Chapter 23~ Something changes.

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Everything seems to become so quiet when Jayson's lips connect with mine. His eyes are closed, and I only know that because mine are wide open in surprise. I only saw it coming the second before.

His lips explore mine as he presses closer to me and his arms wrap around my waist.

I don't know how to react at first, but I'm so surprised that I wouldn't be able to react if I knew what to do.

Jayson doesn't stop after people in the main room on the other side of the house start to cheer. Instead he opens his eyes and puts his hands in my hair, kissing me gently.

When he does pull back, he doesn't say anything, just stares at me, completely still.

I push him away from me almost immediately. I'm so confused, and only know that I am really angry with him.

"Are you kidding me? You just did that after what you did to me tonight? I don't need you kissing me because you are drunk and feel bad for me." I say, glaring at him with so much anger that he backs up.

"That's not what I was doing." He says, shaking his head.

"Don't ever try talking to me again, and don't come after me." I growl.

I leave him standing there, and rush for the door, pulling on my shoes and racing outside.

I run to the end of the road, and then hail a taxi. When I turn and look back, I don't see Jayson.

I get home in about 10 minutes, and rush up to the front door, pulling it closed behind me.

I debate locking it, but I know he doesn't have a key, and I don't want to be too hateful.

I run upstairs and throw myself into my bed, still wearing clothes.

That kiss felt so real even though that's obviously far from what it was. He had been drinking and Did know what he was doing. I don't know what to think, but I do know that I am angry with him. And that scares me. I don't ever want to talk to him again.

I lay staring at the ceiling for a while, and hear the sound of the door opening about a hour later when I finally start to drift off.


I wake up earlier than usual in the morning because of how crappy my sleep was last night. I get changed into a pair of leggings and a long sleeves athletic shirt and put my hair up.

I walk past Jayson's room as quietly as possible. Then I go down the stairs and head for the door. Just as I am about to slip out I turn and see Jayson sitting on the couch. We both stop dead in our tracks, and his cheeks go a bit red. He starts to get up, but I back away.

"Aubrey, can we talk about last night please? I think we need-"

I close the door in his face and run down the path, making it to the sidewalk. The door opens again and I look back. Jayson is on the step looking at me. He looks broken, which makes me feel somewhat happy. At least he knows how I felt last night.

Jayson doesn't come after me, which is good because I'm not ready to say anything to him.

I run past stores, apartments and businesses. I run all the way past the street that the frat house is on and the stop to sit on a bench at the edge of a park.

I sit for while just trying to clear my head, and then I get up and head back to the apartment. Hopefully Jayson will be gone when I get back.

It takes a bit longer to get back since I am drained of energy, but I make it. I slip through the door, and head upstairs. I can hear the shower going, so I'm guessing he's in there.

I walk into my room, closing the door behind me, and then change into clothes and head back downstairs. The shower is still going, so I feel like I am safe to get some food before he is done.

I eat a wrap and then feed Samuel before starting back upstairs. I realize the shower is off to late and I am already face to face with Jayson.

I ignore him and try to step around him completely. I'm still mad about last night. He left me alone at a party he invited to me, and I had one of the worst nights off my life. And then he kissed me.

Jayson stops me as I am about to pass him on the stairs. His hands, still dripping from his shower grab my shoulder.

"We should talk." He says, and I glance over at him. He looks hurt when I shake my head and try to push past him again.

"You can't ignore me or stay mad at me forever. We live together and it's not that big of a apartment. I'll see you again at some point." He says.

I push past him again and go back into my room, wishing there was a lock on the door. He's not wrong, I will see him, but that doesn't mean that I have to talk to him. For now I just need alone time.

I bypass dinner, not feeling hungry anyways. Jayson leaves the apartment around 6:00, knocking on my door first and saying that he forgot something at the frat house.

I don't answer him, but he doesn't break into my room. He realizes that there is no way he can convince me to talk to him.

Jayson doesn't come back for two hours, so I decide to sleep. He won't be able to bug me when I'm not awake.

I get in bed to go to sleep around 9:00 at night, and drift off almost instantly.

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