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- Rindo POV-

"Rindo?" I heard her. "Come in," I reply. She walks in and blushes as looks at me. "May I ask what happened to your pants?" She asks. "I was hoping that you can help me find a pair," I reply. "You and your brother." She sighs. She looks into my closet to see what I had. "You both have a weird way of asking a way to gain attention from me." She says. "Oh, so you caught him in his little lie?" I ask. "It wasn't hard." She giggles. "This is embarrassing. I was hoping you wouldn't catch it." I said. She moves closer to me. "Were are you going to find some way to flirt with me? To get this a little. . ." My eyes widen as she pushes me against the wall and puts her leg near my region. "Heated?" I felt her hot breath against my ear. I grunted a little as she moves her leg further in. "I-I thought you get embarrassed by this." I stutter. "That was before I noticed something about all of you." I bite the inside of my cheek as she grinds my region. "W-What's t-that?" A small moan slips out from my words. She giggles and moves away. "You're all putty in my hands." An angel with horns. She then places a pair of pants in my arms. "I think these should look good on you tonight." She smiles. "I have to go help Koko now. You might want to fix your friend down there." She says before leaving. "You created this problem, my devil," I smirk.

- Koko POV -

"Koko!" (Y/n) beams as she walks in. I smile at her. I can't help myself but smile when she looks so happy. "What do you need help with?" She asks. "I was hoping you can help me choose which outfit I should take. I want to match you in a way." I said. "Awe, that's so sweet." She hums and walks closer to me. "Let's see what we have here," she says as she looks at the suggestions that I picked out. She began to talk but I got distracted by her looks. The feeling of love warmed my heart as I looked at her eyes, her moving lips, and her smile. She holds so much beauty, yet. . .there has been something racking my head. I had the same girl appear in my dreams again. The one when (Y/n) first started to live with us as our maid. It's strange. . .she somehow-" Koko? Are you alright?" She asks me. Snapping out of my daze, I look at her. "Apologies, I got distracted by your beauty." I cringe at myself. I sound like Ran. I mentally slapped my head. I then heard her giggle which made me more embarrassed. I then felt her put her body close to mine and places her hand against my cheek. "Is Ran giving lessons out on how to flirt?" I laugh at her words. "That did sound like Ran, but. . ." I pull her closer and push some of her hair out of her face. "You are beautiful. Not to be weird, but I can't seem to stop looking at you. To see you laugh, to see you smile, to see just you." I confess to her. I place my lips on hers. She didn't break away from it. Her lips are softer than I thought they would be. To my surprise, she pushes me down on my bed and deepens the kiss a bit. I thought about undressing her, but she gets off of me. "Apologies, I've been acting up lately. This is shameful of me," she says with an embarrassed look. I sat up and pull her on my lap. "Don't apologize. Don't be shameful. It's okay." I told her. She smiles at me and I smile back. Her eyes shifted and reaches for something. "I think I found the one." she held up an outfit for me to wear. I chuckle and let her go help Kakucho. However. . .the thought of the small girl resembling (Y/n) doesn't leave my mind. Where have I seen you before?

Oof! This seems bad, but it is what it is. Have a good. . .whatever day it is.

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