Chapter 14~I enter hell?

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The shopping experience goes well, and definitely cheers Piper up. We talk about her fight with Alex and the girls at her sorority, and it makes her feel much better.

By the time it is 2:00, we all decide that we are ready to split. We head back to Stephanie's car, and I jump into the passenger seat before Piper. Piper is dropped off first, and we wave as she heads back inside, hoping that the girls won't mention Alex again.

When we reach my apartment Stephanie stops the car on the side of the road and turns to me. "So what's going on with your apartment? I heard from Piper that you think you might have to move out." She says

"The rent is getting to be too much. I might try to get a better job so I can get some money. I think I'll be fine, but if not then I might have to get a room mate. It will suck, but it will keep the prices reasonable for me." I explain to her.

"That makes sense. As long as your room mate isn't extremely annoying or messy. I know how much of a perfectionist you can be." She says.

"Yeah. I'll just have to try my best. Hopeful Ill have someone interested. See you on Monday." I say, opening the door and slamming it behind me.

I enter my apartment and head to the couch, grabbing my laptop from the counter. I need to look for jobs, and list my apartment so that I can get a room mate as soon as possible.

I find a few job opportunities, and apply online with a email and cell phone number as a contact. Then I list my apartment and cross my fingers.

I really hope this works.

I get emails from two of the jobs I applied for within hours, and add the meetings to my calendar. I don't get anyone asking about the rental space.

A text from Jayson is the only thing that gets me out of my grumpy mood.

-Hey, are you free for tomorrow?-Jayson

-I guess so? Where do you want to meet up?-Aubrey

-How about my building?-Jayson

I mentally groan. It will be really busy.

-Sure. Do you have your own room?-Aubrey

-Sort of. I have a roommate.- Jayson

-Oh. What type? There is always a type.- Aubrey

-The lazy type- Jayson

I laugh.

-Sounds like someone I know- Aubrey

- Not me.-Jayson

-Sure...Anyways, what time should I come over?-Aubrey

-How about 2:00?-Jayson

-Ok. See you then-Aubrey

I set the phone down and head upstairs to take a shower. I wonder what Jayson's frat house will look like. They are supposed to be really gross.

Everyone I know who's gone to a frat house says it was a horrible experience.

I take a shower and slip on some pajamas before turning on an alarm and getting in bed.

I guess we will just have to see what it's like tomorrow.


As I walk up to the frat house I start to think that this could be a extremely bad idea. How am I supposed to tutor Jayson with a large amount of boys around.

I knock on the double doors, but nobody comes to open them. I can here loud music inside, and the hollering of boys.

Once it is clear that nobody is coming to the door, I open it for myself. I'm sure this is the right building by now. It's just as Jayson described it. Hell.

My opinion doesn't change when I get inside. Its exactly as I expected. Red solo cups litter the floor, and it smells like sweaty guys. There are gym bags and piles of shoes by the door, so I take mine off, and bring them with me. That's another weird thing about Canada. They are really particular about wearing shoes in the house.

I walk by a room and look in to see a crowd of boys around pool table. Nobody looks up, and I don't want to come in contact with that many boys if possible, so I turn away and continue towards the stairs. As I pass by another room, a tall guy with blond hair walks out, almost knocking me over.

"Sorry." He says, stepping back.

I start forward again.

"Hey, I've never seen you around here. Do you need any help finding anyone?" He calls after me.

I spin around. "Yes actually. Does Jayson live here?" I ask.

"Griffith? Yeah. He should be upstairs in his room." He says.

When I stay put, waiting for him, he sighs and heads upstairs, motioning for me to follow. He leads me up the stairs and then all the way down the hallway to the end. He then points to the door on the left.

"This is his. I'm going to leave it to you. Last time I broke in he almost killed me. He likes his privacy, and that isn't easy to get around here." He laughs.

"Ok. Well thanks." I say, waving as he heads back down the hallway.

I reach up, knocking on the door. I second later, the door opens to a guy that is definitely not Jayson. He has short styled brown hair, dark brown eyes, glasses, and is about my height, unlike the spindly tall Jayson.

"Is this Jayson's room?" I asks, looking over his shoulder

"Yeah. Looks like you've found the place." He says.

He opens the door and gestures for me to come in. Jayson is sitting on a bed on the left side of the room, and he is reading.

I almost don't recognize him just because of that. I have never seen Jayson reading in my life, and never expected to.

I stand, staring open mouthed until the guy with the glasses coughs. Jayson looks up.

"Oh! Hey Aubrey." He says, looking surprised. He looks at me putting the book down and the getting up from the bed. I glance at the book and realize that it is a recreational book. It's not even school related.

"I didn't know you read." I say, turning to leave the room.

"Oh yes, Jayson has taken up reading as of very recently" The guy with the glasses smirks, although I'm not sure why.

Jayson glares at him, and then grabs a pile of text books off his bed and gestures for me to follow him out of the room. He completely ignores the other guy as we leave.

"Are you on bad terms with your roommate?" I ask.

"No. Ethan just likes being a jackass when I have people over, so I tend to keep my distance. He likes making me look dumb." He says.


"Let's go to another room. One of the rooms downstairs is usually more quiet." He suggests.

"Sure. Sounds good to me." I say, following behind him.

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