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"Eddie, snap out of your head yours and help!" Jun shouts at the male. Eddie didn't like the attitude he was getting but followed through since he knew that he would be caught dead if he argued back. Hiroki smiles as he fired his gun away. "(Y/n)-chan, you haven't changed a bit~!" He laughs as he blushes madly. Jun pulled his brother back into the truck as the truck in front of them crashed against them.

The three men look in front of them that (Y/n) was on her motorcycle. "Come at me, Jun!" She shouts. She turns to the left while her truck turns to the right. "Get the others! We'll get her!" Jun shouts on the radio. "Yes, sir!" His soldiers reply. (Y/n) looked back as they tried to shoot her down. She fired back at the soldiers that fired at her.

"She's always so talented. That's why I hate her so much." Eddie mutters. Eddie took out his gun and began to fire at her. All his anger was targeted at her, but he kept missing. He growls as he kept missing her. "Stay still!" he shouts. (Y/n) saw an alleyway and turned the corner. Jun made the driver follow her, but got stuck as the walls got more narrow. Eddie and Hiroki kicked the front windscreen down and they all jumped down. 

- Mikey POV -

"Sh*t!" Hanma hissed as we sat him down. Sanzu, Ran, and Rindo already took down the guys that were chasing us. However, we didn't know where (Y/n) was at. "How do you think (Y/n) is doing?" I ask. "She'll be fine. No matter how many people she's up against she won't go down. She also goes a bit wild when she knows that person should die. Especially those three." Hanma says. "We should still look for her. Just to make sure she's safe." I retort. "I agree with Mikey," Sanzu says. Kakucho, Koko, Ran, and Rindo agree as well. "Finally falling in love with her?" he playfully smirks. "We'll take him somewhere to get fixed. We'll send you the location when you contact us." Akashi says. We nodded and found a car to break into. 

- NO POV -

(Y/n) lured her enemies where she lost two important people in her life. Jun sent his soldiers to kick down the door. They spread out with their guns. "(Y/n)~. Please come out darling. I don't want you to make things any harder on me." Jun says as tried to calm down his anger. "It was always about you." (Y/n)'s voice echoed in the building. One soldier saw a shadow figure and started firing at her. "You idiot! I need her alive!" Jun shouts at him. Though the soldier in front of him was shot in the head. "I'm not blind, Jun. I knew long before you went crazy that you were in love with me." Another soldier went down. "However, you couldn't take the hint that I wasn't into you." Another went down. "My mother wasn't the one who wanted us not to get married. I told her myself because I knew you were psycho. I knew you were unstable because of how you were raised by your mother." With one bullet, the remaining soldiers were shot through the head. "I always thought it was my fault for not saving her that day, but now that weight on my shoulders grew heavier. I lead her to her death for something that was my punishment." She dropped her sniper rifle due to her running out of ammo. 

"Along with your father, Eddie. You're terrible at hiding your feelings of hate. It basically radiated off of you. All those years of training, I tried throwing them off for you. Let your father see the proud son you are, but you let anger control you. Even if I just stood still, you still lost the match." Eddie grit his teeth as he looked around to find her. "You were always his child in his eyes! I was nothing to him! He never saw me as his son!" he shouted. "That's a lie. He always loved and cared for you. He always talked about how much he wanted to spend more time with you. How he wanted to watch you grow. It didn't matter if you were strong or weak, he still saw you as his son. You created yourself a delusion that he didn't care for you. That you were nothing." "SHUT UP!" Eddie shouted. "He worried about you. He told me that every night during dinner you were always quiet. You didn't respond to him when he talked. Not batting an eye to him. That you ignored him." "THAT'S A LIE! HE IGNORED ME WHEN I TALKED TO HIM! THE ONLY TIME HE TALKED WAS WHEN IT WAS ABOUT YOU! HE NEVER LOOKED AT ME THE WAY HE DID TO YOU!" 

Eddie's gun shook as he was filled with rage and sadness. (Y/n) made herself known to him and stood still. "Poor little Eddie. Driven by so much hate that you only saw and heard what you wanted. Lost in that head of yours. If you want me dead, then I'm right here." She head her arms out and tossed her duel guns towards him. "Shoot me, Eddie. Will killing me satisfy your father's approval? Or for your hatred towards me?" Eddie looked at her. His finger was on the trigger. 

A gunshot was heard in the building.

Cliffhanger! Apologies, but I might be busy this week. Exams are coming up and I have so much work to do for reviews and all that. I hate when teachers give you the most work at the end of the year and make you finish them in a short amount of time. Anyway, have a good. . .whatever day it is. . .bye-bye!

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