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Even now it still hurts. I'm being kind like you said mother, but why don't I get it back in return from the people I want it the most? It hurts. I heard a knock on my door. "C-Come in!" I call out. I saw it was Kakucho-Kun. "Oh, Kakucho-Kun. Is there something you need?" I ask him. I tried to wipe away my tears without him seeing. "Yes, but are you alright?" He asks. "Hmm? I'm alright. Dust just got in my eyes." I lied. Though he didn't take it. "You're terrible at lying." He said as he took out a handkerchief and hands it to me. I gave him a small thank you. I look at him and smile a bit. He's nicer than the others. Sano-Kun can be nice when he wants to. Though. . .I look away from him. "What is it that you need?" I ask. I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me.

"I hope this isn't personal, but how come you're so accustomed to how we treat you?" He asks. I knew this question would come. "After my mother died, my father remarried to another woman a few years later. Let's just say she wasn't the kindest woman and I was put to work at my home. My father was too busy to know what was happening while I was with her. She threatened me to keep my mouth shut and so I did. Even if she hurt me physically and emotionally, I remembered my mother's words: "Everyone deserves forgiveness, no matter how much they wrong you." So I continued having high spirits no matter how much she tried to hurt me." I said. "Yet it still hurts you behind closed doors." He says. I gave a small sad smile. "Sadly yes, but I'll get used to it," I said.

I froze as I felt his hand against my cheek. He looked puzzled as he looked at me. "Kakucho-Kun?" I ask as he just stared at me. He clears his throat and pulls his hand away. "You can just call me Kakucho." He said. "Oh, okay, Kakucho. " I hum. "Is that all you wanted to ask me?" I ask him. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking again. "Who are you really?" He asks. I don't like to look back at my past since I have sinned so much. "I'm just an ordinary woman that owns a bookstore and trying to live by the fullest, however, now I'm here with the most dangerous killer organization and to having to be their maid," I said simply to him. From his expression, I knew that he wasn't pleased with my answer. He stood up and began to walk out of my room. "Good night, Kakucho," I said before he closed the door behind him.


I huff out a breath as I finally finished doing the laundry. I know how to get the blood off of clothes, but it's terrible when I have to work with Sanzu's. I neatly folded them and put them inside the basket. I began to walk back upstairs and drop off everyone's clothes. I then say Kokonoi-Kun. "Afternoon, Kokonoi-kun." I greet him. He hums in return not batting an eye at me. He's often distant towards me. I wonder. . .

- Koko POV -

"You love her very much. Don't lose yourself in money. Even if she's gone, she still knows you loved her. She knows that you tried your best." I heard a female voice say. I look up to see a girl my age with long (h/c) hair neatly combed. She gave a reassuring smile at me. I never met or seen her in my life. It weirded me out how she knew the situation. Though, I was angry at her. I stood up and glare at her. "Shut up! You don't know anything! Stay away from me, you creep!" I shout at her. After that day, I never saw her again.

I look outside as I remember that memory. It came to me when (Y/n) started living with us. No idea why, I guess it was her personality that reminded me of the young girl I met a long time ago. "Kokonoi-Kun, are you alright?" I turn my head to see (Y/n). It's strange how kind and caring she is to us. We're monsters and yet she treats us like normal ordinary people. I look at her more as she stood there. Her long white hair was neatly done in a side braid. Her red dress hugged her figure nicely. Her (e/c) eyes looked at me more softly than anyone could ever. She seems so pure and innocent, but is she really?

"Yes, I'm fine." I finally said. She smiles at me. "Okay, just call me if you need anything." She hums and begins to walk away. My vision blurred as she turned to Akane. Though, in a split second, it turned back to normal. She reminds me of her. "(Y/n)," I call her. She turns her head. "Yes?" She asks. "Sit with me," I told her. She turns around and sat on the chair in front of me. Are you really as innocent as it seems?

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