Chapter 27~We pick up speed.

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I wake up tightly encased in Jayson's arms. Our faces are close and our legs are woven together. His hair is a mess as usual and his face is so calm and peaceful that I just watch him. He grumbles and my eyes open in surprise as his eyes meet mine.

"So you watch me while I sleep? That's a bit creepy I would say." Jayson says, his voice sounding horse and a smile playing on his lips.

I roll to turn away. "I was not watching you. I just woke up." I reply.

Jayson moves and his chin rests on my shoulder so his mouth is next to my ear.

"Liar. Don't worry, It's kind of adorable that you do that." He chuckles before rolling away and pulling himself off the bed.

He leaves the room, picking up his shirt that he must have thrown on the floor halfway through the night. I groan at how insanely attractive he is and how much I like him. I hope that we don't have any more problems today. He's going to be the death of me.  I pull the covers off of me and then I pull myself out of bed as well.


When I get downstairs, Jayson has already made breakfast. Scrambled eggs, toast, and of course coffee.

"Hey you already changed! That's a record." He says, putting a plate down at my spot.

"Thanks, you know how I try to impress you." I say sarcastically.

I swear since I moved here my amount of sarcasm has gone up 50%. It's true when people say the third language of Canada is sarcasm.

"Seriously I think you are trying to impress me!" He laughs.

"Says the guy who just made a full blown breakfast for me. You said you couldn't cook very much?!" I say, shaking my head.

"Hurry up and eat, I just cooked so you would leave quickly."

"Okay, okay. I promise I will not be the one to make us late again." I laugh, sitting down and stuffing my mouth with toast.

"So are we telling them today?'' he asks.

"What?! No we are not telling them today!" I  yell, surprised. There is no way this is happening yet. Nobody but him is ready for this. 'What about your friends? Are we telling them today? I say, turning to face Jayson.

I'm hoping that will show him just how crazy it sounds to me. Neither me or my friends would do well knowing about a relationship after two days of dating. It's not that serious, and he's trying to make it official and known to everyone.

I'm a quiet person, not known for making a big deal of things, and Jayson has a crazy obsessive and hateful brother, so he cannot afford to make this so public and make a big deal out of it.

"Sure. We can go to the fraternity tonight.' He answers.

"Yep, now I know you are crazy. You have confirmed it. How could you say that? Your brother lives there and is completely nuts, not to mention he's my ex, extremely protective, and hates you."

"Well at least then he wouldn't be finding out another way, and we wouldn't be keeping it secret from everyone. I want people to know." Jayson protests.

"God Jayson, it's been 2 days. Not everyone needs to know yet. We can't have this being a huge thing. And don't even think about telling your brother!"

"No, Aubrey this is crazy! I want to be able to tell people. Are you embarrassed of dating me or something? Are you unsure about this, because I am not and I am happy we are together."

"Yes, maybe I am unsure. I'm not embarrassed of you, but you are taking this way to fast, at least for me. If you can't see that, than this isn't going to work out. I know how this is going to work best, and that is without telling my friends during the first week." I reply. Jayson looks hurt, but I know that what I said is true. I am unsure, especially when he says crazy things, like we should tell his brother about us dating.

"So is this it than? We are over, and it's been two days? I guess I'm glad we didn't tell your friends yesterday. Maybe this is best. You obviously don't like me like I like you." Jayson says loudly.  I can tell he is trying not to raise his voice.

"Now you are making things up. I am nowhere near embarrassed of you, and I care about you as much as you care about me. You are pushing me, and I'm not okay with it. I've had pushy boyfriends, and past experiences that sucked, so I don't want to rush this. So yes, I guess we are over. This isn't working out. We are already having problems. I knew this wasn't a good choice yet. We should have waited." I say, first angry, and then just broken.

 I get up from the table, feeling like I'm not getting enough air, and grab my bag, heading to the door. Maybe this is a good thing, it certainly seems like it is after that conversation, but as I slip out the door, I feel anything but good. Instead, I feel like curling up in a ball and crying.


When I enter first class I sit down next to Jen. It feels so odd after sitting with Jayson the past few days.

"Hey you! I haven't seen you in a while. Everything alright?" She asks, putting her hand on top of mine as I sit down.

"I've been going through some stuff, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I've been through worse." I sigh, wanting to leave and just go home and eat icecream.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with this. It's going to be hard waking up and seeing him everyday.

At the end of class, the professor asks Jayson to stay behind, and I leave before he can call me over too.


I feel so greatful when the day is over. I get on the bus instead of taking a taxi this time. I'm thinking this may be my new type of transportation. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. When I get to the stop, I walk quickly to the apartment, hoping that I'll miss Jayson. I'm not lucky, and the cab pulls up a second after I get my key out. I'm left with Jayson next to me on the door step as I open the door. 

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"No. I don't want to." I say, taking off my coat inside the door and heading upstairs with my bag.

"Aubrey. Please don't be this way. We still have to live together."

Well that doesn't mean I need to acknowledge you or talk to you...

I close my bedroom door behind me and jump on my bed, rubbing my teary eyes on the arm of my maroon sweater.

I hope this is hard for him too. He made this happen, and although it was also my fault we broke up already, I didn't feel happy or comfortable show it was going. After the horrible relationships I've been in, I think I should be able to talk about what I'm okay and not okay with.

I try to finish my assignments the best I can, but I know they will be crappy compared to normal. My mind isn't in it.

I don't feel like eating, and really just don't want to face him yet. I know not eating isn't a solution, but for one night it will work.

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