Chapter 24~ I take risks.

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I wake up to a knock on my door. Glancing at my clock I read that its 11:30 at night. I pull the covers up over my head again. I stay still and relax when the knocking stops.

Then I hear the door squeak open, and groan in protest. I just want to sleep forever. I have calmed down a bit, but I don't want to talk to Jayson.


I pull the covers off my face so I can see him. The light from the hall illuminates his face in the dark of my room.

"Go away."

He doesn't move, so I turn my back to him.

"We need to talk." He says.

"No. I don't want to be woken up to talk with an annoying, untrustworthy person who does misleading things when he is drunk. I had bunch of people pressure me at that party. You lied, left me, and made me feel stupid..." I start, but am cut off by Jayson, when he crawls onto my bed, and lays down next to me so I am looking right at him.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I look straight at him to see if he is messing with me. I can't take anymore hurt today.

"Please don't ignore me anymore. I miss talking to you and doing a the little things with you too much."

Every bit of joking is out of his voice. He is genuinely upset that I'm ignoring him.

"I don't know if I can talk to you right now. I don't know where we are with each other after what happened last night. Why would you do that?"

"I'm sorry I kissed you without warning. I shouldn't have, but I don't regret it." He sighs, flushing pink.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I know where I am with you already. I like you a lot and I don't want to lose you over this." He says.

"You were drunk last night. You weren't yourself. You can't base how you feel about me on that. How do you know I want this?" I say, annoyed that he is this close to me.

I'm angry that he's doing this to me. Acting like it was a real kiss last night. I know better.

"I don't know if you want this, that's why we need to talk about it." He says.

"I don't feel like talking about this tonight. I'm tired and I'm too angry with you."

Jayson rolls to face me and carefully rests his forehead against mine.

"Just stop. It hurts when you do stupid things and then try to confuse me. I know this isn't how you really feel about me. You just kissed me last night to make up for leaving me alone to get drunk." I whisper, trailing off.

Jayson brushes a hair behind my ear, trailing his hand down my neck. My heart's beating so fast and I'm so nervous and I hope he can't tell.

He leans closer, making eye contact and kisses me on the forehead. It's not a long kiss, just enough for my cheeks to get warm and make me wish I wasn't angry with him and he didn't have to be so stupid. I open my eyes to look at Jayson.

"I meant what I did last night Aubrey. I may have been drinking a little, but I'm not drunk now. I didn't know what I was doing last night, I just knew I was losing you. I shouldn't have kissed you like that and just assumed you would feel the same about me. It was selfish and rude to think you would be fine with it." Jayson whispers, his face still close to mine.

"Jayson, you know this will mess up our friendship. We were so close and this has already started to mess that up." I breath out.

"I want more than a friendship with you. I realized that a while ago, and knew for sure last night. This doesn't have to change how close we are though." He says searching my eyes.

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