Chapter 1~I'm homesick?

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The days have been so long since I left California. Moving to BC really changes you.

The sky is always gray, not to mention the fact that it always seems to rain just as you start to get out of the house.

Believe me when I say, its hard to be happy when the sky never agrees. The blue colour that I used to know is totally gone, and so is my interest in everything lately.

I try to get up in the morning on a good note, but once I realize I am here, that usually changes.

At first, coming to Canada from the USA was the best thing ever. Its different, with millions of pine trees, cool temperatures and the mountains frosted over with snow.

I was also given total control and responsibility because I came here with out my parents.

The people here are great too. They have funny accents, especially as you get farther north, and even say some things differently. They actually do say sorry A LOT, which I thought was just a stereotype.

I always thought that the USA and Canada were more alike, but they have quite a few differences. And you see them more in time.

For me, as soon as I touched down and got to the city, it already felt different. The atmosphere almost felt more free, and empty. Even in the city of Vancouver, it is nowhere as crowded feeling as California.

I haven't really had much time to explore yet, but hopefully that will change once I figure every thing out.

Every morning, I get up, and get ready for school. Each day is the same.

The sky.

Gray and gloomy.

My coffee.

Always with as much cream and sugar as possible.

The people.

Always staring at me as I try to hail a taxi, and fail.

At least it seems like they are staring.

I try so hard, but I never succeed in doing anything right. I'm so frazzeled and unorganized, which bothers me, because I'm one of those people that is a neat freak.

The main problem is how alone I feel. I moved here alone for University, and have been here for 2 months. I am only 19, and have never been away from my parents for so long. Its killing me.

I would never decide to leave usually, since I am such a home buddy, but I really wanted to go to The University of British Columbia, so I forced myself to.

Even though the people here are nice, and seem to be pretty cheery most of the time, I am missing Sunny California. I miss home.

Today is no different. I wake up feeling tired and cheated out of sleep. I rush to put on something presentable. I look in my closet, scanning it quickly.

Never mind. Being presentable is over rated.

Its the end of winter, and I am finding it to cold for me. Plus, nothing is washed. I have gotten really lazy lately.

I slip on a red wool sweater and some faded jeans. Then I throw my kinky blondish hair into a pony tail, and put some makeup on my cheeks to hide my freckles.

I despise freckles. Not on others. Just on me. They just make me look so young and not put together.

Lastly comes some mascara and lip gloss. I don't seem to have any ChapStick available, even though that's what my lips really need. They are so chapped from the dry winds.

I rush to eat a muffin, and then throw on some shoes and a coat, not bothering to zip it up. I'm already late. Grabbing my coffee and computer bag, I rush out the door.

People smile at me as I rush down the street, practically stumbling and skidding all over the snow lawns of the other apartments. A rain drop hits my cheek.

Of course its raining. It always seems to be raining or snowing. Usually raining. At least its not pouring though.

It should be spring within a month or so. I will still have to start dealing with the rain once that starts, but no snow.

I attempt to hail a taxi, but it doesn't work. It never does. I keep swinging my arm around, and I am sure I look crazy. People look at me, but at least nobody is starring. Yet.

After 15 minutes, I am about to give up. I don't feel like bothering any more. This is worse than usual.

I look down the road to my left and see a taxi coming. I raise my hand and start to wave. Suddenly a tall young man with dark hair rushes up a little farther down the street. He hails the taxi and it pulls over.

Are you kidding me. How did he get it so easily? That is no fair.

I see him glance at me with his bright blue eyes. I turn away, but glance up a few secounds later. He is saying something to the taxi driver. Then he stands back and the taxi starts to drive towards me.

I look down the road at the guy. He has his hands in his pockets, and it looks like he is smiling slightly at me. I keep looking at him in confusion, but my attention is drawn away when the taxi pulls up in front of me and the driver rolls the window down.

I turn to him.

"Uh. What's going on?" I ask.

"The guy back there sent me over here for you." The driver says.

I turn to glare at the guy with the blue eyes and dark hair. I've seen him also hail a taxi most days, and I think he lives in a fraternity around here. Probably the one around the corner.

Those fraternity guys are always so full of themselves and like other people to feel embarrassed and weak. They are all rude, loud and not very intelligent. I can always hear their parties going on at night.

What is the meaning of this. Is he making fun of me or something? I raise one arm, questioning what he did. He just shrugs his shoulders.

Hmm. That's definitely weird. And suspicious.

I brush some lose hair out of my eyes and with one more glance at the guy, I get in. I might as well not waste this. I'm probably going to be late already.

Which reminds me.

I'm pretty sure that guy is in my 2nd year computer class, which starts at 9:15. Won't he be late now? I don't understand what he just did.

I glance out the back window at the guy as we pull away, and I swear I see him grinning.

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