Chapter 23

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william and rimuru were still flying above the orcs, william strangely moved away from rimuru

"hm? what is it?...!" rimuru dodged the someone and that someone landed in front of the orc lord it was gelmud

"what is the meaning of this?! why have you ruined the great gelmud's plan?!"


william was munching on cookies before he stopped 'what the hell is with this guy? he just flew out of nowhere then started yelling about shit who the hell does he think he is? interrupting my cookie time like that.'

"oh that's him!"

"you great oaf! if you had just evolved into a demon lord already... there would be no need for a greater majin like myself to take center stage!!"


'so this must be one of the henchmen serving the demon lord that treyni claimed was involved in the orc lord's birth. a bit underwhelming, if you ask me...'

"what do you mean evolve into demon lord?"

'huh? the orc lord doesnt even have a clue about this so called ingenous plan?'

"unbelievable how dense can you get?!"

"gelmud-sama!! have you come to save me in ny hour of need?! i'm sorry for my failure. and i had laplace's warning and everything..."

"gabiru? what good timing" he lifted his staff as darkness was emitting it.


"death march dance!!" he striked his sword down as a bunch of light bullets shot out from all over the place aiming at gabiru

"eat that lizard, orc lord. he may have been useless, but i did name him as an individual. perhaps his power will be enough to evolve you as i desired."

"is this a part of your little plan? naming multiple monsters?" rimuru said in front of gabiru using predator to absorb the skill

"wha?! wh-who are..."

'so he or the demon lord orderingg him around must be the one behind this orc invasion.'

"g-gelmud-sama wh-why? i thought you said...that i had promise that i might one day serve as your right hand!"

"anyone he cannot use, he gets rid of. that's just how he does things" william said next to gabiru while shrugging

"greetings,, gelmud, was it? despite being rejected by the ogre village, it seems that you manage to do some naming after all."


"are you the one who set the orcs upon our village?"

"if not, you ought to explain yourself now. i was just starting to get bored slaying this endless horde of orcs. but when given a chance for vengeance... my blood lust picks right back up."

gelmud backed up

gelmud growled "yeah, i did it! what's your point?! do not underestimate a higher order majin!!" he did the same before throwing light beams from an unknown source


"i think you're the one who's underestimating us." benimaru said behind gelmud slashing his sword as gelmud rolled being launched and his ear being cut off

"! ear!!"

"that is nothing. my father died to allow me and shuna to escape. and not just him many of our kind. were eaten alive the pain you just felt was nothing compared to theirs."

"d-damn it all!" gelmud backed until he looked up seeing shuna grinning as gelmud backed the hell away "no... this can't be happening! h-how can i be trapped like this?!"


"forget him. that man tried to kill you. it was rimuru-sama who saved you... along with your loyal retinue."

"y-you guys?" gabiru looked around seeing his loyal compainons


"master! sorry i was late" azuma said appearing

"ah there you are azuma"

william and rimuru was next to each other while azuma and ranga was next to them

"ranga don't interfere with them."

"yes master!"

'i can't help but wonder about that orc lord, however his aura is so much more powerful than the orcs though he just seems so stupid like me when i don't get my daily cookies and tea with sometmes milk... but the one beside him seems more dangerous i cant help but feel bad for the guy if he's being manipulated by germ mud but that doesnt mean he can destroy the forest we have to keep our promise to treyni."

"evolve. demon lord."

"yaaah! death march dance!!" gelmud ran away while light beams where still striking down "i've got to get outta here! i'm not wasting my time with these beasts!" he got trapped in strings "what's this...? i can't move..."

"did you think we'd just let you get away? you will be judged and sentenced for each one of our fallen people. your death will not come easily"

"h-help me, orc lord! i mean... geld!"

the orc lord moved

"that's right! repay your debt to me!! i was the one who fed you when you were starving!!"

"i...will grant... lord gelmud's... request."

"if your going to sev him you'll have to deal with us. from what i hear this guy's the one behind everything. but your orcs were the one who actually destroyed our village. we're not going to give you leniency just because he put you up to it."

'this might actually be a golden oppurtunity... if geld eats the kijin, he should take the tremendous leap forward! it all makes sense! i'm too great of a man to die here!!"

the orclord decapitated geld using his cleaver


the orc lord was now eating gelmud

"hang on."

"oof that's disgusting.."

confirmed: the individual geld is evolving into a demon lord seed."

the demon lord's surrounding was being covered by darkness

'the voice it wasn't you was it, fin?' (he thought infinite knowledge was a long name so he shortened it to fin) 'yup it was the voice of the world. i think the orc lord sought to evolve in order to fulfill gelmud's request.'

the orc lord was now more powerful

complete. the infividual geld has evolved into the demon lord. "orc disaster"

"kinda shit name if ya asked me" william said

well i'm not asking am i?


the voice of the world disappeared

to be continued...

extra scene:

'infinite knowledge?' 'yeah?' 'it's kinda long right?' 'what?' 'your name i'll call you fin if you don't mind' 'sure...'

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now