Chapter 8: getting kicked out

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after the incident...

William:i'm terribly sorry about the damages to your business, madam

?:oh its alright

William:let me fix it *he summons delete then pressed it after that the damages got repaired*

Rimuru:William you idiot!! he's a minister! i mean that was seriously badass but still! and kaijin was it okay to fight him? wasnt he a minister?

Kaijin:hah. not a problem if there's a new place that needs me.

Rimuru:but you've worked so hard for the king you're just going to leave him?

Kaijin:hah! i figured you'd bring that up. his majesty wouldnt be happy if i'd turned the other cheeck when my savior was insulted. not standing up for you would have dishonored my king. so for the better or for worse i'm with you two now!

Rimuru:...all a matter of fact i was hoping you would come to that decision.

KAijin:i figured! bwahahaha! back to the drink then! cheers

they got dragged to the royal palace

Rimuru's pov.

now three days later we're on trial. thanks William!! the only people who can speak freely in this court are nobles who have the title of count or greater. we're the ones involved in the incident and yet we cant even talk aout it without the king's say so merely speaking out of turn will earn us a guilty sentence regardless of wether or not we were falsely accused. instead we get this shady looking character to deliver our statements for us. i giess he's like a public defender. no really this guy seems so shady we met with him several time sto go over our case but he's just shady no matter how you slice it. maybe its just the way he looks, but if i had to sum him up in one word it would be "shady." actually i probably shouldnt judge him by his appearance maybe behind that suspicious face lies a keen mind

William's pov.

William:'i want cookies'

?:... and it was at that point minister vesta, who was enjoying himself and posing no trouble to anyone at all... was set upon by kaijin and his cohorts and subjected to multiple physical injuries.

William:'fuck that guy i mean fuck this system how the hell are we supposed to defend ourselves y'know what i'll just destroy this place nah rimuru wouldnt like that'

?:is this true?

?:it is! i've recieved a statement from the business corroborating as much

I looked at minister

William:'that son of a bitch bastard i just kicked his cheeck'

while in the holding cell, kaijin told us about the depths of minister vesta's cunning.

Kaijin:years ago, i was the leader of the crowns engineering team. vesta was my second in command. he came from a noble family. i'm sure he didnt appreciate having to report to a commoner like me. we butted heads frequently from the start. in his haste to make a name for himself, vesta rushed on a major project... and the plan to create "magi soldiers" failed i took the fall for that failure and had no choice for but to quit the force.

Rimuru:no consequenes for vesta?

Kaijin:nope. he wheedled an offcier of the military to provide false statement to back him up. thus ensuring that all responsibility for the failure fell on my shoulders.


Kaijin pointed to his brothers

Kaijin:these fellows here helped look after me. for all of their clumsiness in everything else, they fought hard to defend me and then we all got kicked out of the military together!

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now