design skills as the class watches. I chew absentmindly on the end of my blue pen. I am already bored of this class, and usually it is my favorite.

I have already taken lots of notes to make sure I remember the concepts, so I have nothing to do.

I have been sitting in my spot, my head in my hands for 20 minutes when the classroom door flies open. I turn to see who it is, and double take.

It's the guy with the dark hair, only now it is stuck to his face with water, and snowflakes are scattered throughout it. I stare as he walks up the stairs to his perch. It is where he always sits. Top left corner. I prefer the middle. He looks across the classroom to me.

I swear I see him wink at me. I cross my arms over my chest, and roll my eyes, leaning back in my chair. The guy continues up, his head is down, but I can see a grin playing on his lips. I glare.

I can't believe him! After how he made fun of me this morning, he is smiling at me.

"That's the guy that got a cab for you?" Jen asks. "He's hot."

"He is all yours." I say, shrugging and rolling my eyes.

"I would go for it, but it looks like he's got eyes for you." She says, smirking.

I whip my head around to look at what Jen is talking about, and see that he is starring at me.

When our eyes meet, he smirks. I shake my head at him. Then I turn my back on him as he starts to climb through the top row.

"Mr. Griffith. Please settle down." The teacher says.

The guy with dark hair doesn't look at me for the rest of the class, and I'm glad when it is time for my break. I grab my notes and computer, and then walk quickly for the door.

Just as I slip out of the class, I feel someone push me slightly as they go by. I glance up, and see the dark haired guy looking back at me.

"Hey!" I yell, and then I race after him.

This guy is not getting away with doing that to me. He has already messed with me today. I jog down the hall after him, and the papers start to flap loudly in my arms. I groan, and keep running.

I've almost caught up to him when he slips into a crowd of people ahead of me. I try to squeeze through, but it is nearly impossible.

Oh well. Ill get him tomorrow. I guess I'll just go and find Alex, Piper and Stephanie.

I walk to the library and spot Piper and Stephanie at a table. I have no idea where Alex is. He doesn't have his first class until 10:30 though, so he might not be here yet. It is only 10:00.

I sit down at the round table next to Stephanie.

"Hey Aubrey. What's up?" Piper asks.

"You look mad." Stephanie points out.

"That's because I am mad. This stupid guy who lives near me hailed a cab for me this morning." I say angrily.

"And that makes you mad because.." Stephanie says.

"Because he was making fun of me." I say.

"How? Stephanie asks.

"He could have just been being nice." Piper suggests. She always tries to make the best of a situation.

"No. He wasn't being nice. He kept smiling and smirking at me during computer design." I say.

"He could just like you. Sometimes guys act like that. Remember how Alex got all weird with me?" Piper asks.

"Ya. Maybe. That was differnet though. We knew Alex.. Let's just talk about something else." I say, grumpily.

I just want to get off the subject of 'Mr.Griffith'. I don't even know his first name.

"Alex said he would be here at 10:00. Why isn't he here?" Piper cuts in.

"Well obviously he hates waking up, so he probably won't be up yet." Stephanie says.

"We'll see him later." I esure Piper. She is obviously worried that her boyfriend isn't here yet, and his class is soon. He has already missed a lot of classes from sleeping in.

Piper and Alex are adorable together, but Piper worries to much, and Alex worries to little. It should be a perfect balance, but sometimes it doesn't work well. They have started to have more disagreements lately.

We finish our lunch slowly, talking about what we did over the weekend, when I spot something our of the corner of my eye.

Its him.

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