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A knock came from the door and I ran down to open it. "Morning, Shuji." I smile up at him. "Morning, Doll." He smiles. We both kissed each other on the cheek. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and lock up my home. We then began to walk to the bakery where my mother took me as a child.

As we walked in, I was hit by the smell of fresh sweet bread. "Good morning, (Y/n)-chan and Shuji-San!" Nene-san greeted us. "Morning." We both smile at her. Nene is the daughter of the founder of the bakery. She was 26 when my mother brought me here. We got along well and she would always remember my favorite bake good. Not long, I brought Shuji with me and knew his favorite too.

"The usual?" She asks. We both nod and waited as she packed it up. While waiting, Shuji began to playfully mess with me. Teasing and such. I messed with him and teased back as well. "You two haven't changed. I still don't see why you don't get married." Nene said. I blush at her words and shook my head. "Shuji and I are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less." I said. "Yeah, I see her more as a sister," Shuji says as he rests his elbow on my head. I punch his side and he chuckles. "Still, you should find someone to settle down with (Y/n). Start a family and create new memories." Nene said. I grab the bag and sigh. "I know, it's just I haven't found the right guy. But I know everything is going to be alright even if I don't find someone." I grab Shuji's arm. "I still have my best friend with me still." I smile. Shuji smiles and rubs my head. "If you say so." Nene sighs and we paid for our food.

Shuji and I spent the day walking around the places that my parents took us to when we were children. "I remember when the first time I saw you." Shuji looks at the tree. I smile and look in the same direction. "You were here alone sitting by the tree reading a book." I sat on the spot where we meet long ago. "You came running towards me and asked what I was doing," I said. "I called you a nerd because you were reading." He looks down at me. "I replied with a small thank you to which lead you in shock." I giggle. He chuckles as well and sat down next to me. "It bothered me that you weren't affected by my name-calling, so I just stuck by you in hopes to annoy the living crap out of you." He rests his head against the tree. "But you failed and we blossomed a beautiful friendship." I hum. He hums in response and we stayed silent for a while.

I reach for my mother's necklace and rub my thumb against it. "Shuji, please don't leave me," I said. "What are you talking about? You know I wouldn't do that." He replies. "I know but. . ." I began to cry. He sat up straight and pulled me closer to him. "Everyone that I love just seems to go away. Slowly ripping away from me. I don't want to be alone. I hate it. You're the only person that I have left." I buried my face on his chest. He puts his hand on my head and begins to rub it. "It's hard to lose the people you love. To realize that not everyone lives as long as you hope, but that's just how life works. To every beginning, there is an end. It's sad, yes, but just know that they're still with you. Forever loving you even as they pass away." Shuji says. I'm glad I still have him. He's been with me for so long that I would hate to lose him too. He knows just what to say when I'm sad. I felt him hold my face and wipe away my tears. "Cheer up now. You're not (Y/n) if you don't wear that smile of yours." I laugh and smile brightly. He chuckles and we both began to walk back to my home.

"You have to let me play with your hair next time. I have so many ideas." I smile. "You haven't changed in twelve years. Have you aged yet?" He jokes. "Nope!" I smile. I open my door and took off my shoes. "Do you want to stay over for tonight?" I ask him. "Nah, I got some business to attend to. You know that kind of stuff." He says. I frown a bit. "I still think you should get away from that kind of stuff. I don't want you ending up like papa." I said. He pats my head and gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll be safe. Get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" I cross my arms and sigh. "Okay. Remember to be safe." We bid our goodbyes and I shut my door.

I undid my hairstyle and sigh. I was heading to the kitchen but stopped as I saw the photo of both my parents. I pick it up and smile. "I hope you two are happy." I hum and put it down. I went inside the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the cabinets. I began to rinse it, but as I was. . .I felt watched. I turn my head and looked around. I scanned the room and did notice something different. My heart stopped as I saw a figure outside my backdoor. It's silhouette behind the beige curtain. Slowly, I walk over to it. My back is against the wall as I creep over to the door. I slowly move my hand to the curtain and moved the curtain to peek outside. I release the breath I was unconsciously holding and saw it was just old Halloween decorations that I took out from my closet. "I'm going to scare myself to death," I said to myself. I started to walk back to the sink, but as I took that first step, a bullet barely missed my head. "Sh*t!" I turn my head horrified that there was an unknown man in my home. He stepped out of the shadows and points his gun at me. "Way to go, Sanzu." Another man spoke. I was soon surrounded by a group of men. "Shut up!" The one named Sanzu shouts. "Both of you shut it." A white hair male spoke. "Are you Higa (Y/n)?" The white male asks. I felt my throat go dry. "Y-Yes. . ." He points his gun at me. "It's time for you to die." He glares at me. This is not good!

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