Chapter 9~I have a boyfriend?

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When I get to the Library, Stephanie is already at the table with Piper. It is crazy how they always get there so quickly.

"Hey Aubrey!" Piper shouts at me, and the librarians shush us.

We really need to find a new spot to eat, because Piper noisiness is going to kill them. I glare at the librarians anyways, then walk over and sit down.

"Why are you late to our lunch date slowpoke? Even Alex got here before you!" Stephanie says raising a eyebrow.

"He is not here before me!" I say, but then glare when I notice Alex's bag on the seat next to Piper.

"That's right, you are now officially slower than Alex." Stephanie says her green eyes watching my realization play out.

"So, care to explain your slowness?" Piper asks, flipping her straight auburn hair over her shoulder and out of her eyes.

"Probably with her new boyfriend." Stephanie says. I roll my eyes.

"Aubrey has a boyfriend? Stepping up the game huh?" A voice from behind me laughs.

I turn around, knowing already that it is Alex. He laughs at my expression, his brown eyes gleaming as he sits down next to Piper.

I don't want to admit that I was with Jayson, because that would just make the situation worse, so I decide to change the story up a bit. They won't ever have to know. None of them are in class with me anyways.

"For your information, I was actually just waiting for a friend because the teacher had to talk to them about their marks after class." I say.

"Well good thing you aren't going to be hanging out with your boyfriend, because we are taking you out shopping tonight." Piper squeals.

I cringe inside, and I swear I actually see Stephanie shrink farther into her giant mass of light brown curls. She is worried because Piper is crazy on shopping sprees, and I'm cringing because I realize something that could be a problem.

I am supposed to go out with Jayson tonight.

That will be awkward, since he is mad at me now. Actually, no, never mind. I'm not going out with him tonight. He's mad at me for no reason, and it gives me the perfect way to get out of going out for dinner with him, so I'm going to take it.

"Sounds good!" I say, smiling, what time will you pick me up?" I ask, turning my attention to Stephanie.

She is the only one with her own car other than Alex.

"How about 5:00? We can hang out for a couple of hours and then go to my place?" Stephanie suggests, taking a bite of her burger.

"Okay. I will be ready for 5:00." I say.

"Well thanks for making plans without me!" Alex says, and we all turn to look at him. We completely forgot be was there.

"Shhhhh. I will do something with you later, promise. This is a girls thing." Piper responds, hugging Alex, and kissing him on the cheek.

"Fine." Alex says, completely persuaded. He will do anything for Piper.

"Well I will see you at 5:00 then." I say, standing and starting to pack my stuff up.

The others stand and start to do the same. It's almost time for my next class, and Alex is probably late to his. As if on cue, Alex starts to pack faster, and jumps up when he looks at his watch.

"I'm late already!" He sighs loudly, and then kisses Piper on the cheek before sprinting towards the library door.

I can hear him mumbling curse words as he leaves and I smile. Alex is so disorganized, and Piper is so organized. It is hilarious how they get along. Opposites are supposed to attract, but their differences are crazy.

I wave to my friends, and then grab my bag and head for the door. Ten minutes to get to class. Good.

As I walk down the hall, I scroll through my schedule. I quickly take out the dinner with Jayson, and type in the shopping trip. It feels good. Jayson can get lost.

Someone comes up beside me and I almost screech when they brush my shoulder.

"Hey." Carson says smiling at me.

I look at him, the surprise still clear on my face.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?" He asks.

"A bit. I'll survive." I say, laughing a bit.

"What class do you have now?" Carson asks.

"I have a creative writing journalism course. It's sort of a extra, but it was open to me so I took it." I say.

"Is it good?" He asks.

"Yea. I like it a lot but it can be repetitive sometimes. A lot of the projects we do are similar to my English class." I say.

"Are you going to go into journalism?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. I'm trying to get into something with digital design, so I took the journalism course because it sort if connected to my computer and design class." I say.

"That's cool. My step brother likes that kind of stuff too. Not very good at it, but he's trying to do it as a job." He says, smiling.

We reach the doors to my class and I stop.

"This is my class. Thanks for walking with me." I say, turning to Carson.

"No problem. I like talking to you so I'll do it anytime!" He says.

I open the door and wave goodbye to Carson as I walk in. He is so nice to me. It's great.


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