Chapter 3~I run into an attractive guy?

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I stare at the guy with the dark hair, my mouth wide open. Piper raises her eyebrow.

"Do you like that guy?" Piper asks gasping.

I glare at Piper and the turn to look at the guy. My eyes narrow.

"Aubrey! You have that weird look on your face that means you are about to do something irrational!" Stephanie says.

I jump up out of my seat, knocking a whole pile of books off the table. They make a loud hollow noise as they hit the ground. People around me glare.

"Hey! You!!" I yell, stomping towards the the guy.

The guy sees me and starts to run. I follow his lead and chase after him.

Everyone in the library is starring at me. The sterotypical old librarian shushes me as I jog by.

Oops. I forgot you aren't supposed to yell in the library. Oh well.

I continue to follow the guy. He is only walking, but he is all the way down the empty hallway by now.

"You! You owe me a explanation!" I yell after him.

He turns to look at me and I stop in my tracks, thinking he might come back and actually give me a explanation. I think wrong, and once he realizes who I am, he starts to run away.

"Hey! No! Don't you dare run away from me!" I yell.

When I get mad, there is no way the other person is getting off easily. I am going to catch that guy. He glances back at me as I chase him. Then he slips through a doorway. I run to the door and glance up.

Darn it! Its the men's bathroom!

I walk back to the library defeated. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.

When I sit down at the table with Stephanie and Piper again, they both turn to look at me.

"You are mad a Jayson Griffith!?" Stephanie screeches.

"If that's what that guys name is, then yes!" I say angrily.

"You do realize that he is a year older than us, and his dad is a really important RICH business man?" Piper points out.

I stare at Piper.

That doesn't change what he did.

"I don't care! He's annoying!" I reply.

Stephanie is starring at me.

"Do you seriously mean to tell me that the guy you just chased, Jayson Griffith, hailed a cab for you this morning, and you are mad?" Stephanie asks.

"Yes! Why is that so confusing to you two?" I ask.

"Because he is sort of mysterious, and hot." Piper points out.

"Whatever. I don't understand you guys. I've got to go to class though, so I'll talk to you two later." I say.

Before they can answer, I am gone, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

I walk through the halls, looking downwards. All of the sudden I bump into someone. The other persons papers are all over within seconds.

I look up and my mouth hangs open. In front of me stands a tall guy with light brown hair and brown eyes. He is pretty good looking, and looks as surprised as me.

"Oh my god. I so sorry!" I say, pulling off my glasses, and sticking them in my back pocket. I kneel down and start to collect papers.

"Its ok. It was my fault, I didn't watch where I was going." The guy says. I stand up and hand him the papers.

"No! It was my fault." I say.

"Carson" The guy says, sticking out his hand.

"Aubrey," I reply, taking his hand and shaking.

"Aubrey. That's a nice name. Is there any way I could take you out tonight to make up for this?" He asks me.

Did he just ask me out?

"Um sure. As long as you don't kidnap me or something. I'm new around here, and probably would never find a way to get home." I reply, smiling.

"What's your number?" He asks.

I tell him my number, and he enters it in his phone.

"I will call you later to ask about tonight." Carson says.

"Okay." I reply, blushing slightly. I can't believe this is happening. I never wanted a guy to ask me out, but this guy seems really nice.

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