Untitled Part 38:visiting dwargon

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William's pov.

after a few days after their arrival arubis and suphia returned to the beast country however, a couple of their underlings continue to stay at tempest they've been told to learn from our nation's engineers

Youm:you don't need to study with the others?

Grucius:nah, i'm fine phobio told me to be of good use to rimuru-sama and william-sama

Gobta:grucius, it's our turn to patrol!

Grucius:sorry for the wait!

Youm:'so he's part of the guard, huh? why don't i help out-' a hand was put on his shoulder

Hakurou:it's time to train your sword, boy


the days past and our diplomats return as well

Benimaru:their military is quite a sigh even foot soldiers are trained to the bone it looks like demon lord carrion is quite influential

Rigur:perhaps, that was why the place was so lavish while common homes were rather frugal but it seems like that's what the common people wish for they also sent you two a gift they wanted you two to try some

William:oh fruits!

Rimuru:let's see..." rimuru took a bite "so sweet!"

I took a bite

William:it's good. is it a natural product?

Benimaru:apparently, they've been altered for generations



Ririna:yes. i'll find someone from the production division to participate in the next delegation let's bring these fruits as well!

Rimuru:keep up the good work

I sighed

William:well, We have to prepare to leave for the dwarven nation so the rest is up to you rigurd

Rigurd:leave it to me

Benimaru:rimuru-sama, william-sama if it is alright, could you nominate rigur as the chief delegate next time?

William:hm? why did something happen?

Benimaru:no i have judged demon lord carrion as trustworthy he bears no ill intennt towards us or our nation which is why i think i would be much more useful protecting the nation during my lord's absence

I sighed not annoyed

William:sure that makes sense" i sighed again" this outfit is hot as fuck"

Rimuru:why are you wearing that anyway?

William:these days we are doing more important stuff

we are now walking through the hallway

Rimuru:i'm sure he's quite if he was able to gain your trust

Benimaru:yes in fact, he just laughed it off when I tried to pick a fight


Benimaru:i was beaten black and blue looks like I still have long ways to go perhaps I got full of myself after training with lady milim ah, but I did win against phobio

I threw him an apple

William:congrats here's your prize

Benimaru bowed

Benimaru:thank you william-sama

that was supposed to be sarcastic

the next day

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now