Chapter 54:one of the seven colored primordials

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in the middle of town every citizen is there with the casualties also William now not covered in sheets

Shuna:for rimuru-sama... for each of us, everything is fine as long as rimuru-sama is by our side. but for rimuru-sama, even missing just one of us could lead to his mental state crumbling. it's because you keep sleeping. wake up...shion, William-sama

where rimuru is...

GS:the required amount of human souls necessary for the evolution has been confirmed. statrng now; the harvest festival shall now commence.

Rimuru:'ah, oh no...' the clone came to the resque as it he carried rimuru, rimuru blushed and looked away

GS:report. one survivor has been detected with [MAGIC SENSE]

Rimuru:what...'I can't lose conciousness ina place with someone like that around. i have to do something with his fatigue first, the clone can't help he is barely even existing

GS:report. once the harvest festival has commenced it cannot be halted.

Rimuru:ranga! you there?" inazuma in his wolf and ranga appeared

Ranga:i am here, my lord!" rimuru smiled

Rimuru:good, what good boys..."he says while petting ranga and inazuma "this is a top priority order. proect me and get me back to town. and take these two along as well." he said referring to the two rayhiem and edmalis "i understand everyone's anger, but tall them that they are absolutely not to be killed. that's right... leave it to kaval's group if you must."


Rimuru:'damn it, my conciousness.'

Ranga:my lord! i have one more matter to adress before you rest! how should I deal with the surviving enemy?

Rimuru:ahh... that so you noticed as well. i will summon someone else for that, so let's leave it to them... dispell the anti-magic spell around us." the dome of anti-magic area broke like glass

Ranga:master, if you cast magic in this state...

Rimuru:it's alright... i should be able to manage casting it once.

suddenly a magic circle with three magic circles and a star-like shape in the middle appeared with markings on it the soldiers' corpses disappeared

Rimuru:i have prepared a feast. com out, come and serve me!" as he says that three demons appeared

?:kufufufufu how nostalgic, to witness the birth of a new demon lord.

Rimuru:hey, you lot. there's someone hiding here, playing dead. capture them alive and bring them to ranga over here. ranga i'll rely on you to introduce them to everyone in town.


?:tryly magnificentan offering of such scale as well as the first order from one of our lords." his hands quivered "ahh~ this is such an honor; i couldn't possibly be more enthusiatic about this." "would it be alright for me to continue serving you from now on?

Rimuru:'it feels like someone weird came out' "we'll talk later. just prove that you can be of use to me first.

?:that's a simple matter, please do not worry for a moment oh great master."

rimuru fell unconcious as lucifer appeared

Lucifer:who are you?

?:that should be what I am asking you

Lucifer: my name is lucifer, a subordinate of william-sama

?:ho~ I see

lucifer then carefully put rimuru in ranga's mouth

Lucifer:handle him with care, I cannot afford any damage or hurt from him

Ranga:yes!" ranga then ran "well, until then!" lucifer disappeared

?:now then, shall we begin? our first task... we must accomplish it to perfection to receieve praise.

Razen:'what's this... what is that slime!? i made it through thanks to [SURVIVOR] i was planning to grab his attention to save the king, but to think my brain woul be punctured in a flash. however, it seems like he used all of his strength. who would have thought that he was actually a slime, how surprising. he really is a scary guy, just like he warned the purpose of summoning demons are likely to have them escort him out.right now, while the ruler of the monster nation is weakened, might be my best shot at saving the king. three greater demons. they shouldn't be too difficult to handle. let's take care of this quickly and then follow in pursuit. fortunately, the anti magic area has been disabled for the demon summoning." he says as he stretched 'like, this i can fight at full strength-" he opened his eyes to see two of the demons in front of him "hmph, oh, [SPATIAL MOTION] eh? you lot must've been greater demons for quite a long time, it seems

?:kufufufufu have you finished warming up? step back you two. i shall deal with him. staying true to my master's orders, I shall capture you. you may choose to resis, if you so desire. however i was not given the order to not torment you, so watch yourself."

Razen:you underestimate my power!" anaki- i mean razen said as he pushed his hands forward as a energy blast "[NUCLEAR CANNON]!!" as the blast went near diablo he blew as the blast's direction went up and disappeared

?:that was an impressive piece of magic.

Razen:'he changed it's direction!? no... precast spells have a slim chance of failing when triggered. to think i'd draw a blank at a time like this.'

?:is that all?

Razen:of course not."he slammed his hands on the ground as a giant spirit appeared "war gnome! earth spirit of the root, annihilate that demon!!

?:i see, i see. certainly demons are strong against angels, angels are strong against spirits and spirits are strong aganst demons. keeping this three way relationship in mind, a summoning greater spirit was the correct response." he suddenly appeared behind the dragon with a crystal in his hand "however. it is far too young.the spirit disappeared as he bit the crystal destroying it. "there, you see? it lacks experience."

Razen:'this can't be!! that was a greater spirit!? it would be quite a struggle if the opponent was an arch demon, but to lose in wain to a mere greater demon...!!'

?:something with strength alone is no match for me. enough magic, i wish to test this body that one of my masters has provided for me. let us switch things up.

Razen:'an anti magic area! again!'

?:the preparations are complete. try attacking me whenever you like. physically, this time.

Razen:magic should be a demon's greatest offensive esset what is he plotting?' "fine by me." he ran to the demon to punch him but the demon took his arm and threw him beside him but razen landed using his right hand and used his foot to kick up but the demon dodge razen then back flip and ran to punch the demon again, but the demon dodge 'no, it can't be. he isn't bluffing, he is simply, enjoying it!' he then landed away from the demon, razen breathed heavily suddenly he noticed something 'the [NUCLEAR CANNON] did not misfire either... this guy...' razen then noticed something which shocked him 'one of the kings of the monster nation, you bastard, do you realize what have you called upon? you gave a body to a horrifying demon. what kind of thing have you unleashed upon this world!?'

?:are you done yet?

Razen:'this guy isn't your average demon. this guy is'

?:then it's my turn" he says with a sweet smile while his eyes were closed

Razen:one of only seven colored primordial demons.' suddenly the demon appeared claw in hand in front of razen's face with a sadistic smile his eyes opened

at hayate

VotW:report: individual rimuru tempest's demon lord evolution will begin. monsters in his genealogy will now begin to receive their gifts, monsters of individual william will not receieve their gifts instead they will receieve something else.

Soei:this is...

Hakuro:the voice of the world. rimuru-sama did it." every citizen began to pray and say his name

Benimaru:get your mind strength! our lord has emerged victorious! now it is our turn to weild our powers he will soon return. until the festival end, protect him with all your strength!!

that time i got transferred in another omniverseWhere stories live. Discover now