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"You know what? I change my mind." Jun says. "I'll start killing everyone in this room until you give me an answer." He snapped his fingers as he made his men point their guns at a large group of people. "JUN! STOP!" I cried. Though, he gave the order and guns went blazing. "A second too late. Can you do it just on time for the next group?" he taunts. I shouted at him again, but he continued to kill people. He kept doing it until every family that made deals with my family died. "FOR F*CKS SAKE! HOW MANY PEOPLE DO I HAVE TO KILL FOR YOU TO JUST SAY YES?! DO YOU WANT EVERYONE'S BLOOD TO BE IN YOUR HANDS?!" he yells at me. "YOU'RE A SICK F*CK, JUN! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT SHE WOULD NEVER BE IN LOVE WITH YOU?!" Tiana yells. I froze as a gunshot was heard and her body went limp. "I've always hated you the most." Jun spat. I turn my head at Tiana's body. 

"M-Mom?" I look down at her body. Blood spilled from her body. I collapsed to my knees and felt frozen still. I couldn't speak. I couldn't hear. I couldn't move. All I could do was just stay paralyzed. 

"I remember that look." I felt Jun grab my chin. "Are you going to shut down again? Crumble in you're darkness and despair? Just like when your poor mommy dropped dead?" I felt numb. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to kill, but I promised on that day that I would never do it again. "Though, that was the only way to make you be mine. She was the one that got in the way between us. It took a lot of time to plan a way to finally get rid of her. I had to sacrifice Eddie's father in the process. Do you remember that old man? Ren-San is what you called him. Two birds with one stone." Jun gave an insane smile.  "I had you for the longest time! I married you and gave you love! I gave you everything you wanted! Yet, you pulled away! You snapped out of that trance and left me! EVEN AFTER I SENT BONTEN TO KILL YOUR FATHER! YOU STILL DIDN'T COME BACK TO ME! BUT THAT BACKFIRED! YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH THESE PIECES OF SH*TS! I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYONE YOU EVER LOVED AND MAKE YOU ONLY LOVE ME! YOU HAVE TO LOVE ME! YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME YOUR ONE AND ONLY!" Before he can call and order, shots were fired at Eddie and their soldiers. "YOU PSYCHO! LADY (Y/N) WILL NEVER BELONG TO YOU! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Issac yells. Issac's men took Bonten and Hanma away to the back. I felt some of his men release us from the restraints. Hiroki pulled Jun away from the flying bullets coming their way. "This way!" The soldier shouts as he drags me, Nina, and Lara. 

We went down below and regrouped with Bonten, Hanma, and Issac. "Ma'am, please get in the truck." I shook my head and backed away. "I did this to all of us. I killed everyone in that room. It's my fault. If I just agreed, then everyone would still be alive." I cried. "I'm sorry. . .I'm sorry. . .I'm sorry." I kept repeating. I then felt a harsh slap across my face. "No! Don't say you're sorry! He would've killed everyone even if you agreed! Even if you said yes, I wouldn't allow it! I don't want you to go throw that pain again! Tiana gave her life because she wouldn't allow you to agree! None of this is your fault!" Issac shouts at me. "He's right. None of this is your fault. We've got your back, and we won't let anything bad happen to you. With that being said. . ." Nina then pushes me in the tuck. "We'll slow them down for you. Do us all a favor and release the Crimson Butterfly." Lara hums. "W-Wait-" the door shut and Issac shouted at Hanma to drive. I went to the back of the truck and look out the window. "Thank you. . ." I whisper. 

- Rindo POV -

"Ren. . .I remember that name." Ran spoke. "He was the guy she was with on that day," I said. "So you guys finally remember her?" Hanma asks. Mikey, Akashi, Ran and I nodded our heads. "Wait, you all knew her before we took her?" Koko asks. "(Y/n) knew all of you before you even started to create gangs. She changed her appearance after her mother died. She had (h/c) hair back then." Hanma informs. This clicked in Sanzu's, Koko's, and Kakucho's heads. "You all hurt her once in the past. The soft caring girl that always wanted to help even if it wasn't her business to do so. To make others feel better about themselves and be happy. That's how (Y/n) always is." Hanma said. "But she fell in love with six of you, even though you hurt her deeply in her heart," Hanma adds. It was silent until (Y/n) finally came out from the back of the truck. She was dressed up in her Crimson Soldier uniform and had a sniper rifle in her hands. 

"Welcome back, Crimson Butterfly." Hanma smiles. "I can't lie, it's great to be back." (Y/n) replied. She then caught someone outside from the corner of her eye. Quickly drawing out her lightning hawk and moving Mikey out of the way, she shot the person with one shot. "Quickly grab a weapon and prepare to shoot. I'm going up." She said before opening the hatch up on the truck. She set her eyes on the truck behind them. "You made the mistake of letting me go back on my bad habits." She shot the driver in the head. 

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