Chapter 20~ I stay honest?

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"So I've heard you and this guy you tutor are a thing. Nobody has given me details, but I definitely intend to track them down. His name is Mason or something right? I didn't really get a clear story, but I am wondering what my best friend is becoming." Stephanie says to at me as we eat lunch.

I sigh.

It's only been a few days since Jayson and I skipped school, and already rumors are spreading.

"Well, I can assure you we are just friends. I am positive he doesn't like me that way." I say, rolling my eyes.

"What about you? Do you like him that way?"

"No. You know I am perfectly happy being single."

"Yes, but are you going to just stay single forever. You push people away to hard sometimes. I'm surprised you even kept that Carson guy that long." Piper points out.

I nod. That was a bad move on my part. As far as I can tell it's not a bad idea to protect myself. That's the second guy that's turned out really bad. Either way, there is nothing going on between Jayson and I. At least not on my end. I can't really know for sure on his side, but he seems to push people away to so it should be fine.

"Yep well I've learned my lesson now. I should be going, but you two should remember that the dating thing won't be happening again. I don't need love from a guy who will just turn out very wrong for me." I laugh.

As I turn away, the smile starts to fade. I don't actually know that I won't mess up again. I need to be more careful with Jayson now that we are sharing a apartment and I see him so often. Those kisses could mean something to him, and although I strongly doubt it, it could be risky.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and head out of the library. My frown stays on my face.

I walk down the halls and don't even notice him coming towards me.

"What's got you so upset? My step brother and you are a thing now right? Didn't take you long to move on." Carson growls, as he comes up beside me.

I speed up trying to leave Carson behind, but he grabs on to my arm and pulls me back, pushing me against the wall.

"Talking to me would be a lot easier." Carson says.

"What do you want?" I glare at him.

"We need to talk. Maybe tonight at 6:00. I'll pick you up."

I shake my head in disbelief. "You think I would be that stupid?"

"Unless you want me sharing the name of the guy you are spending all your time with, I suggest thinking about it. I know you tutor him more than once a week and catch a cab with him everyday after school." Carson says.

"I don't want to see you anymore." I breath out.

"Are you are sure about that Aubrey? Last chance." He sighs. "Don't think I won't tell everyone, including your friends."

Carson raises a eyebrow. "Look who's coming this way. I guess our talk is over for now. Text me your answer before 5:00"

"I already gave you my answer. There is no way it's going to happen." I yell after him as he turns and walks away.

I feel heat on my cheeks and try to calm myself down as I watch him go.

Someone comes up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Jayson's voice whispers, leaning over my shoulder.

I feel his breath on my neck as he pulls his hand away, and I relax.

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