Chapter 10~I lie to my best friends?

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After my third class, I see Jayson in the hallway, and start to avoid him, keeping close to my friend Deila. I am almost past Jayson when he spots me. I try to avoid eye contact, but he grabs my arm as I walk by.

I try to shake him off but he grabs both my arms and his eyes stare straight into mine. The way he is looking at me with so much intensity catches me off guard. I stare at him, mesmerized my how blue his eyes are up this close, until I realize what I'm doing.

We are staring at each other. I shake my head back and forth, glaring, and trying to break his gaze on me. He looks a bit surprised by what just happened to, but recovers quickly.

I groan when I realize that Delia is already halfway down the hallway and I am stuck with Jayson.

"Look Aubrey, I'm sorry about this morning after class. I shouldn't have gotten that mad at you for staying behind to check up on me." He says.

I start to feel better. He is actually apologizing for his mistake on his own. That's a first. Then he continues.

"It did seem really weird though, like you were trying to shove it in my face, so its partially your fault that this whole problem happened." He finishes.

I groan.

"Nice apology jerk, but I think I'm gong to have to pass. I don't have time for this. And for the record, I was only there to make sure you weren't in trouble and make you feel better." I explain.

"While it didn't work. I am still failing that class, and you staying just caused this entire fight." He explains.

I glare. I'm so done with this guy acting like this. I turn away from him and walk as quickly as I can to my last class.

I hear him call out another apology after me, but I just bite my tongue and continue forward. He is so two sided. I just need to ignore him and not make any more comments.


I don't see Jayson or Carson for the rest of the day, so when its time to go home, I hail my own taxi. I'm glad to be alone right now, especially after today's events.

I takes a little while, but its worth it to not see Jayson after our disagreement. I'm not going to call it a fight because I'm trying to tell myself that it isn't that big of a deal to me. I'm just pissed off that he got that mad at me for actually caring. I should just stop feeling bad for others. It doesn't do me any good.

I am getting into the back of the cab, when Jayson runs up to the cab. I start to tell the driver to move, but when I turn, Jayson is already in the car.

Darn it.

I wish he had to stay after school. He sees me glaring at him and I can see him about to say something again. If he decides to try and fix it again, I think I will explode.

I turn away, and stare out my window, deciding to ignore him. He must see what I am trying to do, and decides to try and talk to me anyways. Does he ever give up?

"Look, Aubrey, I'm really sorry for being a jerk, and making it seem like you did something wrong. It was my fault, and I was just mad that I am doing that badly in class that I need a tutor. I would really like to make it up to you and go out with you tonight like we planned. I swear you won't regret it." He says.

I listen to his voice, checking for sarcasm in his tone, but can't find any. I am still pretty mad at him, but I takes a lot to take the blame for something, and he actually seems sincere. I slowly turn around to face him.

"So? What do you say?" He asks, smiling.

"Fine." I answer.

He smiles at me, and his eyes seem to glow. "When should I pick you up?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe 6:00?" I suggest.

"Sounds good he says as the car comes to a stop.

He passes a couple of plastic blue bills over to the driver and gets out, holding the door for me. He sure is in a good mood. I smile and get out, saying bye as I cross the road to the other side.

When I enter my two bedroom apartment I sigh, throwing off my outdoor clothes, and heading to make some hot chocolate. I am feeling pretty good now. I am glad that Jayson and I aren't fighting anymore. I hate dealing with that crap.

A nice stress free evening will be great. I settle in with the cocoa, and turn the TV to a good show. At around 4:00 I get a text from Stephanie. I type in my password, and check the text.

-Hey Aubrey! We are still on for a girls night tonight right? I'll see you at 5:00-

"Damn it!" I say, remembering that I agreed to the girls night today.

How am I going to get out of this without hurting their feelings. I text a reply.

-So sorry Steph. I'm not sure if I can. That friend from my first period just called. You know, the one who is doing badly. Turns out the need a tutor, and the prof suggested me.-

Stephanie texts back in a few minutes.

-Thats to bad! Piper will be bummed out. I guess they just really need a nerd right! Its your duty to help.-

I laugh and type a response.

- Nice one. You and Piper should totally hang out still. I wish I could come. We will all have to hang out soon-

She replies almost instantly.

-Ya that's a good idea. Well I'll text you later. Have fun tutoring-

I sigh and lay back into the couch. I hate lying to them, but I can't cut it off with Jayson when I just told him I would be there.

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