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"Mikey, have you decided on if we're going to the party?" I ask as I cleaned his room a bit. "I don't know." He groans. He rolls over on his bed and covers himself up. "I won't be rushing you, but you have to decide before the deadline," I said. He grunts and I sigh at his action. I walk over to him and on the edge of the bed. I place my hand on his head. "Are you feeling alright? Did you not get enough sleep last night?" I ask. His dark eyes peeked out from under the cover. "I don't need you to baby me. I'm a grown man." He retorts. "I'm looking out for your well-being. There's a difference between the two." I said. "No there isn't." He replies which makes me sigh. I then stood up and began to walk out of his room. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Well, you're a grown man, correct? Since I'm treating you like an infant then you don't need my help. I'll just take my leave and-" "Don't leave." He cuts me off. I turn my gaze at him and saw him now sitting up. "Come back here. . .please." He says. I smile and walk back to him. He moves aside and I sit down on his bed. He places his head on my lap. I look down at him and move his hair out of his face. "Tell me, what keeps you up at night?" I ask. He stays silent for a moment before answering. "My friends. . .my sister. . .my oldest brother. . .and my adopted brother." He says. "I lost all of them. My childhood friend, my sister, and both my brothers died." "I'm sorry to hear that. You lost a lot of people close to you." I said in sympathy. "Back in middle school, I made an interesting friend. His name was Takemichi Hanagaki. He was like my oldest brother; Shinichiro. When I first saw him, his back was turned to me and all I could see was how he carried so many burdens. He was a strange guy, to be honest. I never understood most of his actions or what he said, but - you won't believe this- but he can time travel." He said. I wasn't sure how to take in that last part. Never in my life have I heard of anyone time traveling. That's only in fiction, but for him, I just continued to listen. He began to tell me about the events in his middle school life that were good and bad.

He seemed to enjoy the good memories as he thought back to them. I smile seeing the life in his eyes come back. Though they dulled once more as he stopped talking. His eyes began to water. "I pushed them away so they can have a better life without me. Because everyone that I love and care for ends up dying. Is it truly my fault that everyone ends up getting hurt?" He asks. It pained me to see him like this. He was such a happy boy back then, but life took away the things he loved. . .one by one. "It's not your fault, Sano-Kun. None of it is." I said trying to comfort him. "How can you say that when I killed someone close to you? I hurt you. I'm hurting you for just being here." He slaps my hand away. He tried pushing me away, but my next actions made me question if I did the right thing or not.

I grab hold of his hands and leaned forward. I place my lips on his. He froze for a moment and I pulled away. "You're only hurting people when you push them away. None of it is your fault. Life can bring us joy and love, but it can also bring tragedy and hate. That's how life works. If you opened up about your feelings then I'm sure your friends would've been there for you. From what you told me, they all look up to you. You're the reason for bringing them together. You may have said that their pain and suffering are yours, but your pain and suffering are also theirs. You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders." I held his hand and squeezed it a bit. "Deep down I know that you're a good person Sano-Kun. You're just lost in the dark with only candlelight to guide you. You got lost when everything started to turn upside down. Let me be the first one to give you my light and help you find your way out." I smile at him. "(Y/n)." I felt myself getting pushed back on the bed and Sano-Kun hovered over me. "Why must you be so nice?" He asks. "That's just how I was raised to be." I hum to his question. He leans closer to me. "I'm glad." He muttered before placing his lips on mine. My stomach turned and I felt heat rise into my chest. I couldn't help myself as he deepened the kiss. I couldn't do this. I can't do this. Not when you can't figure out who I am. Though I was lost in thought that I didn't notice that he was starting to undress me. "S-Sano-Kun. . .I can't." I said as I pushed him away a bit. 

He lets go of the zipper of the dress and sits up. "Right. . .sorry." He apologized. I sit next to him and grab his hand. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you. It's nothing personal. It's just that. . .I'm not ready yet." I said. He looks at me and gives me a small rare smile. "I'm not disappointed. I understand that you are not ready." He says. I lean on his shoulder. "You should smile more. You look adorable when you do." I compliment him. "I'll only smile when you're around." He says. I giggle and we both lay back on the bed. 

After putting him asleep, I look up at the ceiling and stare at it. Shinichiro. . . "It is a small world after all," I whisper.

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