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I look at the boy with blonde hair. Sano Manjiro. He was in the same class as me in elementary. We never talked to one another, but I couldn't help but look at him from time to time. Today he was sad and I knew why. Slowly walking towards him, I gathered up my words to speak to him. I stopped in front of him and he looked up at me. "What?" He asks. "I'm sorry for your loss. I would be sad too if I lost a big brother. But everything will be okay because you have a lot of people who still love and care for you." I said to him. He looks at me for a moment before looking away. "You don't even know me, so why do you care?" He stands up. He harshly bumps into my shoulder as he walks away from me. I look down as held my stuff bunny closer to me. "Did I say something wrong?" I ask no one. Sano Manjiro. . .a boy that was in the same class as me in elementary and the boy who I had a crush on.

I gasp and open my eyes. I cough up the water that entered my lungs and felt myself get thrown on the floor. After an hour that they caught me, I woke up and found myself being drowned by water. They tried forcing me to give them the code, but I refused. It was obvious they didn't care if I was a woman as they tortured me. I tried to crawl away without the use of my hands, but Sanzu kicked me and flipped me around. His gun pointed at my head. "The boss gave you a chance to let you go if you just gave us the code! But no, you want to be a stubborn little b*tch and keep your mouth shut!" I turn my head away as he spat out his harsh words. I felt his hand trail down to my jeans. "How about I just f*ck it out of you? Wouldn't that be a fun way to torture you?" My heart began to race as he was pulling my pants down. I squirmed as I tried to get away. "Don't touch me, you pervert!" I dislocated my wrist and got it free from the handcuffs. I punched his face and he fell back. I grab his gun and fell back. I pointed the gun at him as he stood back up. "I'll shoot!" I warned him as he tried to come towards me. "You don't have the guts to do it." He mocks me. I fired at his thigh and he yelped in pain. A laugh was then emitted in the room. The short purple hair male clutched his stomach as he walked in. "Hahaha! She proved you wrong!" He laughed out. "Shut up, Ran!" Sanzu shouts at him in anger. "Give me your gun so I can shoot this b*tch!" Sanzu shouts. "Boss wants her alive. Unless you want to get killed by him then I suggest you let her live."

I saw another male that had a purple mullet coming up to me. I lower the gun since their boss wants me alive. "Cooperative now?" He asks. He picks me up bridal style and I point the gun against his jaw. "I still have a gun." He only chuckles at my response and carries me out of the room. I figured I was stuck in a mansion. It looks beautiful on the inside I give it that. Though the people living in it are heartless and cruel. The male knocks on the door as we made it to our destination. The door opens and he walks in. "She shot Sanzu after she got a hold of his gun." He informs and puts me down. He held onto my arm to support me but also prevent me from using the gun. I look at the white hair male with both fear and anger. "This wouldn't have happened if you just complied." He glares at me. "You think I would trust you to let me live? You killed my father!" I shout. "He was the only person I had left and you took him from me. Do you even know what it's like to lose someone close to you?" I ask as I look down tears rolled down my cheeks. A gunshot was heard and I knew he shot my leg. Though I didn't cry out in pain.

"You have a special gift. Making you different from the rest. Be happy about it, alright, my little angel."

"Why aren't you crying out in pain? In agony?" The white hair male asks. "I can't feel pain." I simply reply. I look at him tiredly. "Sorry to disappoint you." I was tired from blood loss, the car crash, the continuation of my head being dunked in water. I sigh heavily and rub my head. "Let's get something straight here, if you want the fortune that my father gave me then I'll give it to you," I said. They looked surprised by my words. "However, you all made me mad and one of you tried to r*pe me, so good luck getting the code out of me. Torture me all you want, but I ain't breaking. Kill me and you have nothing. If you're so desperate on getting what I now have, you better think of a better way to get what you want." I said before passing out.

- NO POV -

"What are we going to do now, boss?" Ran asks. Mikey stayed silent for a moment as he thought about (Y/n). When he first looked at her, she seemed weak to him. Nothing but a frail woman. Though, that all changed when she fought back. No matter how beaten she was, she got back up. It reminded him of a certain someone in his past life. She intrigued him by the words she said before passing out. "We keep her here. Since torturing her isn't an option nor killing her. We'll have to make her warm up to us." Mikey says. Sanzu gave a pissed-off look when Mikey said no torturing or killing (Y/n). "And don't do things without her consent." Mikey glares at Sanzu. He flinched under Mikey's gaze and looks down. "Sorry, Mikey." He apologizes. Sighing, he gets up and ends the meeting. He starts walking to (Y/n)'s new room. In the back of his mind, he felt like he was forgetting something.

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