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"I'm back!" I called out. I didn't receive one back though. They must be busy. Still, I looked around for them. I then heard something in Ran's room. "Ran?" I question as I look inside. Though, I only discovered a woman on his bed. "Oh, hello. Have you seen Ran or anyone around?" I ask kindly. Even though I treated her kindly, she gave me a nasty look. "No. I'm still waiting for Ran." Ah, she's a 'friend' to help him. She then sits up from his bed. "Who are you?" she asks. "That's a bit complicated. Since I do have many names to go by, please call me (Y/n)." I said. I noticed that she got a bit angrier at my response. "Well, (Y/n). Let's make one thing clear." She hardens her gaze at me. "Ran is mine." She says. Oh, she's one of those girls. Delusional ones. "Is he now? I can't seem to recall when he last mentioned you, or at any for a fact." I technically do still have feelings for Ran. Even when he's not a flirty mess, he's kind and gentle. "Listen, you b*tch! I don't care who you are! Stay away from him and you won't get hurt!" She threatens me. "Such language. Is threatening me also going to scare me away?" I ask. I almost laughed as it seemed steam came out of her ears. This brings me back to the days when I messed with people like her. "It has taken me so long to be close to Ran! To know everything that he likes and dislikes! I know for a fact that he doesn't like girls like you, you ugly b*tch." She insults me. I sigh a bit. "I'm not relatively a mean person. I don't like to show anger or annoyance. But like my mother, I am another savage daughter." I said as I tilted my head to the side. "Of course, I'm not perfect in any shape or form. That's how everyone is. But I do know for a fact that I don't fake my perfectness. For instance, I can see where you had plastic surgery. Not there's no shame in that. Do whatever you wish to your body to make yourself comfortable in your skin. However, not to be in someone's high demand or attention-seeking." She seemed shocked but still looked angry at me. "It's great and all that you may 'know' Ran, probably on a s*xual topic. But it doesn't help with the fact that you are delusional. Who's to say that you're not his type of woman either? I can't confirm that since I don't know Ran as much, let alone what he likes in bed. It's a shame that you think that just because you do the things he likes means that you have a closer chance with him. I don't even what your intentions are when it comes to becoming closer to him." I said. "Don't flatter me with your threats and insults. I know my self-worth. So please refrain from throwing more at me. They don't affect me at all, to be honest. And if we are throwing threats, then I like to warn you not to take any further actions. Outcomes won't be pretty, to say the least." She stood up and rushed towards me. "I had enough of you! Why don't you shut up?!" She went to slap me, but a hand grabbed her wrist. "I wouldn't do such a thing if I were you." Ran said. "R-Ran!" she squeaked. She then began to fake tears. "She's crazy! She said so many awful things to me!" I roll my eyes mentally. I'm a kind and patient person, but not to people like her. "(Y/n), can you step out of the room?" Ran asks. "Of course. I'll let you two be." I hum in response.

 I shut the door behind me and noticed Rindo standing by the door. "I didn't think you can be like that," he says. "I think you have forgotten where I come from. I was taught that everyone should be treated equally. . .though if they were selfish and delusional then it was right to belittle them. We Higa's don't let anyone like them go scot free." I chuckle. He chuckles as well. "I think I'm seeing a side of the Crimson Butterfly." he grins. "That's only a taste of who she is." I smile. We stop at my room. I then felt him lift my chin a bit. "An angel with horns. How very interesting to know. Tell me. . ." He leans closer to my ear. "When can I taste more?" He whispers. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and the drumming in my ears. I smile slightly and pull away. "When she's ready to come out of her shell once more," I said. I open my door and stepped into my room. "I'll see all of you at dinner." I hum. He stood up straight and nods. "Right, I'll see you later," he says before I shut the door. 

"Is the Jellyfish gone?" I yelped and punched the person that crept behind me. He fell back and groaned in pain. "S-Sanzu! I'm so sorry!" I apologize to the fallen man. "N-No! That w-was a g-good formation," he says as he tries to stand up. I help him up and sat him on my bed. I have to remember that I'm surrounded by men. They like to pop out of nowhere. "I hope I didn't hurt you that much. Though, you should understand that I get defensive when someone creeps me up from behind." I told him. "As any normal woman should." He seemed to ease up from the pain. "Do you need anything?" I ask him. "Well, that's complicated to say. . ." I raise a brow at his reply. Though, I took notice of his ears changing red. He's blushing. I then smirk a bit. "Oh, I see what this is about." I giggle. "Did I fluster you too much from earlier, honey~?" I tease him. I was going to tease him more, but he pulled me on his lap. "Don't tease me so much now. I don't think I can hold myself back, Baby~." It was now my turn to be a flustering mess. I push his face away. "My heart can't handle these sorts of things! Why must you do this to me?!" I shout. He fell back and brought me down with him. I stopped myself from colliding my head with his. I look down at him with a flustered look. I bite the inside of my cheek as he held my waist. Before we could even let out a word, Takeomi walks in. "Am I interrupting something?" he asks. I sat up and shook my head. "It's not what it looks like! I swear!" he laughs a bit. "Right." he chuckles. "Takeomi!" I whine. He chuckles one last time before telling Sanzu that Mikey needed him. Sanzu got up and grunted a bit. Once Sanzu left, Takeomi teases me a bit more. I buried myself under my covers. "You're a bully!" I pout. 

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