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I sat down awkwardly with the others. I'm sure by now they know who I am to these people. I was going to speak up until I heard a familiar squeal. "(Y/n)!!" Tiana squeals my name. "I told you she was alive! You owe me two thousand yen!" Nina says to Lara. "Here." Lara sighs as she handed the money. "You two were betting on my well-being?" I sweatdropped. Lara points to Nina. "She started it." I got up and Nina hugs me. "You know I love you." She hums. The other two joined the hug. "Girl, you gave us a heart attack when you didn't pick up your phone," Tiana says. "Apologies. I was in a little trouble with Bonten." I turn my head to the group. "Everyone, these three are my closest friends. Tiana, Nina, and Lara. Please be nice to them." I introduce my friends. "Why are hanging with these guys? Didn't they kill your dad?" Lara asks. "Hey, that's right! Why are you with these pieces of sh*ts?" Nina asks as she took out a knife. "Nina, I told you about respect and keeping calm before drawing out a weapon. I'll explain everything later." I told her. She apologizes and she then wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Since you've been gone for like an eternity, let's go party like we were young!" She exclaimed. "B*tch, I'm still young," Lara says. "Same here, too," Tiana says next. "We're all still young." I laugh.

- No POV -

Mikey and the rest of Bonten look at the four-woman go and have fun. "Ahh, the four roses. Beautiful women aren't they? Though lady (Y/n) is the most beautiful of all." The group looks at Issac as he appeared out of nowhere. They look back at (Y/n) and had to agree on his words. "Why are you people so loyal to (Y/n), if you don't mind me asking?" Rindo asks. "It's because she helped all of us when we were young. She saved us when no one else could. She gave us a home to live and be warm in. It's because of her that we're alive. We will give our lives for that woman if she ever needed it. We will do anything for her." Issac says as gave a serious look to them. "You never stop being a loyal dog to (Y/n) do ya, Issac?" A new face came into the room. "Eddie." Issac frowns. Bonten looked at Eddie as he grabbed a chair and sat with them. "Why don't you be a good little dog and fetch me a beer?" Issac wanted to say more, but he clicked his tongue and did as told. Eddie grabbed a remote that came from under the table and pressed the power button. "You guys have some nerve coming into this place. After what you did to the commander's father." Eddie says.  The group either looked at the TV or Eddie. "Just because she's easy to forgive doesn't mean the rest of us are." Issac came back with Eddie's drink. He took a sip before speaking again. "And by us meaning the entire Crimson Soldiers." Bonten's attention was straight back at Eddie. "If the boss wasn't alive then you all would've been already dead.  But since she is, then she saved all of your necks. I wouldn't kill anyone that the boss knows without her order. So if you guys treat her wrong or do something to piss her off. . ." Eddie took out a knife and stabbed it through the table. "I get to slaughter you all." He smiles. He finishes his drink and looks back up at them. "I hope you got the invitation we sent you. It's going to be one hell of a party. I'm sure the boss wants to go because we have a special surprise for her." Eddie says before turning his attention to the TV. The group wasn't sure how to feel about his last words. Was he the enemy? Does he want something that (Y/n) has? 

Eddie left not long after and the group decided it was time to leave. (Y/n) was a bit disappointed, but agreed to follow the two. She said goodbye to her friends and left the building. She was a bit tipsy since she did drink. Kakucho held her waist as she almost tripped. "Be careful, (Y/n)," he tells her. (Y/n) giggles a bit. "You look very handsome. Can I kiss you?" She asks. When (Y/n) drinks. . .she gets a 'little' flirty. Kakucho froze and blushes a bit. "M-Maybe." He mutters. "Yay! I get to kiss you!" (Y/n) cheers. Mikey takes (Y/n) away from Kakucho and took her inside the car. (Y/n) sat on Mikey's lap to which he took in surprise. Did he mind?. .No. Though it was a bit troublesome since she kept bouncing up and down on his lap. Causing him to act up a bit. "(Y-Y/n). . .calm down a bit." He said. He wasn't sure how long he can hold back his urges. Though she didn't stop. She became a flirty mess with Koko, Kakucho, Sanzu, and the Haitani brothers.

They got home and Mikey took her to her room. (Y/n) walked in and undid her hair. She rubs her head a bit before trying to take off her dress. However, she began to struggle. "Mikey, can you help me?" She asks him. He closes the door and walked over to her. He walks behind her and unzips her dress. His eyes widen at the scars on her back. "What happened to you?" He asks. She quickly turns around and hugs herself. "I forgot that you weren't supposed to see." she frowns. "They're ugly. . ." she says sadly. Mikey frowns at her words. He also felt anger at whoever did this to her. "It doesn't matter if they're ugly or not. Your beauty cancels it out. You are the kindest, most gorgeous, and lovable woman I have ever met. There's no one else like you out there in the world." Mikey spoke truthfully. "I'll kill whoever did this to you," Mikey adds. (Y/n) blushes and took off her dress. "Mikey. . ." She ran into his arms. "I loved you ever since grade school," she says as she buried his face on the crook of his neck. Mikey raised a brow. "Grade school? What do-" He was cut off by her placing her lips on his. "I need you, Mikey." Mikey looks at her and wasn't sure what to do. Either he took advantage of her and sleep with her or leave after he put her to sleep. 

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