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"Are you okay? You should be careful. You wouldn't want your friends or family to worry." I said to young boy. I lend my hand out to him. He looks at me before smacking my hand away. "I don't need your help! Get away from me, weirdo!" He shouts and runs away. I look at him as he ran away from me. I look down at my hand to see the red mark he left behind. "I was only trying to help."

I open my eyes as the dream ended or more less of a memory. I heard the door open and I sat up. It was Kakucho-Kun. "You're finally awake." He spoke. I look at the clock to see I woke up late. I scrambled off my bed and bowed. "I'm sorry! I apologize for waking up late! Punish me as you wish for my mistake!" I said. "There's no need for that. Mikey let you sleep in as a reward for yesterday's actions." He says. I stood up straight and look at him. "That's very nice of him. Did he send you to wake me up?" I ask him. "That and to give you this." He hands me folded clothes. I neatly unfold it and saw it was almost like the same dress I have been wearing the last few days, but prettier. I guess this is progress. I smile at Kakucho-Kun. "Tell him I said thank you." I walk behind the changing curtain, but I noticed he didn't leave. I put on the dress, but noticed the zipper was jammed. I tried to fix it, but it was no use. "K-Kakucho-Kun. . .can you help me?" I ask him nervously. I heard his footsteps walk closer to me. I didn't look at him as I felt embarrassed. "The zipper is stuck." I meekly spoke.

- Kakucho POV -

I was surprised to see her have a tattoo on her back. To think she was clean. No wonder she asked for something to cover up her body. Though the design is befitting for her.

Though not only did she have a tattoo, but also scars

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Though not only did she have a tattoo, but also scars. As if someone took a knife and sliced her skin a bit. The right wing was littered in and it damaged the tattoo. Unconsciously, I graze my finger on her scars which made her jump. "Please don't touch me like that." She spoke. I noticed her foot tapping rapidly against the floor. Like a rabbit. "Apologies." I said and fixed the zipper. I zipped it up for her. "Thank you." She said and walked out. I followed behind her and stared at her as she walked in front of me. Just who are you really?

- NO POV -

"Like killing a bug. Do you believe that she has the guts to kill?" Sanzu asks. "She did shoot you without any hesitation." Akaishi said with a light chuckle. Sanzu glares at him. "She did handle that throwing knife very well. She didn't flinch as it was inches from her face." Rindo says. "She was born into a Yakuza family. No doubt that she has the skills to defend herself." Mochizuki adds. "Along with killing." Kokonoi says. "However, her mother's death prevents her from doing so." Ran spoke. "It makes you wonder on who she was before that." Ran adds. They all went silent as Kakucho and (Y/n) walked in. Mikey's eyes went up as she walked in. Just how he imagined her to look, he felt comfort seeing her.

Mikey looks up at her as she sat next to him on his bed. Softly singing a lullaby as she continued to have her hand against his cheek. The words she told him on the first night pondered on him. Looking at her as he tried to figure out on where he saw her. Who she meant to him. But nothing came up to mind as he thought of a young girl with white hair. "You won't fall asleep if you keep looking at me." She said breaking his train of thought. Mikey stayed silent, but slowly closed his eyes. All he could hear was her soft voice singing to him. He found it comforting. Something to ease his pain that he held. To scare away his nightmares that kept returning to him. "Sleep well Sano-kun." Was the last he heard before he fell into deep sleep.

Kakucho sat down as she went around to give everyone a drink. Mikey was not the only one staring up at (Y/n). Ran kept his eye on her as she walked. It bothered him on how the Himura brothers had some sort of connection towards (Y/n). How Jun and (Y/n) looked at each other. The way he easily made you blush as he talked. Even the gaze he gave her was full of lust, but strangely along with hate. Hiroki was obviously obsessed with (Y/n). The way he blushed and said her name. To even have the audacity to tell her that he loves her. Seeing how she slightly blushed at his actions as well. He wondered why you didn't react to him like that. He obviously has the looks, so who wouldn't fall for him?

Sanzu began to give (Y/n) a hard time, but she didn't mind it. (Y/n) went to pick up Sanzu's plate, but moved her hand out of the way as he tried to stab her. She grabbed his wrist and he winced as she put pressure on it. He let go of the knife and she picked it up. "Haven't you done enough pain to people already?" She asks him. He went to glare at her, but stopped as he saw a look of sadness in her eyes. Snapping out of it, he clicked his tongue and got up. He then headed to his room. He looked down at his wrist as he still felt the stinging pain.

- Sanzu POV -

"The f*ck she do to it?" I curse as I still felt the stinging. I then heard the door knock. "If you're not Mikey then f*ck off!" I shout. They knocked again. I growl and went up to the door. I swung the door open to see her there. "Didn't you hear what I just said?!" I shout at her. "Let me see your wrist." She says. "You have three seconds before I ki-" she cut me off by grabbing my wrist that she injured. She twisted it and we both heard a pop come from it. It hurts yet it felt relieving. Though my hate for her took over my pain. I snatch my wrist back from her. "Stay away from me, you b*tch!" I shout at her. I slam the door on her face and began to walk away. I stopped as I heard her crying on the other side. "This feels familiar. . ." I heard her faintly say. She walks away from my door. What's her problem? I sat on my bed and took a pill.

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