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* Sad Chapter *

*Warning: You may cry*

~ 4 years later ~

"Mommy is going to get you!~" (Y/n) laughs as she chased her children around in the backyard. They giggled and laughed as they ran around. Everything seemed to be fine for a moment until it wasn't. (Y/n) stopped as she began to feel dizzy and her breathing began to get heavy. "Mommy?" Genkei asks as he took notice of his mother's state. All the children stopped and looked back. "G-Get. . ." Her heavy breathing made it hard to speak. She then fell to the ground. "Mommy?!" Her children ran to her to see what was wrong. "Izana, get Uncle Shuji and Issac!" Ichiro told his brother. He nodded and ran back to the house. "Uncle Shuji!" he cried out. "Uncle Issac!" he stopped as he found Shuji. "Hey, what's wrong?" Shuji asked worriedly seeing the boy in a panic state. "M-Mommy! S-She's breathing weirdly! She won't wake up!" He cried. Shuji's eyes widen and followed the boy outside. "(Y/n)?" Shuji called out to her. He put her head on his lap and pulled out his phone to call an ambulance. "S-Shuji?" (Y/n) asked half-dazed. "Everything is going to be okay. Help is coming. Stay awake, alright?" Shuji told her. She felt tears fall on her face. She wanted to grab his face, but she felt numb. Her whole body felt numb.


"Guillain-Barre. That's what the doctor said she has." Shuji said. He couldn't bear to look up as he wanted to hide his tears. Though, everyone could still see. 

Guillain-Barre: A very rare and serious condition that affects the nerves. It mainly affects the feet, hands, and limbs, causing problems such as numbness, weakness, and pain. It can be treated and most people will eventually make a full recovery, although it can occasionally be life-threatening and some people are left with long-term problems. In some cases, you may have difficulty moving, walking, breathing, and/or swallowing. 

Guillain-Barre is thought to be caused by a problem with the immune system. The immune system normally attacks any germs that get into the body, but people with Guillain-Barre can have something go wrong and it mistakenly attacks and damages the nerves. It's not clear why this happens, but the condition often happens after an infection, such as the flu, infection of the airways, infection of the digestive system, and food poisoning or stomach bug. 

"There are four treatments for her to recover from, correct?" Kakucho asks. "She'll be fine if she does them. They're supposed to work." Ran tried to keep calm, but he was all types of worried. He was scared that (Y/n) would be gone from their lives. His children's lives. "But she's gone more than a month without treatment, it could be fatal now," Koko said. "Stop! Stop talking! She's going to be okay!" Sanzu shouts as he covers his ears. He couldn't handle the situation. He never thought the love of his life would leave his life so early. When things could've been a happily ever after. Rindo tried to calm down Ran as he began to ramble. Mikey stayed quiet since for the first time in forever, he felt helpless. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to think. "Daddy, where's mommy?" Emma asks. "She's. . .She's at the hospital." Mikey replies. "Will she be okay?" Kanna asks as she entered the room. "She'll be okay. Mommy just needs to rest and we'll see what the doctors can do for her." Ran said as he held both his daughters close. "Let's get you, kids, to bed. It's already past your bedtime." Akashi told them. Mochizuki helped out to put the kids to bed. 


A few days passed and the doctors tried their best with the treatments for (Y/n). However, her illness had already taken effect. There wasn't much that they could do without the risk of killing her. (Y/n) lost feeling from her arm to her feet. Mikey, Koko, Kakucho, Sanzu, Ran, and Rindo felt helpless knowing that at any moment she could die. All they could do was be there for her, and their children, and pray that she would be there with them long enough to see their grandchildren. 

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