Chapter 27

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"mountain 633m. mountain 634m. mounatin 635m."

rimuru is currently naming the orcs william would've helped if he could but his naming is chaotic not as in the names are always weird stuff no its the effects of naming. gobta and the other goblins are checking the lines

"you're getting sloppy over there! keep the line nice and crisp." said the other goblins

at the front of the line...

"next up are the females of the lake tribe, my lord."


"lake 1f. lake 2f. lake 3f"

'poor rimuru having to name 150,000 people...welp i'm bored' "well rimuru i'll be back at the-"


"ok, ok i won't"


on the day the jura forest allaince came together... the first problem was procuring food for 150,000 starving orcs.

"does anyone have any good ideas?!"

'spreading them out as immigrants to different areas would only threaten the food stores in those places could we fish more? no that'd just wipe 'em all out.'

"in that case, i believe i might be of help" treyni said

"you have food sources?"

"yes the treants to whom i give my protection will be entered into the alliance as well i shall provide the blessings of the forest in plenitude. however i will need to borrow some hnads to move all that food."

"then i'll take charge of the transportation mind if i borrow the tempest wolf?" benimaru said


ranga rose from the shadow.

"i have my kind waiting outside for you. take them with you if you wish."

"what? you aren't going?"

"i will stay by your side, master."

'spoiled little baby'

"we'll get going, then."

'i'll trust that treyni knows what she's talking about with food' "can you tell me if some of you are still dying of starvation?"

"without our lord, the effect of "starved" has lessened. it is only a matter of time until the weaker members of our kind give out..."

the effect of "starved" temporarily increased the orcs' magicule amount. now that the orc disaster is dead this effect will graducally wear off. perhaps the weaker ones will die. to prevent that rimuru is eating those magicules before they're lost then giving them back the same amount and the "giving" is through naming. and that is what led to rimuru's naming hell

after rimuru named the right hand of gerudo...

"i accept the weight and honor of this name. i pledge my fealty to you two!"

"i expect big things to you geld" william said as rimuru entered sleep mode

"r-rimuru-sama? rimuru-sama!" the other panic as william used blue mastery to pick up rimuru

"don't worry about him i'll take care of it."william teleported inside his tent, after teleporting, william laid rimuru on his favorite pillow and covered rimuru with his favorite blanky, william then sat the comfy rimuru on his lap then he slept


where gabiru is currently locked up

'it's been two weeks already. i suppose they're cleaning up after the big war right now. no doubt i'll be put to death for my crime. and i deserve it. i nearly drove the lizardmen to extinction.'

"the cheiftain calls. step out." his sister said as she guided him and a few others to the head "i've brought gabiru the traitor." gabiru's sister said as she entered the throne room

"good" the chief responds "do you have anything to say for yourself, gabiru?"

"...i ask forgiveness for my subordinates. all of our actions were my decision. they are guilty of nothing but loyalty to me."

"i understand. and you have nothing else to get off your chest?"

"where is that slime gentleman"

"rimuru-sama and william-sama visited last night, but is no longer here."

"before i am put to death, i want to ask... why my life was spared" 'i insulted him for beingg a slime. i was insolent and rude. and there was no reason for him to have rescued me.'

"rimuru-sama and william-sama has returned to their home if you want the answer to that question, you can go and ask rimuru-sama yourself. here is your sentence. you are banished. you may never call yourself a lizardman again. now leave this place."

"o-otou-san...?!" 'and to think i fought back against this powerful man... all because i had my own name. how foolish could have i been?!"

"take him away."

the guards took gabiru away

'maybe it's just my imagination, but he seems younger than before too...'

as gabiru was leaving the labirynth a lizard walked to him

"hey you forgot something." the lizardman gave him something covered in bandages as gabiru took off the bandages as it revealed the vortes spear

"but... this is the vortex spear!! this is not meant to be held byy the lizardman chieftain..."

"do not quibble with his decision. take it and go!"

"he told you to?"

inside the throne room

'gabriu, my son... as long as i am alive and well, with the name "abiruu" granted by rimuru-sama, the lizardmen will be secure. you ought to live as you see not traffic in half measures and idle whims. take this advice to heart."

as gabiru was walking through the marshalands his group found him

"aha! over there!! finally we caught up to you!" the lizardman said as he hugged gabiru

"i-it's you! what are you doing here?!"

"how awfully cold of you, gabiru-sama."

"it would be inexcusable for you to leave us behind"


"you should really look behind you, man."


gabiru looked back as he saw tens if not hundreds of lizardmen chasing after him, gabiru looked like he was about to tear up

"gabiru-sama are you cryi-"

"you people are hopeless without me to lead you! but let's get going! c'mon, follow my lead!"

the lizardmen cheered gabiru

after a short time gabiru's group would reach rimuru again. rimuru is sitting on william's lap while on the edge of the guardon bliss. once named, the orcs evolved into high orcs... and they've proven such adept workers that even kaijin is impressed as an "orc king" now, geld is a ferocious worker. if anything, he might be working too hard. his only problem is that his sense of responsibility is out of control. once they get a good block full of pubs, rimuru will invite him for a drink or a meal with william. and given how quick they are to learn... that could happen sooner than they thought. the extra sets of hands they provide are helping kickstart lagging areas of development. in fact there's a construction boom happening. in the meantime the goblins brought around all the rest of their people. once rimuru gave them all names and exhausted himself thoroughly... there were finally enough homes in town for everyone to live in.

rimuru breathed a sigh of relief as william uses rimuru as a coaster for his tea

they didn't have the ability to outfit all the houses with running water, ofcourse.... so we built a number of pump wells we utilize this property to make flushing toilets. there are plenty of areas where they're not making so much progress... but for the moment, rimuru thinks they're in pretty good shape. there are now over ten thousand individuals living in william and rimuru's town. at last, rimuru and william created a town of monsters.

To be continued...

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