Chapter 6~I enjoy my date?

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I sit in the car waiting for Carson, I think about Jayson. Does he know Carson's step brother? Probably. They live in the same frat house.

Then again, maybe not. I've never been in a sorority, so I don't know if everyone knows everyone.

I also don't plan on finding out. I've never really been interested in getting into a house with a bunch of girls.

I'm the quiet type, and usually prefer to be alone, only with people I know well. That's why I have my own apartment.

I hope to keep it that way.

Why would Jayson choose to share a huge house with people? It would be awful.

And why do I care about Jayson.

What is wrong with me?

I shake my head.

What am I doing

I turn my head to look at the door again, and see it open. Carson steps out and I sigh with relief, but see him turn to say something to someone in the doorway.

I move my head to try and see who it is and and shake my head when I see that it's Jayson. He is yelling at Carson. I can't hear what he is saying, but he doesn't look happy.

Figures that he wouldn't like someone as nice as Carson.

Jayson says one more thing to Carson before slamming the door in his face.

God he is rude. I wonder what Carson did to him? Probably nothing.

Carson walks back to the car and opens the door to get in. His face shows a grimace, but once he gets in, he tries to conceal it.

"Everything all right?" I ask.

"Yep. We're good. Just a bit of a misunderstanding." He replies.

"Oh. Ok. Good." I say, sitting back into the seat.

Carson starts up the car and pulls away from the house slowly.

I look up at the house, and I swear I see Jayson in one of the upstairs windows. The windows are tinted, so I know he hasn't seen me, but I know he is looking at the car.

I look at Carson to check if he saw, but he hasn't seemed to notice. When I look again, the curtains are closed.


Carson is pretty quiet for the next few minutes, but once we get into the busier part of the city, he lightens up and starts to talk again.

"So, you are new around here?" He asks.

"Uh, yep. I came here from California for School." I state.

"Wow. A Cali girl huh. Brave to be coming all the way here where its cold." He says smiling.

"Yep. I wasn't going to come, but my mom convinced me, and I'm glad she did. It's really different from home, but I'm starting to get used to it." I reply.

"What about you? Have you always lived here or...?"

"Nope. I was born in Abbotsford, which is about a hour and a bit from here, and moved here when I was 13. My mom got remarried a few years later, and I've been here ever since." He says.

"So you know the area pretty well?" I ask.

"Yep. I can even point some cool places out if you want." He adds.

"Sounds good." I say smiling.

Really, I would have been fine doing something smaller, since I don't usually like restaurants, but I'm sure I'll have fun with Carson.

We continue to drive and he points a few places of interest. He seems to know a lot about them too, which is really cool.

Soon he pulls into a parking lot and parks.

"Wait here. I'll get your door." He says, opening his door and getting out.

He comes around my side of the car and opens the door for me, helping me out.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around.

We are in behind a small plaza area. Its a pretty quiet area, and I am almost positive that I would never have found this place alone. Carson must now this city really well.

"This looks cool. Its really quiet too." I say, scanning the area.

"One of my favorite restaurants around. Don't worry, it may be small and uninteresting looking, but the food is amazing and the people are really friendly." He promises.

He leads me around to a door and starts to open it. Its locked.

"Oh. This must be the wrong door." He says surprised and the starts around the other side of the building.

"You've been here before?" I ask, looking around.

"Yep. Lots. And here is the other door." He says opening it.

I smile and follow him in.

"Carson!" A man with a dark hair and a mustache says looking at Carson with surprise. "No brother today?"

"Nope. Not today Mino. I've brought someone else though." He replies as Mino shakes my hand enthusiastically and leads us to a table for two.

The restaurant is pretty empty, but nice inside. Very colourful.

"Well this is certainly a surprise to see you Carson. Haven't seen you in a while." Mino says as we sit down.

Carson just smiles. "Yep its been a while."

"What would you like for drinks?" He asks turning to me first.

"I'll have water please." I say to Mino.

"And I will have a Pepsi." Carson finishes.

"Ok. I will be back to take your order in a few minutes." Mino says, and the walks off towards the kitchen.

"So, how am I doing? Is this date any good?" Carson asks, watching me look around the restaurant.

"Yep. This has already been really fun." I say looking at Carson.

"Enough to go on another date?" He asks smiling.

"We will see." I say looking at Carson sideways and finding it funny how forward he is.


Thoughts on Carson?
Thoughts on Jayson?
Any thoughts?

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