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- (Y/n) POV -

"Will they both be okay?" I ask Kakucho. "They'll be fine. They're two full-grown adults even though they act like immature children." He rolls his eyes at his last sentence. "I hope so," I said. We stayed silent for a moment before he broke it. "Did Sanzu do anything to trigger you?" He asks. I shake my head. "We just. . .we just started to kiss, but he wanted to do more than that. I thought I was ready, but I backed away when he tried to undress me. I panicked and left his room, but I bumped into Ran, and I didn't know that Sanzu followed me. Ran got the wrong idea, and I tried to stop them from fighting, but. . .it just felt overwhelming." I explain. He pulls me closer to his chest. "It's alright. Those two have been fighting even back then when we were 15," he says. "Was Bonten created that far back?" I ask. He shook his head. "Me, Mochi, Koko, and the Haitani brothers were in separate gangs before Bonten became a thing. Koko then got involved with Mikey after Tenjiku battled Toman." I notice his eyes sadden. "I think I heard about it on the news. Two boys were killed. . .was one of them your friend?" I ask. He stays silent for a moment before nodding. "Izana Kurokawa. . .he was someone I looked up to as a child. When my parents died, and I was put into the orphanage, he was there for me. We created Tenjiku so we can create a new era for gangs. I wanted to follow him to the end, but he saved my life. He got shot in front of me and unfortunately didn't make it. I felt so lonely when he died. . ." I could hear the pain in his voice. "I'm sure he would've wanted you to live. He sounds like a good friend." I place his head on my shoulder. "He was." His voice cracked a bit. "It's okay to cry. Crying isn't a bad thing, it just means you've been strong for too long." I smile at him. He started to let it out, and I held him close. 

Once he calmed down, I wiped away the remaining tears. He grabs my hand and holds it against his face. "Thank you, beauty." I blush nervously at the nickname he gave me. "Anytime." I hum. I began to stare into his eyes, and he looks back at mine. I look away and turn around. "Good night, Kakucho," I said. I felt his arm wrap around my waist, and he pulls me close to him. "Good night, beauty." He replies. I smile for a moment before it drops. 

I was walking home from school until a group of older boys was hurting a kitten. "Hey! Stop that!" I shout as I threw a rock at them. They look back at me and began to laugh. "What are you going to do about it, little girl?" They began to flick my head or pull my hair. I tried fighting back, but all I did was cry. Then a boy with black hair came running towards one of the boys. He jumps up and kicks him in the face. "Don't worry, I'll save you!" he shouts. I stared at him in awe as he stood in front of me. Though he didn't stand a chance against the older boys. They left me and the small kitten alone. I crawl over to him as he continued to lay on the ground. "Thank you for helping me! Even if you lost, I still appreciate your help. One day you'll be strong enough to win a fight and maybe you'll save me again." I said to him. He frowns at me and then stood back up. "I don't need your pity! I'll never save someone weak like you ever again!" he shouts and began to run away. I never thought I would see him again, but clearly, I was wrong. 

I turn over to face Kakucho's sleeping face. I smile lightly as I trace my finger against his jaw. "Am I that forgetful that you can't remember me?" I muttered underneath my breath. 


It was quiet the next morning.

Everyone left early to go do their job. . .whatever it was. 

Nonetheless, I still did my part in the mansion. While I was cleaning the hallway, the doorbell rang. I stop as I saw a silhouette outside the doors. The figure then shoved a letter in the letter slot and then left. Once I heard them leave, I went to pick up the letter. An invitation? I look back and saw a familiar stamp design on the back. The Crimson Soldiers. 

Short chapter. . .gomen.

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