Chapter 11~I witness deja vu?

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Around 6:00, I hear a knock at the door. I walk to the door slowly, and open it to reveal Jayson, his dark hair looking a lot less messy then usual. He is wearing a leather jacket and the same scarf that he left here last time.

I shiver from the cool night air coming in through the door, and gesture for him to come in. All of the snow has been gone for weeks now, but it is still pretty cold out.

"You can go sit in the living room, I'll be right back." I say, heading up the stairs to change my top.

I already did my hair, and pulled it down from its ponytail, but I realize now that I will be cold in the top I am wearing. I'm not used to how cold it is here. It's so different from California, and I'm guessing that even Fall will be cold for me.

I grab a v-neck maroon coloured knit sweater, and switch it out for the top I have on. When I get back down stairs, Jayson is laying on the big couch, his feet drapped over the armrest.

"I seen you have gotten comfortable." I say, walking over to him with my hands on my hips.

He doesn't seem to care that I have caught him laying on the couch, and continues to lay where he is.

"I like your sweater. It looks good on you." He says, probably trying to get out of the lecture I was going to give him on ruining the couch.

I raise my eyebrows, walking over to him, and starting to pull him off the couch by the red flannel he is wearing.

He starts to fall off the couch, and grabs me by the arm to steady himself, catching me off guard. My eyes go wide as I fall, landing on my back,on the carpet next to him.

He sits up, laughing, and I glare up at him.

"You didn't have to take me down with you." I say, sitting up, and giving him a pointed look.

He stands, putting out a hand to help me up. Then he heads towards the door chuckling, and I follow him. We both put in our boots, and grab our jackets as we head out the door.

He hails a cab and we get inside. I welcome the heat of the warm car as soon as we sit down.

"You find this cold huh?" Jayson asks.

"Yeah!?" I say, shivering.

He just smiles and shakes his head. This probably is nothing for him if he has lived here very long.

"How are you used to this?" I ask.

"I've been living here since I was pretty young, and I've lived in Canada all my life, so this is actually pretty normal." He confesses.

"Oh." I reply, rubbing my arms.

Suddenly he pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I start to wiggle away, but he holds me tighter.

"Aubrey! I'm just trying to help! Will you relax?" He says, rolling his eyes at my reaction to his affection.

I glare up at him, but he isn't looking at me anyways. I sit there stiffly for a few minutes, a bit uncomfortable with our closeness, but then start to relax against his warmth.

I lean against his shoulder, and close my eyes, bathing in the heat radiating off his body.

When the cab finally stops, my eyes fly open to find us on the other side of the city.

Jayson opens the door for me after paying the driver. When we get outside, the coolness returns to me, and I feel myself shiver.

We are on a darkly lit sidewalk, that is pretty quiet for a road in Vancouver. As we walk by a group of guys, Jayson throws a arm around my shoulders, holding me close to him.

I smile at how funny it is of him to worry about me. Definitely not something I would have expected from him.

He leads me to a small plaza, and leads me around the back of it instead of the front like normal.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Don't worry. You'll see." He explains.

He walks over to the code box on the door, and types something in
Then he opens the door. I look at him, confused.

"One of my friends owns this place, and I come here a lot, so he gave me the password." He explains.

He grabs my hand, and leads me through a narrow hallway, to the restaurant. It is almost completely empty.

"It's more busy around lunch." Jayson says.

I smile as he pulls out a chair for me at a table, and sits down across from me.

A waiter comes out, and hands us the menu, and asks for our drink orders. We give him the orders, and then start to look through the menu.

"Gosh. There are so many options!" I say, looking over the top of the menu at Jayson.

He only smiles, shaking his head, and puts down his menu.

"You've already chosen?" I say, surprised.

"I come here a lot, so I know what I like." He explains.

"Mind giving me a hand then?!" I say, raising my eyebrows.

"Sure." He says, picking up the menu. "For you, I suggest the poutine and garden salad. It's really good, plus you probably haven't had poutine before since you just moved here. You have to try it." He says.

I nod. "Sounds good. I would like to try poutine. I've heard it's common here, and I've never had it. They don't sell it very many places in California."

"I've always found that weird. They should sell it everywhere. Almost everyone here loves it." He says.

Typical Canadian.

Jayson and I talk for a little while until the food shows up. Jayson ordered some sort of pasta, and it looks really good. When I look at my plate, I raise and eyebrow. The poutine sure doesn't look like much. I dip my finger in the gravy and taste it. It's actually really good.

"What are these?" I ask, pointing to the white dots littering the fries.

Jayson bursts out laughing.

"Those, are cheese curds."

"What?" I reply, confused. "That's cheese?" I ask.

"Yep. Some people call them squeakers too." He explains.

I glare at the cheese curds. That is so weird. Why is it shaped so weird? They are all different sizes. I am so confused.

"Just try it. I'm pretty sure you will love it." He says.

I pick up my fork, and grab a fry with a cheese curds on it, and pop it in my mouth.

"Oh my god. That's so good! What the heck is this? Magic?" I ask.

"Not quite, but ya, its pretty close to magic." He says, taking a bite of his pasta.

"The cheese curds are a bit weird still." I confess.

"You'll get used to it." He asures me.

I take another bite, and sigh.

"I think your right, we should get this in America." I say. "It's really good."

"I knew you would like it. It's hard not to."

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