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~ A few weeks later ~

"What do you guys think?" I ask Mitsuya and the others. "You look amazing!" Hinata says. "Like a goddess!" Yuzuha says next. I smile widely underneath my mask. "Thank you!" I smile. Once I changed out of the dress, I thanked Mitsuya again. "You are so talented. It amazes me that you're just a rookie." I told him. He chuckles and thanks me for the compliments. I then paid him a large amount than what I was supposed to pay him. "I simply can't take this much from you." He says. I shook my head. "I come from a very wealthy family. My father gave me the fortune he left behind for me to handle. He wanted me to spend his money however I wanted it. So please take it. You deserve so much more and I would like to see you grow more into your career." I smile and held his hand a bit. He smiles as he gave in. "You're a generous woman. Thank you." He says. "My pleasure. If you need anything then just give me a call. I'll be happy to help." I hum. 


I noticed a familiar car on the Bonten residence. The Crimson Soldiers have been visiting as the day for the party got closer. I walked inside and was greeted by a few soldiers. "Good evening, commander!" they shout. I smile and wave at them. "Evening to you to gentlemen," I reply. I went to put my dress down in my room before heading to the meeting room. I knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Yes," Mikey says. The doors open and I smile at Eddie. "Eddie! It's been too long!" I hugged him. He chuckles and hugs me back. "It's so good to see you, commander," Eddie says. "I told you to call me by my first name. No need to be professional." I said. I place my hands on his face. "You look just like your father." I hum. He held my hand and smiled. He then looks into my eyes. "I have a surprise for you," Eddie says. "Oh? What is it?" I ask getting excited. "More like who is it." I heard a voice I longed to hear. "SHUJI!!" I cried and ran to his arms. We fell to the ground, but we didn't care. I cried on his chest and he held me tight. "I thought I would never see you again." I cried. "I thought I lost you. I got so scared that you died when I couldn't get a hold of you. I've spent every night trying to look for you. Begging that you were alive and going to come back to me. I can't lose another friend." He cried on my shoulder.

A long time ago, Shuji told me about a friend he made when he was in a gang. That he died by getting hit by a truck. Shuji and he made a connection, so it hurt Shuji that he lost a friend that was dear to him. Me being a childhood friend worsened the pain in him thinking that he was going to be alone. We cried a bit more before getting back up. I look at Eddie and thanked him for bringing Shuji back to me.

"Of course, The Crimson Butterfly needs her Reaper for the special event tomorrow." Eddie bows. "What's the special event?" Mikey asks. "(Y/n) is going to be head of the (L/n) business. Making her the leader of the Crimson Soldiers and the Yakuza. Think of it as a princess becoming a queen." Eddie informs them. "We needed Hanma to make her happy. She can't spend a party without her childhood friend." Eddie adds. The others nod understanding the main theme of the party.

I smile happily. "I can't wait! It's been so long since we had a party!" I said excitedly. Shuji smiles and began to dance with me. "Oi, save that for the party, you two." Eddie laughs.

- Mikey POV-

I look at (Y/n) as hummed a tune. I noticed how happy she looks. "(Y/n)," I call to her. She turns her head to face me and smiles. "Yes, Mikey?" She asks as she walks closer to him. I held out my hand to her. She grabs it with no hesitation. "Need help sleeping again?" She asks. I nod to which she softly smiles. We went to my room and we both get comfortable on my bed. However, when she sang. . .I couldn't sleep. Something was keeping me up. Was it because of that night?

The feeling of her exposed body on me.

"I loved you ever since grade school."

The feeling of her soft lips on mine.

"I need you, Mikey.~"

Her begging me to go inside her.

Yet. . .I rejected it all. It didn't feel right to take advantage of her. Though, I felt like I made a mistake. "Mikey, what's wrong? You're not falling asleep like usual." She says as she looks down at me. I sat up and look at her. "What did you mean that you loved me since grade school?" I ask her. She stiffened up a bit and looked flustered. "Did we meet each other before?" I ask. I then saw her crying. "That's for you to remember. Not me," she said. I tried to remember back then. Before Bonten, Tenjiku, Valhalla, Toman. . .My eyes widen. 

Now I remember. . .

The small girl who had long (h/c) hair. She made many friends. She had the best grades in class. She was. . .

"Excuse me, I have to-" I pinned her down on the bed. Her eyes widen up at me. "M-Mi-" I crash my lips on her. I place my hand against her face. I separated from her lips and looked into her eyes. She was the girl that I was so mean to. "I remember. . .I remember the girl that tried to make me feel better." I said. "Wait. . .You. . .Remember me?" she asks. "(Y/n), I'm-" She cut me off as she kissed me. "Don't say you're sorry. I understand. . ." I shiver as I felt her kiss my neck. "Love me. . .Mikey." she whispers. She didn't have to tell me twice. 

She was the girl that was perfect in everyone's eyes. Perfect in my eyes.

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