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- Kakucho's POV -

I already have everything planned out, so what was I going to use to make her stay with me for a while? I then heard her knocking on my door. "Come in," I said after clearing my throat. She walks in and is surprised to see me already dressed for tonight. "You do know we have at least two hours left, right?" she giggles a little. "Yes, but it's better to be prepared," I reply. She smiles and fixes my tie a bit. "True." she hums. "I must confess, you do look handsome," she adds. I smile and felt myself blush. "Thank you. I'm sure you'll look lovely tonight as well." I reply to her. She smiles and looks at me. I took in her beautiful features all over again. To her soft flowy hair to her every inch of her face. I just want to hold her in my arms and continue to see her every waking day. She dusts off my suit and steps away from me. "Well, you seem ready and well prepared for tonight. I don't think I can be any help to you, right now." She saw as she began to walk away. "Wait-" I grab her hand to stop her. She looks back at me with curiosity. "I do need something from you," I told her. "Yes?" I pulled her closer to me and lifted her chin. "I still haven't received my kiss from you." To be honest, I have been waiting for her to kiss me. The thought keeps me awake or in a daze. To know how soft her lips are. How sweet they can be. I felt her run her fingers through my hair. I then felt her place her lips on mine. My eyes widen in surprise, but I closed them and felt her soft lips on mine. She pulls away and smiles. "I have to go help Sanzu. Maybe if you ask again, I'll give you another much longer kiss." She hums. She then walks out of my room. I smirk. "So all I have to do is ask?"

- Sanzu POV -

Don't blow this! I thought to myself. I heard her knock on my door. "Sanzu, I'm-" I open the door and pull her inside. I then shut the door and put her back against it. I grab her face and kiss her. She gasped from the sudden action, making me be able to slip my tongue in. "S-Sanzu-" She managed to say. I lift her to make her wrap her legs around me. I put her on my bed and bite her neck. She then moaned making me get riled up. "H-Hello to. . .y-you to-too." She stutters out. I chuckle and look at her. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself," I reply. I run my hand over her thigh, making her squirm a bit. "It's strange, you started off hating me, now you want to love me?" I push back as I felt guilty for mistreating her at first. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the mood." she sits up. "It's fine. Strangely, I changed my feelings towards you. But. . ." I place my hand against her cheek. She leaned in and held my hand. "The more I saw you, the more I heard you, the more you made me feel normal. . .I felt human. When I joined the Tokyo Manji Gang. . .I was lost. I didn't know where I belonged. I separated myself from my family. I was always getting into trouble. A wild horse is what others called me, but that was because I was so loyal to Mikey. I thought that by being loyal to Mikey I wouldn't feel lost. However, that wasn't the case." I got closer to her face. "I needed you. It was strange to have someone like you around me, but it was because I wasn't used to your kind nature. I pushed you away because it was unnatural to have you around. Though, I made the mistake to do that. I craved you more and more. You are addictive. . .like a drug." I plant my lips on her. She gives a sweet kiss in return. She separates from me and places her soft warm hands on my face. "If you ever feel lost, I'm always here for you." She smiles softly.  "What did I do to have a sweet angel in front of me?" she giggles at my words. We then got up to find my attire for tonight. 

- Mikey POV -

"Mikey, are you ready?" She asks as she enters my room. "What took you so long?" I pout a bit. "Don't be cranky now, I saved the best for last," she says as she sits on my lap. "I'm not cranky." I frown at her. She rolls her eyes playfully at me. "Right." She kisses me and I kissed her back. I knew the others love her like I do, which makes me jealous that they take her attention away from me. "We only have a short amount of time left. We have to hurry before we're late," she says as she gets up. I sigh and fixed my suit a bit. She comes back to me with my tie. "I know you all aren't a big fan of Eddie or the rest of the Crimson Soldiers, but I want you all to behave. They love to poke people's buttons and it can be hard to not punch them in the face. So please, behave. . .for me?" I nod my head and she gives me a small kiss. She then leaves to go get ready. I sigh and thought about how this party was going to go.

- ??? POV -

"Everything ready for tonight?" 

"Of course. . .boss."

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