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I walk into her room and I heard her crying. "Can you stop crying? You're going to give me a headache." I said to her. I saw her sitting by the window and she hugs her legs. "What do you want?" She asks. I made my way to her and sat down in front of her. She backed away a bit and looks at me carefully. "I came to see how you're doing," I said to her. "Not very well due to what has happened in the last few hours." She said and continued to look outside. "You're Sano Manjiro, correct?" She asks. I look at her confused since I never gave my name to her nor have I met her before. "How do you know my name?" I ask her. In her reflection, I can see the pain in her eyes. "Hmm. . .that's for you to figure out." I was about to make her answer me but she spoke again. "I suppose I'm stuck here until I give you what you want. Have you decided what you're going to do to me?" She asks. Leaving the question of how she knows my name out, I reply to her. "You will clean the mansion, cook for us, do our laundry, and such," I said. "Okay." She mutters. I look at her to see her not angry or sad. She looked dull. I look away and started heading towards the door. "Kakucho will bring your clothing in the morning so you can change," I told her. "Alright." She replies. She's not fighting back like before. Just doing what she's told to do. Has she given up? No. Probably just saving her skin. How boring.


- (Y/n) POV -

I set down Ran's plate and we all heard glass shatter. We all looked at Sanzu and he stares at me. "Whoops, dropped it." He says. I grab a towel and broom and dustpan. "It's alright. Accidents happen." I said. I knew he was trying to test my patience, but surprisingly my patience is long.

"No matter how harsh or mean the person is to you, you should always be patient. Forgive them for they are misunderstood. Everyone deserves forgiveness for their wrongs. It's also fun to kill them with kindness."

Sanzu got up from his seat and left without eating. "He's probably going to kill someone." Ran sighs. Everyone but Sano-kun hummed in response. Once they finished eating, I pick up their plates and washed them. I noticed how empty the mansion was. It was only me and the seven men in here. I continued to clean the kitchen and thought about how to leave or more importantly on how to escape alive from here. I began to think about Hanma. I hope you're okay, Hanma. And I hope you can find me and save me from this nightmare.

I heard heavy breathing behind me as someone entered the kitchen. It was Sanzu and he was covered in blood. I sigh heavily and stood up. I dusted my clothes and grab a towel. "I hope you had fun. Leave your clothes outside so I can wash them." I said as I handed him the towel. I grab some supplies and started heading to the mess. . .only I didn't know where it's at. "Where's the mess?" I ask him. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and told me the directions. I nod and headed off.

- Sanzu POV -

I look at her small figure as she walked away. She wasn't fazed at all! No anger! No annoyance! No nothing! What the hell is up with her?! I threw the towel down and left to go change. Once I was done, I found Kokonoi, Ran and Rindo sitting around.

"What do you think of her so far?" Rindo asks. "She's weird," I grumble as I sat down. "For once I agree with the druggie," Kokonoi says. I glare at him though he wasn't fazed by it. "She's not fighting back or anything like when we tried to kill her. She's just doing what she's told." He said. "Yeah. Strangely, she's adjusting quickly here." Ran says as he takes a sip of his drink. His eyes were fixated on what was happening outside the window. I followed his gaze and scoffed at him. On the other side, it was her folding clothes or something.

"Seems like someone is falling in love with the maid again," I said. "Again?" Akashi says as he walks in. "What happened to the last one?" He adds as he sat down. "She got boring. She's nothing like this one." Ran replies. "You say that about every maid we get." Kokonoi rolls his eyes. "Only this time he can't kill this one nor touch her without consent," Rindo says.

"I'll have her falling for me." Ran smirks. "I bet you won't," I said. "I also bet that he won't," Kokonoi says. "Alright, put in something if you think I won't. I'll have in my arms in one minute." Ran lifts his chin in confidence. We all put in something. We lifted our heads hearing the small footsteps walking down the hall. "Speaking of the devil," I mutter. "Watch and learn." Ran smirks. I roll my eyes and he walks up to her.

"Excuse me, (Y/n), I need to ask a favor." Ran told her. "What is it?" She asks in a surprisingly kind voice. "I think I need your help in my bedroom. There's something wrong with my bed." He says. I cringe at the scene as he tried to use a pick-up line. "Apologies Haitani-san, but unfortunately I cannot help with something like that." She walks past him. "I'm sure you'll find someone to help you with that problem." She says as she walks away. Once she was gone, I began to laugh. "Shut up, druggie!" I dodge the glass cup thrown at me. "You're just pissed off cause I was right. Face it, not every woman wants to be with you." I said as I started to walk away. "Yeah, and when was the last time a woman was into you? Last time I recall, nobody wants you." I clench my fist at his words but continued walking.

I locked myself in my room and took a few pills. I felt them kick in and I shut my eyes.

"Hey. . ."

I open my eyes to see a small young girl with (h/c) hair.

"What's your name?" She asks as she gives me a kind smile. I close my eyes again. When I opened them again, she was gone.

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