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Rindo looks inside the kitchen as he watches (Y/n) and Kokonoi talking to each other. He noticed his brother behind him. "When then those two become buddy-buddy?" Ran asks. "A few days ago," Akashi said as he walked past the brothers. He greeted the female as he walks in. She gives him a warm smile in return. Akashi didn't mind the female's presence since she reminded him of his younger sister. "It's strange how those two can be comfortable around her. Even the boss is going a bit soft on her." Rindo says. "I sense favoritism. . ." Ran says. Rindo looks at his brother with a questionable look. "What?" He asks. "She picking favorites to make me jealous." Ran said. Rindo rolled his eyes as his older brother was obsessing over (Y/n). "Right. . ." Rindo says as he walks away from Ran.

Mikey came into the room with a semi-tired look. "Sano-kun, you seem like you're getting more sleep." She hums at him. Mikey nods and sat down. He felt hungry. Hungry for dorayaki. "Akaishi-San told me you like dorayaki, so I made some for you." (Y/n) smiles. She goes to the refrigerator to take out the ones she already made. She then started to make more. "You've been acting nice these past few, weeks," Rindo says, "Well, of course, I treat everyone the same no matter who they are. Rather that be family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, or people like you." (Y/n) says with a smile. "Right. . .I'm sure you want something from your kind behavior." He replies. "Oh? So what if I do? You're all the same way. Kinda hypocritical, if you ask me." (Y/n) says. "Tch! I'm not nice to you!" Sanzu interferes. (Y/n) sighs a bit. "Sanzu." Mikey's tone lowers. "Sorry, boss." Sanzu apologizes. Rindo grunts as he rests his chin on his hand. Knowing that she is right. "What is it that you want?" Mikey asks her as he finished his last dorayaki. "I want to go to my father's mansion," she said. The men in front of her looked at her confused. She didn't want to set free? She didn't want to go back to her old life? She wanted to go to her father's mansion, for what reason? "In return, I'll give you a certain amount of what my father has given me." She adds. Mikey thought for a moment. "Alright." He responds. (Y/n) smiles warmly at him. "Koko, get her a new outfit." Mikey orders. Koko held out his hand to (Y/n). "Let's go see what we can find." Koko smiles a bit at her. (Y/n) grabs his hand, and he took her away.


"Over here." (Y/n) guided the group to the secret entrance she used when she snuck out with Hanma. "This brings back memories." She says as she walks through the overgrown vines. "Was it painful?" Sanzu grunts as he tried to get through. "Depends on what memories, but other than that, it has not. Hanma and I use to sneak out sometimes and have fun." she hums. "Hanma? As in Hanma Shuji?" Kakucho asks. (Y/n) stops and turns her head. "You know him?" She asks. "He was part of Valhalla, Tokyo Manji, and Tenjiku gangs. He left after an incident." Kakucho informs her. (Y/n) stayed still for a moment before continuing to walk. "Oh, what a small world we live in. We could've met each other back then." She said. She stopped in front of a balcony and fixed her dress a bit. "Though, I was busy with my problems." She backs up to get a running start. "It's been so long since I've done this." She laughs nervously. The group of men watches as she starts running. Their eyes widen seeing how high she jumped up and grabs the railing from the balcony. She climbs over and smiles in victory. "Still got it!" she cheers. For someone who is with a bunch of criminals, it was a surprise to see her so happy about something so irrelevant. "Wait there, even if police came here and searched the place, the security system is still on." She went inside her room and could see dust floating around. The room still smelled like rose petals and the room stayed the same of how she left it when she moved out.

She checks under her bed to find the rope that she had Hanma climb on. She tosses it down once it was secured to something. As she waited for the group of men to get up, she looks around her room. She grabbed the pink plush bunny toy from the shelf and smiles at it. 'Cherry' was written on the tag on the back of the bunny. She put it back on the shelf and skips to the bookshelves. By now, the men were in her room and also looking around. "This room is bigger than mine when I was a kid." Ran said. Akashi and Kakucho looked at the wall of awards (Y/n) gotten from kindergarten to high school. "A born prodigy." Akashi mutters.

Mikey looks around as (Y/n) and Kokonoi look through her books. His eyes landed on a photo frame that held a picture of (Y/n)'s mother and father. It seemed like a wedding photo. He could now see the resemblance of (Y/n) and her mother. Their smiles are exactly alike. From the picture he could tell that (Y/n)'s mother was a kind, sweet, and generous woman. Pure and innocent like her daughter. Mikey wondered on how (Y/n) lost her mother.

Sanzu got bored of sitting around on her bed with Mochizuki and looked around as well. He stopped as he opened a door to a walk-in closet. "Tch, she must've been spoiled." He mutters. He walks in as he turned on the dim light. It was mainly empty since she did move out. Though as he got closer to the end, a glint of light caught his eye. He walked closer and saw there was a cut out wall. He took off the wall and walks inside. He saw a mannequin that wore a somewhat assassin outfit. His eyes skimmed through it as he examined it. His eyes stopped as they landed on a logo. His eyes widen as he realized on how dangerous (Y/n) is.

"Sanzu! Where the hell are you?!" Rindo called for him. "Shut your trap! I'm coming!" Sanzu shouts back. He quickly took a picture of the logo on the outfit and put the wall back where it was before. He followed behind Rindo as they were finally getting out of the bedroom.

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