Chapter 22~ I go to a party?

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It's Saturday, and it's new years. At 12:00 tonight it will be the start of a new year. I'm excited to be rid of so many things, and start again fresh. I will forget Carson, and all the other mistakes I have made.

Jayson invited me to go to a party at his old fraternity tonight, and I agreed after a lot of convincing. We are only going because he knows his brother is out of town right now and won't be back until Tuesday. Neither of us want to encounter him again.

I don't really want to go to the party, but Jayson said it would be fun and we should actually do something instead of sitting around all night. He says I need to get out more...

It's already 3:00 in the afternoon and Jayson left to meet up with some of his friends, so I'm alone. I got off work today so I don't have anywhere to be.

I decide to go get a coffee from Tim Hortons, and opt to only change my pants from patterned pajamas to sweatpants. I head out and walk down the road until I reach Tim Hortons. Once I've got my medium coffee I head to the library to get a book I need for my third period journalism class. I get back to the apartment in record time. 30 minutes.

I sit on my bed and work on a project for one of my classes. It's super boring and complicated, but it needs to get finished by next week.

About a few hours later I hear the front door open. I decide to finish the project before doing anything else so I can be done with it.

"Aubrey?" I hear Jayson call out.

"Yeah?" I respond.

I hear Jayson start to come up the stairs. He peeks his head into the room.

"Why are you still in pajamas? I thought you were actually going to do something today since you have work off." He says.

"I'm going to that party with you. That's something. I wanted to finish this project early so I'm not rushing." I explain.

"It's already 6:30. Have you been working on this for 4 hours? On a Sunday?"

"Only a hour. I did other things, and now I'm finished, so I'm glad I did the project."

"Get changed and then we can get something to eat and head over to the party around 8:00."

"Ok fine." I sigh, getting up and pushing Jayson out the door.

I grab a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and put them on. Then I brush through my hair, and put it back up in a messy bun. It just looks like a tangled mess of hair on the back of my head, but I don't feel like fixing it so a bun will do. I put a little makeup on, and head downstairs.

When Jayson sees me he shakes his head.

"What happened to your hair?" He asks.

"I don't know. It was a tangled and this was the best option."

Here let me try." Jayson says, coming to stand behind me.

He slowly takes out my elastic trying to not create knots and combs through my hair with his fingers.

"What are you going to do with it?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. I'm just trying to untangle it." He laughs.

"Ouch." I grumble as he pulls it slightly.


I turn around when be tugs it again.

"Okay, that's enough for you." I say, backing away from him. "I'll go get a brush."

"I said sorry. Your hair is too wavy to untangle." He laughs.

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