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- (Y/n) POV -

I felt something warm next to me as I started to wake up. I opened my eyes groggily as I didn't want to wake up. I look around and quickly noticed that this wasn't my room. This is Sano-Kun room! I tried to get up, but two arms hugged my body tightly. I look back to see Sano-Kun still sleeping or so I thought. For someone who has skinny arms, he sure can have a grip. "It's too early to get up." Sano-Kun groans a bit. "I need to make breakfast for the others," I said. I felt him pull me back and he hovers over me. I froze as he put me in this position. I look at his eyes that looked into mine. "Are you. . ." He clears his throat a bit. He averted his eyes away from mine. "Are you okay?" He asks muttering a bit. I tilted my head at him, seeing how he was being shy.

He got up and sat away from me. "Never mind. Forget I said anything." He said as he went to take off his shirt. "W-Wait-" I quickly sat up and went to him. I grab his arm and look at him. He looks at me and I gave him a warm smile. "I'm happy," I said. He tears his gaze away from me. "Go cook breakfast. I'll meet all of you downstairs." He says. I was perplexed for a moment but followed his words.


As I was cooking, Kakucho asked how I knew Hanma. "Simple really, we became childhood best friends. I was sitting by myself by a tree while reading a book." I said. "Nerd." Sanzu scoffs. Rindo smacks his arm a bit. "Shuji ran over to me and asked what I was doing. He called me a nerd for reading and I replied with a thank you. He stood there confused and shocked by my reply. So, he sat next to me and began to try to annoy me. Which didn't work and so we soon became best friends." I sigh dreamily as I thought about that memory again.

- NO POV -

The others took notice of the dreamy smile (Y/n) had. Kakucho, Kokonoi, Sanzu, Mikey, and the Haitani brothers knew what Hanma was like. He was a flirt and looked like a playboy. They didn't want to be seen as if they cared, but they wondered if she had a thing for him. Sanzu was back and forth on how he thought of (Y/n). Yes, he doesn't like her, but slowly without him knowing, she was growing on him. "What about any of you? Did any of you have any childhood friends?" She asks. This sent a trigger on Mikey, Kakucho, Akashi, and Koko since they lost their close childhood friends. (Y/n) noticed the silence and turned her gaze at them. She gasps as she saw how sad and quiet they are. "I apologize for bringing something sensitive towards you all. I never meant to bring painful memories." She did feel guilty about it. She hugs Mikey from behind since he was the first person closest to her. Mikey froze as she willingly hugged him. Her warmth radiated off her body and it gave him comfort. He felt a little disappointed when she moved to Akashi. Akashi chuckles and pats (Y/n)'s head as she hugs him. He tells her that it was alright. 

When it came to Koko after Akashi, Koko also froze at the comfort she gave him. He smiles a bit as she hugged him with such care. He wanted it to last longer, but unfortunately, it didn't last long. Kakucho wasn't sure how to take in her comfort. It has been a while since he felt care and comfort. Izana gave it to him in an odd way, so this was new to him. His skin tingled as she grazed her fingers against his face. He took in the scent of roses that came off her. It smelled familiar to him, but before he could think any further, (Y/n) got off him and rushed back to the pan that was still on the stove. "Breakfast is ready." she smiles. Five of the seven men stared at her smiling face and imprinted it into their minds. They couldn't help but feel warm inside as she smiled. 


- Mikey POV -

"What is it that you wanted to show us, Sanzu?" Kakucho asks. I look at Sanzu as he walks towards me with a bag. "At her place, I found something about her past." I raise a brow as he took out an outfit. He also took out his phone and showed me a picture of a symbol that was on the outfit. "I heard stories about this group back then, they were called the Crimson Soldiers. A yakuza assassin group that was created by 'The Sensitive Wolf'; known as (F/n) Higa." I look up at him as he said that name. "But, I dug more and turns out that he wasn't the one that created the group. (M/n) Higa, known as 'The Deadly Butterfly' was the leader." Sanzu informs. I look at the outfit to see it was smaller than any normal adult woman's size. "A few years later she retired, and guess who took her place?" Sanzu places down a photo of a 13-year-old girl wearing a mask and the outfit placed in front of us. "(Y/n)." I breathe out. "When she took control, the group grew from just a few members into an army. That army grew more and soon there are individual armies in different countries around the world. Her being on top of it all." We were all shocked by this. "So not only is she rich and has a fortune on her but more than an army of dangerous assassins under her command?" Ran asks in disbelief. "The group disbanded after her mother's death- which is still unknown- and so they all shrunk in size. However. . ." Sanzu rubs his neck a bit. "Our heads are being targeted." "What do you mean by that?" Kokonoi asks. "She's a big deal to the Crimson Soldiers and now that she's classified dead in the media. It won't be long until they come for us." We all stayed silent for a moment. I knew all of them were looking at me to see what our next move will be.

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