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"Well don't you look lovely?" Hanma says as he enters the room (Y/n) was getting prepped. "Guilty as charged." She giggles. They were already at the party, and Eddie thought it would be a good idea if she changed there so everyone can see her come down. "Shall we?" Hanma smiles as he held out his hand to her. "We shall." She smiles back. On her shoulders, she had two tattoos. 'Pure and Love' The two were opposites. He was the Reaper and she was the Angel. Though, some say she's an angel with horns.

Bonten and all the other guests look up at the stairs to see the two walking down with each other. Everyone was in awe as they looked at (Y/n). "Stealing the show already." Hanma chuckles. She chuckles with him. The two stopped in the middle of the room. "Remember when we were children when we used to practice our dance?" She asks. "I'm sure my toes do." Hanma jokes making (Y/n) laugh. Couples joined in the middle and danced in sync.

Once the introduction dance was over, (Y/n) was taken away by her friends as they joked and played around in the room. Bonten felt out of place at the party. Most of the other guests gave them dirty looks or ignored them. Hanma was there to join them since he also felt out of place. The group talked, but not much was said. "Having fun, gentlemen?" An older man that looked to be around his sixties, asks as he stood in front of their table. "It's a fabulous party. I would think youngsters like you would be out dancing with the ladies," he says. "They would but mostly everyone here doesn't like them," Hanma replies. "Almost all of them are Lady (Y/n)'s date," Hanma adds. "She is a keeper. Just like Lara." The man smiles. "Your daughter is very beautiful." Kakucho compliments. The old man frowns. "That's my wife." He then leaves the group's table. Hanma then laughs a bit. "What happened? You guys not good with social interaction?" Hanma teases. "You're one to talk." Sanzu retorts. "I'll help you guys out a bit and lessen your chance of embarrassing yourselves." 

"The man you just pissed off is married to the fourth commander; Lara Fukui. Her family originated from China and was born into the wealthiest family in China. As you can probably already tell, she mostly does negotiations when it comes to money. If you take a deal from her, she already has your money stripped from you. It's like making a deal with the devil. She's also very persuasive, that's why she's so good." Hanma informs. "The third commander is Nina Hara. She's half Russian and half Japanese. Born into war since she was raised with seven brothers. Her family ship illegal weapons around the world, but any client that slips upon payment. They can kiss their life goodbye once they send one of their children. Crazy is an understatement for her. She's psycho. She loves to play around with knives, so watch out for her if you piss her off. She's mostly a mercenary just for the money, but also for the fun of killing." Hanma moved on. "And lastly, the second in command; Tiana Stacy. She's American, but also comes from a big family. They sell illegal drugs around. She keeps a low profile so there's nothing much about her. But once all four women are together, they are called the Four Roses. Pretty like a rose, but they have thorns to cut you like paper." 

"What about those two? The Himura brothers. What do they do?" Ran asks. "They mostly get information about deals, weapons, etc. They're below the woman and are more like employees. Mostly the other family's sons are envious of how the woman rose to the top and are considered second best. They also don't have control over the Crimson Soldiers. Some are loyal to their commanders and some. . .some just don't agree of the break of tradition." Hanma finishes. Bonten looked around to see more males than women in the room. "(Y/n)'s family have been the peacemakers of this whole organization. Making sure that all families had a purpose and were happy. Like a family." "Peacemakers? That's one way to describe them." The group looked up to see Jun and Hiroki. Both seemed sober but reeked of alcohol. "Mine if we join this table?" Hiroki asks even though he already sat down without an answer. 

"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n). . .everyone just loves to talk about her. I mean who wouldn't? She's a keeper. She's got the brains, tactics, strength, looks. . .body." Jun smirks. Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Koko, Ran, and Rindo glared at him, however, Jun ignored them. "Has she ever let you sleep with her? Though why should I ask that to you guys? I highly doubt that she would want to sleep with the people who hurt her the most." Jun pushes. "And she slept with you?" Ran asks. "Why of course, she was once mine when we were younger. I was the only man that she ever needed in her life." Jun smirks. This only ticked them off more. "Oh, did I forget to mention that she's my ex-wife?" Jun chuckles. "What's going on over here?" (Y/n) asks as she walks up to the group. "Just informing your new boyfriends about the time we were happily married. Good old times right, my little angel w**re?" Jun growls in her ear as he pulled her closer to him. Bonten, including Hanma, stood up. "Take your filthy hands off of her." Mikey darkly orders. 

Before anyone could realize it, a group of men pulled out their guns and pointed them at Bonten and the rest of the guests. "I don't take orders from you! Not from anyone, because I will be the new leader of the Crimson Soldiers! I will have everything that the Higa family owns!" Jun then holds (Y/n) in a tight grip. "And I'll have my lovely wife back in my arms." (Y/n) moved her head away as Jun tried to kiss her. "I told you that I would never love you again. I will never be yours." She slipped her arm out and punched his face. Jun's expression turned to anger and slapped her across the face. "(Y/n)!" Koko shouts. "You son of a b*tch! Lay another-" Sanzu was cut off as the muzzle of the gun was near his head. "I told you that she was going to have a special surprise," Eddie says. "About time you showed up!" Jun shouts. "Wanted to make an entrance," Eddie replies. Eddie then picks up (Y/n) and ties her up. "I trusted you! I gave you the same trust as I gave your father!" (Y/n) shouts at him. "Not all blood is the same," Eddie said. 

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the special surprise of tonight's party! The extermination of the Higa bloodline! The death of the sweet lovely (Y/n)! Unless she agrees to marry me and give me everything she has. . .I may spare the lives in this room!" Jun announces. He grabs (Y/n)'s chin and harshly pulls her closer to him. "Your game, (Y/n)." he grins. 

Bad chapter? Hope you enjoyed it anyway. . .

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