Chapter 53

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Inside a tent two pathetic men are crying hugging each other

?:ra-ra-rayhiem what do we do!? what do we do now!?

Rayhiem:we-we-we must remain calm my king!!"

folgen and razen entered the tent

Folgen:king edmalis are you safe!?

Edmalis:folgen! what is going on here?! the attendant who just left the tent to have a look at that sudden light died out of nowhere! is it magic? is it a curse

Razen:no, strangely the whole place has been covered with an anti magic area. this isn't anything like what you just mention. if i had explain it, it's probably something that doesn't use magicules. something that is physically driven.

Edmalis:is this... shogo?

Razen:i am razen my king. i will explain the possession progress after we get out of here.


Razen:then we'll have to count on you, folgen.

Folgen:leave it to me.

Edmalis:fo-folgen where are you going!? what about my royal escort...

Razen:my king, allow me to quickly explain things. it's a deathtrap out there now. soldiers are dying without any direction to follow, it's terriblyy dangerous. it's difficult to even say wether or not this tent is safe either. it'll be bad if we don't enforce a retreat. we'll prepare a sheild for you to make your escape, so i beg you to slip away on your own posthaste


Razen:it seems like that light is limited to piercing one or two men in full armour we'll make a shield with teh soldiers so the king and archbishop can hide behind them and escape this place.


Rayhiem:bu-but, but will you be able to command the soldiers? won't it just create panic in this situation...

Razen:folgen has [SPEARHEAD] we'll do it even if we have to force them to gather up." razen opened the tent to see folgen just standing "folgen?"he said confused edmalis walked over to folgen and touched him but he fell it was revealed that a his head had a hole in it the same one with all the others had

Edmalis:aie...AAAAAIEEEE!!! he di-di-di-died?!?!


Edmalis:stand up, folgen! who will be my royal guard if you're not here!?

Razen:was he unlucky and died the moment he left the tent? or don't tell me they were aiming for them one by one...

?:look there! in the sky!!" razen looked up to see rimuru. rimuru then landed

Razen:no way... is this one of the rulers of the monster country!?

Rimuru:the face, you're japanese. is this one of the otherwolders who launched a surprise attack in town?

Razen:the face is, the mind is different."

Rimuru:hmm... well you're no doubt an enemy." he walked passed him as a light killed him the king looked at him shocked

Edmalis:what... razen too...?! 'there's no doubt the witch of the western saint's church failed. that is the one of the rulers of the monsters

Rimuru:so, who are you two geezers?

Edmalis:a little kid such as that!? no...there is no need to be afraid. the reports said he was soft, an easy mark, who is horrible at diplomacy. "you're showing such rudeness, ruler of monsters.


Edmalis:i am king edmalis; king of the mighty kingdom of farmus i am not someone you should" rimuru cut of his arm in a simple slash "huh?"

Rimuru:so noisy. i stopped the bleeding with [BLACK FLAME]s so you won't die. you there, old geezer. is what this scruffy old man said correct?" rayhiem didn't respond still in shock "HEY!"

Rayhiem:huh?! uh...?!

Rimuru:i'm asking you if this is the king of the farmus kingdom. if he's a body double i'll kill him here. if he's real then i have something he needs to take responsibility for.

Rayhiem:re-real!! he's real!! that's the real king edmalis! as an archbishop of the western saint's church, I swear by it!! m-my name is rayhiem! i weild great power within the western saint's church. i will gladly testify that you are no enemy to mankind!

rimruu wasn't expecting this geezer's testimonies at all, but he seems to be one of the people who are responsible, rimuru decided to keep him alive for interrogation

Rayhiem:please let me live even it it's just me

Rimuru:don't move a muscle" william's clone suddenly appeared

Clone:bUt ThAt'S pHySiCaLlY iMpOsSiBlE" he said in quiet and joking tone

Rimuru:kmph! not now!" he said holding in his laughter in this tense atmosphere rimuru then walked to king edmalis with William's clone behind him

Clone:so... you're kingd edmalis. you said you had something to say a while ago." he said in a serious face and lemme tell you it's like the look of a southern father of a daughter your dating looking at you judgingly, shotgun at hand

Edmalis:i'll atleast listen" the clone's hair floated with his eyes turning into repeatedly drawn circles as his face turned black with a jack-o-lantern face

Clone:look carefully at who you are speaking to if you think I'm a nice person who you thought i am you are sorely mistaken. i permit you to speak, continue." rimuru looked a bit schocked but was hidden with his mask he wondered was william this scary?

Edmalis:it's a misunderstanding it all started with a misunderstanding!! my royal entourage only came to this land to establish friendly relations i did bring an army, was that perhaps not to your liking? as a kingg this is for my safety. i wanted to meet you personally, so i inevitably had to bring them with me!

Rimuru:ho? but i heard the vanguard troops harmed my comrades and onsidedly made a declaration of war?

Edmalis:wa-wait that's not it! while the western saint's church sees monsters as enemies, I only came here to establish friendly relations and the other wolders set off on their own. i was fooled as well! to think they woud actually cause such violence...though i may yet be in luck! because now we know that there is a warrior capable of defeating their ilk

Rimuru:i see. so what do you think? do you think we can establisj friendly relations?" as he says this the clone disappeared

GS:notice:the analysis of unique skill: [MERCILESS] has been completed. would you want to use the skill:[MERCILESS]?

Edmalis:i would be most please to! the great kingdom of farmus! i, admalis!! shall establish diplomatic relations with you


Edmalis:you're honored, right? because king is beyond compare to a country like blumund..." the king turned around to see the soldiers from before who were kneeling, dead. "what happened!? what is wrong, my soldiers!?"

Clone:wow, such a shame, it seems the once "great kingdom beyond compare to blumund" has no more residents. the only humans from farmus that are alive right now, is you and the archbishop.

GS:with unique skill: [MERCILESS] the soulds of those who were begging for their lives or asking for help were collected, but individuals edmalis and rayheim have been excluded."

rimuru's aura turned into a black and snake-like form

Rimuru:what a pity. if you weren't king I could've just unleashed my anger right here.well, i can leave that to shion" he said while releasing a powerful aura which put edmalis unconious

GS:the required amount of human souls needed for evolution has been confirmed."

Rimuru:'ah... oh no... extremely...sleepy...'suddenly rimuru felt sleepy to which the clone caught him, rimuru blushed under his mask, he may not be him, but he still looked and act like him


GS:the harvest festival shall now commence.

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now