Chapter 35

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William's pov.

"a champion? me...? what are you talking about?"

"i'm not going to force you. i'm only asking."

"yeah, but..."

"you heard what fuze said, didn't you? if another monster beat the orc lord, there's a potential threat to your town so i want the story to be manipulated so that you beat the orc lord."


"and it was the town of monsters that supported the young brave heroes... by offering them supplies and food for mission. this is a narrative that would really help me in my and rimuru's quest to be on good terms with the humans."

"... i have a feeling... that the kingdom of bblumund might be able to assis with this idea."

"ho~? really?"

"if i work with the minsters i know, we can spread rumors to the neighboring nations."

"...! oi! why are you all gung-ho for this idea too?! these are monsters!!"

"i understand your consternation however... forming a fellowship with them has mening beyond just avoiding confusion."

"what would that be?"

"forming a fellowship with them has meaning beyond just avoid confusion. well, from what i've gathere, every one of the over ten thousand monsters here is a named monster if they fellt like it, they could bring down an entire nation-"

"OI! how offensive! you think we'll bring down a nation?!" i said in offense

"i was only using an example-"

"i can bring down an entire plane-" i was covered by rimuru's slime tentacle

'how can someone be so smart be so dumb at the same time?' rimuru said in his head '... but i'm so lovable and harmless' rimuru says in his head sadly as william hugged him 'you are lovable and harmless' rimuru suddenly blushed don't know why though

"anyways, to say nothing of what they could do to us right now. i would like to hear this plan of yours."

"this all assumes, of course that you really do not intend humanity any harm"

"yeah i'd like to build a nation not destroy humanity or the world! if that was what i wanted the world would not be here right now" i say cheerfuly as the others looked at me concerned "if you want, feel free to spend some time here. i'd be happy for you to learn more about us."

"that would be appreciated"

"that goes for you too, are the linchipin of this whole idea. i'd be very happy if you accepted, but i'm not going to force you into it."

"it's just not my style. i'm not cut out to play hero."

"no not a "hero" heroes are a special kind of being, just like demon lords. calling yourself a hero sets fate into motion. if you want to lead a long life and die old, better to be a "champion.""

that is a rule? does that mean you can't just call yourself a demon lord either? i wonder what would happen if i tried to follow milim's lead and called myseld one?"

"whaddya want kid? the adults are talki-" milim suddenly light punched him making him fall unconcious

"lady milim...."

"this is the moment you choose violence?" i say with disappointment in my voice

"n-no i didn't but when he called me a "kid" i just..." milim tried to explain with puppy dog eyes and tears in those eyes

"you might not trust me after getting hit twice... but i'm telling the truth when i say i don't want to force you." i said as milim sighed in sadness "just think it over" i said as i healed him using paste

"can i go outside?"

"of course" after i said this youm left the building to explore the town

"youm instructed me to tell count... that the orc lord's forces found us, and wiped out the entire survey party." rommel said

"i see. if you're already dea-"

"too much thinking right now i'll be at the tree overlooking the town" i said before teleporting

i then chilled at the top of the tree while sighing, truth is i was never tired of thinking i just needed to relax because of the nightmares... death, fire, destruction those were the things i saw but i didn't know what it meant

with youm...

youm bought a barbeque

'better now be poisoned. if it tastes funny i'll just spit it out...' youm said in his head while biting on the meat

"DAMN, THAT'S GOOD!!" he screamed

"isn't it? rimuru-sama and william had high praise for our meat skewers" said a random goblin "say, what kind of sli... er, guys are rimuru and william?"

"good question. i'd say...oh! rimuru-sama is a very grand person! and william-sama is a very cool and smart person!"

'cool? that guy?'

"even if rimuru-sama is a tiny and lovable outside and william-sama seems like a dork"

suddenly youm bumped into someone

"hey! that hurt you ass..." he turned around to see a big orc 'he's huge... then again william is too...'

"you dropped your meat. that was my fault." geld walked to the meat skewer giver thing

'an orc...? are orcs supposed to be this rational?! he seems tough" suddenly geld came back with 6 meat skewers and gave them all to youm

"that should make up for it."

"hang on this is way too many!!"

"i can't let a visitor go hungry."

"what kind of policy is that?!"

"i never see you in town like this geld" the goblina from earlier said

"william-sama ordered me to rest. but it's hard not to wonder about the progress of construction."

"ha ha! he meant that you should relax too!"

"yes... i know, i know."

youm left again to wander the town as he saw the town practically living as if william and rimuru was their god and they are the greatest being to ever existed for them some even ran to youm because he's rimuru's friend making a stampeding crowd as youm had to run to lose them youm lost them as he goes up the hill i was chilling on i was laying on a tree the tree's shade covering me youm then sat on a rock

"have you made up your mind?" i say opening my eyes

"i'm the leader of the survey party. it's my job to keep the rest of them safe. if we go and join a guild in some other country... we might be able to put food on the table. and with thirty people, we could even take some big extermination contracts. i had my own vision for what was possible in the future. but now you want me to be some "champion?" it's far too beyond anything that makes sense. the whole thing reeks. i've decided william. you're not like that awful count. there's a power in the words of those who are revered by their campions i've decided to trust you." he says as he knelt "so i'll be whatever you want me to be." i smiled as rimuru appeared out of nowhere then transformed into his human form

"great. i'm happy you decided to accept." rimuru says as youm blushed but earned a glare from me and my glares were severe so he immediately stopped blushing and i extended a hand

"put 'er there." i say as i opened my hand

"i have high hopes for you, youm." rimuru says as youm blushed again but stopped immediately

this put the plan to turn youm into a champion into motion. but it couldn't happen in just a snap of a finger in order him to be worthy of the title of "champion"... he needed to look part first and we needed him to train and there's no better trainer for him than hakuro as gobta said good luck to him...

To be continued...

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