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I knocked on the door to Sano-Kun's room. "Sano-kun, are you in there?" I ask. I didn't hear a response and I took it as a sign to let myself in. Though, I stop as I saw him sleeping soundly on his bed. "Oh. . ." I mumble. I look around and saw him in such a mess. I'll quietly clean up. I thought as I started to gather up his dirty clothes.

However, I did stumble lingerie, women's underwear, and bras. Some were of different sizes. Sizes bigger than mine. I continue cleaning and set my mind on different things. I wonder if I can convince Sano-kun to take me to my father's mansion. I miss my old home. I turn my head as I heard whimpering. It was Sano-kun. I walk over to him and could tell he was having a nightmare. Tears came down his face as he slept. He may be a monster now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain. I place my hand against his face and wipe his tears away. I emitted a soft hum from a lullaby my mother use to sing to me.

"Distant moon, so big and bright
Softest silver glowing through the night
High atop, the mountain gold
Sun unseen, the world is cold

Here I wait, and here I stand
Early morning northern hour hand
Studying, in solitude
Looking for, a hidden clue

I wish, to see this world through my own eyes
To calm, the elders and silence their cries
Because of you I now gaze up and sing
The lullaby of the moon" I softly sang. I look at him to see him calm down. I sat up and went to the door. I stop and turn to face him. "What happened to you Sano Manjiro?" I mutter and left the room.

I close the door and headed to take out the trash from Mikey's room. On my way, I saw Ran with a woman. She looks very beautiful compared to me. "I guess I did find someone to help me," Haitani-Kun said. I knew he was trying to make me jealous, but it did not affect me. We barely know each other. "Keep it down for Sano-kun. I'm sure he wouldn't want to hear you two having fun." I said as I continued walking.

I look back as I heard the door close. I slightly frown and went back to work. He too hasn't figured it out. After taking the trash out, I began to dust around the halls. I didn't mind cleaning. It was therapeutic in a way no matter if I lived with cruel people. It was the same back then. Right after my father remarried.


I was sweeping around and I stumbled upon the meeting room. I listened in to their conversation as they negotiated. I then heard a familiar voice that seemed to be mad. I put the broom down and walk towards the mirror. I took off the apron and fixed my white hair into a messy yet presentable bun. I took a deep breath and walked in.

All eyes were on me. I froze up a bit but I continued to walk to Sano-kun. "What are you doing here? I told you that you weren't allowed to come in here." Sano-kun scolded me. I stood my ground even as he glares at me. I also felt Sanzu's glare at me. "I apologize for the disturbance, punish me later as you wish. But I do know how to help you." I said. We both stared at each other for a moment, before he looked away. "Fine, let's see what you can do." He says. I let out a sigh of relief and look at their guest.

He was an old man that was around my father's age. He had short grayish-white hair that was slicked back. On his right was a tall male with the same color hair as the old man except his hair was styled differently.

On the other side, there was a younger man that look to be in his early twenties

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On the other side, there was a younger man that look to be in his early twenties. He wore round glasses and had piercing golden eyes.

I smile at them and bow

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I smile at them and bow. "It's been so long since I've seen the three of you, Himura-San," I said. It took them a second until the youngest one looks at me with a wide smile. "(Y/n)-chan.~" he hums my name. The old man looks at me with a smile as well. "My my, look how you've grown. You just look like your mother." He says. I thanked him and looked at the oldest son. "Jun." I said. "(Y/n)." He replies. I blush a bit and look away from him. "I heard what has happened to your father. I'm deeply sorry, we all knew how much he meant to you." Himura-san said with sympathy. "Yes, and I knew how much he meant to you. Though, I know he's in a better place with my mother." I reply. "So why are with a group that killed your father? I think you would kill them with such ease. Like killing a bug." Jun said. "Don't you see brother? She has no choice because whatever Higa-san has goes to her. They want what she now holds, but we all know how stubborn she is. And we know that she stopped killing after Higa-San's wife passed away." Hiroki says as he stares at me. I stare back at him and he slightly smirks. I quickly move my hand and caught the throwing knife between my pointing finger and middle finger. "Again with this childish game?" I sigh heavily. He chuckles and bites his lip back. He blushes madly and rests his chin on both hands. "You never fail me to make me fall back in love with you, (Y/n)-chan.~" he says.

I throw the knife back in front of him. "Lovely reunion, but we are getting sidetracked here. Let's discuss what you all were talking about before I got here-" I grab a chair and cross my legs with my hands on my lap. "Shall we?" I ask.


"Bye, (Y/n)-chan! I love you!~" Hiroki shouts as he walked down the hallway. Jun smacks the back of his head but gives me a side glance. Himura-San grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "You remind me of your mother of how she negotiated with our dealers. Both of your parents would be proud." He says. I hum at his words. "Be safe, butterfly. These are dangerous people you are with." "I've been through worse when I was in my teen years. You be safe and don't break any of the rules that Sano-kun layout. I do not want more people that I know to go away." He pats my head like he did when I was a child. "Of course. Hope to see you again soon, butterfly." He then left.

I felt my foot tapping rapidly against the floor. I took a deep breath and went to Sano-Kun's room since he told me to go there. He looks at me and I felt a shiver down my spine. Be brave. Be strong. "Come here." He orders. I nod and walk towards him. As I got closer to him, my stomach turned. I stop in front of him. I flinch a bit as he grabs my hand. He pulled me inches from his face and I let out a small yelp as he did so. "Sing to me again." He says in a hushed voice. H-Huh?

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