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Rindo rubs his head as he took in the information Sanzu gave all of them. He walks into the living room and saw (Y/n) sleeping on a chair. Her book was placed on her lap as she slept. He sighs at her and carefully picks her up. He carries her up to her room and places her down on her bed. He looks down at her and places his hand against her face. He didn't understand at first how his older brother became obsessed with her, but the more he spent time with her, the more he began to see how his brother fell in love with her. He gently places his lips on hers. He wanted more as he felt her soft lips on his, but composed himself and got off. He looks down at her necklace and tries to remember where he had seen it.  Abruptly, she moved to her side. Rindo sighs and puts a cover over her. "Such a mystery."


- (Y/n) POV -

It was dark out now, and I was waiting for the others to come home. I was humming a small tune until the front door busted open. "You f*cked up this time, druggie!" I heard Ran shout. I rush to the front to see a few of them injured. "What happened?!" I ask in fear. "Druggie here got a little too high and we almost got killed because of him!" Ran shouts, clearly mad at Sanzu. "Shut the f*ck up, Ranabella!" Sanzu shouts back at him. I took notice of how close they were about to kill one another. "Enough!" I shout. They all look at me in shock since I never raised my voice. I have been here long enough to know that these two have some grudges against each other. I grab Sanzu by the arm and carried him to one of the chairs. "Ran, go get me the first aid kit!" I ordered. He went and followed my words. I began to take off Sanzu's shirt to see where he was injured. His adrenalin began to wear off and he began to grunt in pain. He got shot twice, but none near vital organs. Ran came back and I started to work on Sanzu. The others went to go change since they weren't injured like Sanzu. 

"This going to hurt for a little bit," I said. I dug the tweezers in his bullet wound, and he shouts a bit. "F*ckin' liar!" he shouts. I held him down as he tried to get off the seat. I was able to take the last one out, and patch it up. I gave him some water for him to drink and calm down. "Just rest for the night. Here, I'll help you to your room." I help him up and carefully helped him to his room. "How come you're so experienced with these kinds of wounds?" He asks. "I had to help members that worked for my father that got injured." I reply. I place him down on his bed. "Do you need anything before I leave?" I ask him. 

- Sanzu POV -

I look at her as she waited patiently for me to reply. Something is wrong with me. I grab her hand and place it against my chest. This feeling. . ."S-Sanzu?" she stutters. I bring her closer to me and grab her chin a little. I want her closer every time she's near me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She looks at me confused before I place my lips against hers. I want more. . .I put her on my lap and deepen the kiss. More. She gasps as I bite her lip. How can I be so blind? I shove my tongue in her mouth and she dug her nails into my skin. Such innocence. . .beauty. . .warmth. I felt the air slowly getting harder to breathe as we continued to make out. I began to unzip her dress, but that's when she pulled away. She shakes her head while trying to catch her breath. "I-I can't. . ." I look at her as she quickly went to the door. "(Y/n), wait-!" I curse at myself for driving her away. Why can't I just have her close this one time?! I ran out of my room to follow her, but I saw that she bumped into Ran. He looks at me with a dirty look. "Didn't Mikey say that you can't do things to her without consent?!" He shouts at me. "Ran-" I cut (Y/n) off. "I didn't do anything to her!" I retort. "Yeah, and she just has her dress unzipped!" I glare at him. "Don't accuse me of trying to be a pervert! You can't go one day without j**king off when thinking about her!" I shout at him. He glares at me and went to punch me. "Since when did you have feelings for her?! You never liked her ever since we met her!" I punch him across the face. "F*ck you! I can change my feeling for her! You're just jealous cause you never got to do anything with her!" He punches me across the face and I fell back. "Say that again, you drug addict!" I spite blood to the side. "She doesn't care for you, Ranabella," I said as I got back up. "I should've killed you a long time ago!" He says. "Likewise!" I reply. Before we can go near each other, Akashi and Mochizuki separated us. "That's enough!" We both hear Mikey shout. I quickly shut my mouth. 

"I should kill both of you for waking me up from my sleep!" I noticed how angry Mikey is and I've never seen him this pissed off. "But even more for scarring (Y/n)!" We both turn our heads to see (Y/n) crying and holding onto Kakucho. He was trying his best to comfort her. I felt jealous at the scene, but Mikey's voice came back. "She may have started by being a servant here, but she's our guest now! That means her well-being is also my concern! If you two fight again in front of her or even at all! I shoot you both dead!" He points his gun at us. "Am I clear?" we both nod our head 'yes'. "Yes boss." we both said in sync. Akashi and Mochi let us go and we both went to our rooms. I gave one last look at (Y/n) before Kakucho took her away. I shut my door and felt my legs shake. 

"Good morning, Sanzu!" she smiles at me. 

Her sweet smile.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

Her gentle care.

"Why do you keep running back to Sanzu after he treats you like garbage?" Akashi asks her. "Sanzu is just misunderstood. He doesn't know how to cope with his feelings when it comes to the feeling of love and comfort. But I'll keep trying even if he does get comfortable with me." 

She made me feel special.

"GOD F*CKING DAMMIT!" I yell out. I began to make a mess in my room as I was angry at myself for pushing her away more. I stopped when I started to bleed through my wounds. "Sh*t. . ." I fixed it up and then fell on my bed. "I'm f*cked up," I mutter. 

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