Chapter 26~I lie again.

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Lunch time can't come fast enough as I run out of class, searching frantically for Jayson. If he gets to my friends first, they are going to be really mad at me for not telling them abou us and hearing it from Jayson.

I rush down the hall, barrelling into someone. As I glance up I feel anger flare up in me.


"Hello Aubrey. So I gather that you have something going on  with my brother. I also found out from another guy in the fraternity that he was seeing you during the same time as I was seeing you. I didn't know that you were dumping me to get with my brother." He growls.

"I dumped you for other reasons Carson. You were acting crazy and we obviously weren't right for each other."

"Oh, it doesn't matter now. I'm pretty sure I know where Jayson is staying now and I can show him exactly what happens when he acts against me. I'll just come by his new place and you won't be around to protect him." He laughs, brushing a hand down my arm and walking away.

I want to yell after him, but I don't know what to say. Instead I groan and head towards the library.

It sounds like he doesn't know that Jayson is living in my apartment, so that's good. Right now I hope that Jayson is with my friends so he doesn't run into Carson.

When I enter the library he is exactly where I hoped, sitting at the table with my friends. I see people at other tables glancing over and watching Jayson. He has a much larger reputation than me, and they must find it weird that he is talking to us. Now to find out how much he told my friends.

I walk up to the table and pull up a chair beside Jayson.

"So this is the guy you've been tutoring?" Stephanie asks.

"Yeah. This is Jayson. We met in first class." I say, pulling out my lunch.

"So Jayson where do you live? On residence?" Piper asks.

Jayson turns to look at me.

"He lives in the frat house. You know the one close to my apartment? The big red brick one?" I reply, hoping Jayson didn't say anything yet.

"Yeah I'm looking for a place to stay because I'm moving out and Aubrey said she has space at her apartment so I might be moving in soon." Jayson adds.

"Wow, really... Aubrey didn't tell us she had found a roommate yet. That's nice. I guess that will be easier for tutoring too." Stephanie nods, turning to look at Piper.

They share a glance before looking at me again. I can tell that they are excited to be sitting with Jayson Griffith, who they both know as a popular rich guy. They must think I'm crazy, and are almost definitely gong to be angry I didn't tell them it was him I'm tutoring.

"So are you two just friends, or dating...?" Piper asks.

"Friends." I spit out, grabbing Jayson's hand under the table.

I don't want this to think I'm not wanting to ever tell them, but this is already a lot for them to take in. I'm sure they recognize him as the guy I chased around for getting me a cab and have a lot of questions.

I eat as Stephanie and Piper continue with the questions. Jayson answers pretty well and doesn't give away much, so I relax a bit.

After I finish eating Piper pulls me up.

"It was nice to meet you Jayson, but we have to go. Stephanie and I like to walk with Aubrey to our classes. We will see you later hopefully." Piper says.

We all get up and Piper pulls me along until Jayson can't hear us anymore.

"I'm sorry I didn't say much to you guys. I just decided he could move in a few days ago." I say before either of them can scold me for not telling them anything.

"I can't believe you are going to share a apartment with a guy! And not just any guy, Jayson Griffith!? Are you sure there is nothing going on between you? That's hard to believe." Piper laughs.

"I'm sure!" I reply, but I feel my face start to heat up.

"Well if nothing's going on yet, I'm sure it will happen soon. It's hard to share a apartment with a hot guy and not feel anything for him." Stephanie points out.

"I would say impossible." Piper corrects her.

"He's nice, but as of now we are just friends." I say with a smile, turning into the doorway of my next class.

"We will see you tomorrow okay? We need all the details." Stephanie says.

"Obviously." I reply, hugging them both and then heading into class.


At the end of the day I rush to the spot where I meet Jayson. He's already standing there and pulls me in for a hug.

"Slow down. I still haven't told my friends and if they find out I'm lying to them they will be upset."

"Okay, fine. I'll wait until we get to the apartment." Jayson says with a wink, hailing a cab and opening the door for me.

When we get to the apartment, Jayson swings the door open and then pulls me in, pushing me gently against the wall and kissing me.

"Jayson, this is going too fast. I'm not ready to get fully into this in a few days. I'm sorry." I sigh, pulling away and walking into the kitchen.

I don't want to tell him that I'm scared we will go to fast and I will lose him. I've only ever had 4 relationships that I count (unless kindergarten relationships are added, and then it's 6), and they have all ended badly.

My last relationship ended 4 months ago a week after I told everyone that I was moving to go to university here in Vancouver. He got angry and didn't want to do long distance. He cheated on me two days after I told him, and I found out through a friend of his by accident.

That was my first really serious relationship. The only relationship of mine that lasted more than a year. I loved Chris, and yet he cheated on me like it was nothing. My heart is still broken, and even though it feels like Jayson is fixing it, I'm scared. It's just hard to trust people after that.

I just don't want to mess up with Jayson, and if that means breaking it off when it gets to fast, I will as long as it means we won't lose eachother. He's a close friend already and I don't want anything to happen to change that.

Jayson comes up beside me and whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry."

His hands are on my hips and I feel tingles run through my body, but I pull away and head to the couch. "Let's see what's on. We haven't watched a movie in a while."

Jayson picks a science fiction thriller movie, and I smile when I notice that. He hasn't changed his movie taste just because we are dating.

I feel myself relaxing, and lean up against Jaysons chest. This is the speed I'm okay with for now. Jayson wraps a arm around me, and I sink back.

I fall asleep part way through, even though it's a loud action packed movie.

I wake up to Jayson carrying me upstairs. He's struggling to not drop me, not because I'm too heavy for him to carry, but because it's hard to maneuver legs up a thin stairway. He bumps my head slightly and I moan.

"Oh my god sorry." He says, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine, just get me to my bed in one peice okay?" I laugh, still half asleep.

He puts me down, and I give him a quick kiss before curling up to go back to sleep. I feel Jayson brush some hair gently away from my face, and then he lays down next to me.

He doesn't wrap himself around me or pull me close, instead he interlaces his fingers with mine and lays on his side to face me. I smile, my eyes still closed and then I drift of until I'm asleep.

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