Chapter 13~I lose the passenger seat?

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When the taxi drops us off at my house, Jayson gets out with me, telling the driver to wait for a minute.

He follows me to the door, and when I open it and start to say goodbye and close it, he stops me.

"I had fun tonight Aubrey. We should do it again sometime." He says.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"As friends obviously." He continues, rolling his eyes.

"Ok...I had some fun as well. I'm up for it. But before we go out again just for fun, we need to get together so I can tutor you." I say.

"Ok. Deal. When are you free to tutor?" He asks, smiling.

"At the earliest, Sunday. I am supposed to be hanging out with the girls tomorrow."

"Oh yes. So you can tell them all about our romance while tutoring." He laughs.

"I guess?" I say, rolling my eyes at how funny my friends are.

"Ok. Well I will have to get your phone number in order to contact you." He says.

I quickly grab a pen of the side table near the door, and hold out my empty hand to him. He looks at me in confusion.

"Your hand please?" I say, looking at him expectantly.

He slowly gives me his hand, and I take it palm down. Then in the blue pen, I write my phone number on his hand.

"You know I have a phone I can put it into right?" He laughs.

"It's more fun this way." I explain.

"You do realize that all the guys back at the house are going to think that I just got a girlfriend." He says.

"Oh whatever. Just wash it off after you save it to your phone" I say, spinning him around, and then pushing him out the door.

"Bye." I call after him.

He waves as he enters the taxi, and I close the door as the taxi speeds off.

I head up to my room after taking off my coat and shoes, and put some pajamas on. Time for another movie night.

I wish I had some Tim Horton's coffee right now. I have grown quite close to it over the past few months. I head to the living room, grabbing my phone, and sitting down on the couch.

I have a text from Jayson already.

-Yep, the guys all congratulated me on my girlfriend. I didn't even try to explain otherwise.-

I type back a quick message.

-Lucky you. I'm sure they were surprised to find out you could get a girl.-

Then I sit back and turn on the t.v, flipping through the channels. I want to watch Grey's Anatomy, but it isn't on, so I head to my room to work on a project for class.

Around 11:00, Jayson texts back to me.

-So what time on Sunday works for you? And do you want to come here to the frat house, or should I come to your apartment?-

I text back almost instantly.

-My apartment obviously. The frat house seems like hell.-

-Okay, okay. I get it, your apartment it is. You will have to come to the frat house at least once. The guys all want to meet you now.-

-Ok. I will at some point.-

-Well goodnight.-


I place my phone onto the side table next to my bed, with a 10:00 alarm set so that we will get to Pipers sorority house on time to pick her up. Stephanie is going pick me up first, and then we will go to get Piper.

I clean up the papers from my project, and then get into my bed, shutting off the bedside table light.


I wake up to the loud noise of my alarm. I sit upright in shock, and then slowly climb out of bed to turn it off.

Well at least I woke up this time.

Last time I woke up a hour late when I missed my alarm.

I take a shower, and then I pull some clothes on. Stephanie will be here pretty soon. She always seems to be late, but its already 5 minutes until she is supposed to be here, so she will be here in about a half hour.

I hear a car honk its horn around the time I expected, and hop up from my chair. I get my coat and shoes on, and then head outside, closing the front door behind me.

I head to the passenger seat, happy that I will get it instead of Piper, but glare when I see her already in the front seat.

"What happened to picking Piper up after me? And me getting the front seat?" I groan, climbing into the second row and into the seat behind Piper.

"Sorry Aubrey, Piper gets shot gun since I picked her up first. Plus, she deserves it with what she has been through last night and today." Stephanie says.

I glance at Piper in the side mirror out my window. She looks really upset.

"What happened?" I ask, feeling really bad for her.

"She had a fight with Alex, and the sorority girls were getting on her nerves. They can get to nosy sometimes." Stephanie explains.

I nod in response.

"Sounds like a good day to go shopping." I laugh, smiling at Piper.

She let's a small smile out.

"I'm just glad to hang out with you guys, and get a break from the drama." She says.

"So Aubrey, your turn to explain what you did last night. What's up with you and this hot guy you are tutoring?" Stephanie asks.

"What made you think he is hot? You didn't see him!" I say.

"His voice was really hot." Piper says, turning in her seat to look at me.

"Well he certainly isn't hot." I say, half lying.

Jayson is good looking, but not what I am usually in to, plus his crappy attitude makes up for it.

I stare at Piper as she gives me a accusing look.

"So what's his name? How long have you been tutoring? What school does he go to? Tell us everything. Its clear that he is 100% hot." Stephanie asks, ignoring my last statement.

"His name is Mason, I only started last night, and he goes to our school. I only have 1 class with him, and no, he isn't hot." I say in one long breath, thinking quickly to change Jayson's name.

"Does he have abs?" Piper asks.

"Oh my god. How would I know that from tutoring? I swear we are only friends, if that, and by the way it's rude to judge someone only from their appearance." I state.

"It works for me. Hot people are usually nice." Stephanie laughs.

I groan.

My friends are crazy.

I stare out the window ignoring the rest of their questions. We get to the mall, Stephanie drops us off and tells us she will meet us inside. She has to park the car.

We nod, and then head inside. Maybe now they will focus on something other then Jayson and I.

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