Don't Forget

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William just laying on our couch while watching T.V as his father called him

Gaster:son, it's time for our walk and picnic

William:I'll just finish watching this, it's getting good

Gaster:well don't take long!

Chara:see you there~" she kissed him

they all left as he finished watching and teleported to the trail the others were walking on, he noticed that it was more quiet, it would've been more bustling and happy but right now, it's not, he quickened his pace so as to ask gaster what was happening he then see blood he ran faster and faster he then saw them blood. all over them slash marks 

William:D-dad? ares...chara...adam...!" before he even realized what happened he got transported in a void "hah, no it's not. not real! nOT! GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! SHUT UP!!! IT DIDN'T HAPPEN IT NEVER DID! NO! IT'S NOT! IT'S NOT!'s not" my screams turned into sobs "how... what happened...please." he sobbed and sobbed until his tears turned into blood he then remembered what happened again "STOP WHYY!" he dug his fingers in his face until it left one inch gaps in his face he then got 

error404: destroy... in order to create... destroy

and so I began to destroy universes villages families without remorse I remember them screaming to stop I then began controlling certain powerful individuals to do my dirty work after a while I began to remember my family again and him...jacob he was the one who killed them but he... he wasn't like that, he disappeared suddenly I then remembered her  of course she'd do it I looked for her as I came across one of my "business partners"

Error404: well hello, omnipotent.

Omni: pleased to meet you, though it is unusual for you to be here, in the void

Error404: yes it is, isn't it, well I have to go look for someone

I left then teleported somewhere a woman pink

?: well isn't this unusual, hello, son.

Error404: yeah, no this will not be talking" I began attacking her using all of my power as she too attacked me she isn't that powerful but her attacks can bring down gods I almost killed her as an attack hit me almost killing me I laid there on the ground as she put her foot on my chest 

Astral Mother: y'know, your hotter than that brother of yours, ares though his personality is better, oh I love calm and cool people, unlike you oh, I love him shame he isn't here i'd love to rape him"(ew I didn't even plan that) she says while making a gesture where she puts her thumb between her four fingers 

My body turned black with veins, my eyes' turned into a spiral as my long hair floated with my mouth turning jack-o-lantern like form my eyes turning into multiple loosely drawn circles

as a theme started to play

Error404:I will...kill you... right here... right now...

that was the end of her but my story is still not over but we'll leave it at that but my flashback is how I'm still alive and got transferred in rimuru's omniverse


My father and I have been looking through omniverse as one caught my eye

William: father, is that a new one?

Gaster:yes that is a new one I created it since I was bored 

I entered it accidentally pouring my code in it, since it was a new one there wasn't anything in it so I left

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now