Chapter 4~I confront my stalker?

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My third class bores me to death. The prof is so dull. I try not to nod off by tapping my pen on my desk. Some people seem annoyed, but its helping me, so I ignore them.

After third class I head to 4th, which passes quickly. I meet up with Piper and Steph before grabbing my bag and heading home.

I manage to hail a cab on my own, and don't see Jayson anywhere. I sit in the cab, and start to close the door.

When it is halfway closed, it opens again and the smell of fresh laundry and pine fills my nose as someone sits down next to me.

I turn, almost expecting to see Carson, and instead, come face to face with Jayson. I glare. Jayson turns to the driver and tells him the street that we both live on. Once he is done, he turns to me.


"Excuse me, what do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms, and narrowing my eyes.

"I'm just taking a taxi. A hello would have been nice." He says

"I don't want to say hello because then I have to talk to you." I say.

"Hey! I didn't do anything to you!" He says, holding up his hands in protest.

"So total humiliation in front of a large group of bystanders this morning isn't anything." I ask sarcastically.

"Oh. The cab thing. Is that why you were chasing me all day?" He asks.

I glare at him. This guy is unbelievable.

"You totally humiliated me. Everyone was watching!" I say, angrily, not answering his question.

"I'm sorry." He says, and I can't tell he is being sincere, but am guessing he is. Stupid Canadians saying sorry all the time!

"I was just trying to help you. It looked like you needed it. You never can get a cab." He says.

"I could have gotten one fine without you." I grumble.

"No you couldn't have. They never pull over for you." He says smirking.

"I know! It doesn't make any sense. You always seem to get one." I say breaking my cover.

Crap. Now I have to actually talk to him.

"Well you are pretty short, so really, its no wonder they can't see you." He says.

"No I am not! I am 5'4." I protest.

"And I am 6'1, so I am a lot taller then you. It makes a difference." He says calmly.

"Whatever. Either way, they never pull over for me." I say, glaring into my lap.

We sit in silence for a few minutes. I can feel him watching me as I look out the window.

"I am going to get you a cab every morning." He says suddenly.

"Sure" I say sarcastically, drawing out the word.

"No, seriously." He says.

"Ya. And why would you do that? What's the catch?" I ask glancing up.

"No catch." He says. "I'll do it because I want to, and I can." He says looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Hmm. I think that seems believable, NOT!" I say.

"Seriously. No catch. I'll do it." He says.

"Ya, but look how late you were today. It takes time to get one cab, let alone two." I say.

"That's why we are going to share a cab." He says.

"Great." I say sarcastically drawing out the word again.

"Hey! It is a favor! You should be thanking me." He says.

"Fine. Thank you." I say slowly rolling my eyes.

"You really are something else." He laughs.

"Wow. You are so good with compliments." I say sarcastically.

"I know." He says.

"You know I still don't forgive you for this morning right?" I say.

"I know, so how can I make it up to you? Are you free tonight? We could go out and get some dinner." He says.

"Sorry. To late. I'm already going out with someone." I say, not really feeling sorry.

"What about tomorrow night?" He asks.

"I... I'm busy." I mumble, trying to cover up my lie.

Darn it! He is going to see right through it!

Of course, I'm right.

"Busy with what?" He asks, a questioning tone in his voice.

"Just a thing." I say.

"Ok, so let's do that thing together." He says.

"Ok! Fine! Tomorrow night we can go out." I say, annoyed by how persistent he is.

"Good." He says.

I quickly tell the cab driver to pull over, even though my house is farther down the street, and then start to pass him some bills.

Jayson pushes my hand away gently and hands the driver his own money, and steps out of the cab after me. I raise a eyebrow at him, but he doesn't seem to notice.

Only then do I finally realize how much taller he is. He has is at least a head taller than me.

"Don't you live farther down the road?" I ask him, raising a eyebrow.

"Don't you?" He replies.

I roll my eyes and look away, jamming my hands in my pockets so he can't tell that they are curled into balls. He seriously gets on my nerves.

We walk in silence, but I see him glance at me a couple times. His blue eyes searching me for something.

It looks like he is about to say something, but then he thinks better of it. I turn to him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Nothing" he says, but the look on his face tells me that he was going to say something.

I wonder what.

Maybe check out my other story,
The Abnormalities? :)

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